Ye Xiaofan looked at the old hen in surprise: "What's the matter?"

Phoenix Ji did not hide it, and told the situation in detail.

Hearing the end, Ye Xiaofan's face was as gloomy as water, and his expression was ugly and ugly.

For that Yin and Yang Wuji Dao, he was already unhappy in his heart.

He actually picked his peaches five times over and over again.

Is someone's peach so easy to pick?

As a result, I never expected that those two hateful guys were actually inner ghosts.

Just thinking about it, a nameless anger bubbled up in his heart.

Seeing Ye Xiaofan's ugly face, Huang Ji was secretly happy in her heart, knowing that the two goods were going to be unlucky.

In order to make the fire burn even stronger, it continued to say aggrievedly: "Master, those two guys are too much, the opportunities I got hard to get in the secret realm twice were robbed by them, and that is what I used to honor the master."

In the end, it squeezed out two tears in its eyes, looking very aggrieved and sad.

Ye Xiaofan stepped forward and touched the chicken's head and comforted: "Don't worry, I will decide for you in this matter."

Phoenix Ji nodded hurriedly: "Thank you master."

Ye Xiaofan walked to the yard, swept around, and found that the big black dog and Jin Wanjin were lying in the corner and faking sleep.

He beckoned to the two of them: "Da Hei, Akin, come here." "

The big black dog and Jin Wanjin Fox looked suspicious, thinking in the middle of the night, what is Ye Xiaofan looking for them for?

Centipede Zhixing in the corner smiled in his heart, knowing that a good show was about to play.

Although the two demons were puzzled, they still stepped forward honestly.

"Master, what's going on?"

Taking advantage of the defenselessness of the two demons, Ye Xiaofan threw out the binding demon rope prepared in advance.

The two golden ropes seemed to have spirituality, instantly binding the big black dog and Jin Wanjin.

The two demons were immediately stunned, and looked at Ye Xiaofan with puzzled faces.

"Master, what are you doing?" Jin Wanjin's face was full of doubts.

The big black dog had already guessed something and wanted to break free of the demon rope, but to no avail.

This thing was obtained by Ye Xiaofan in the Emei Secret Realm, and it was used by the Shushan Sword Sect to deal with powerful demon beasts, far from being something that the Yuan Infant Realm could break free.

The other demon emperors also looked over, and they didn't understand what Ye Xiaofan was doing?

Seeing Jin Wanjin's puzzled expression, Ye Xiaofan suddenly became even more angry, and he couldn't wait to go up and give Jin Wanjin a few big mouths.

But he finally endured it, with his strength, if he really did that, the other party was afraid that the life of the frog would not be saved.

"You guys are so good, you dare to pretend to be someone else to pick my peaches."

Upon hearing this, Jin Wanjin's head slammed, and his eyes widened.

I never expected that this matter was actually known by Ye Xiaofan.

It looked at the big black dog in amazement, and the latter said angrily: "Look at what I do?" Do you think I would say this kind of thing? Bai

Susu and the other three demon emperors listened to the clouds, and some did not understand what was going on.

Xiong boldly and curiously: "Master, what are you talking about?" Why can't the old bear understand?

Phoenix Ji duly stood up and explained: "Let me tell you that the Yin and Yang Immortal Thief who appeared twice in the secret realm was pretended by these two guys.


Bai Susu's eyes widened suddenly, and his face was full of disbelief.

The opportunity he got last time was actually robbed by his own demon.

It doesn't dare to think about this kind of thing.

The corners of Yuhualong's mouth twitched, and his heart said that these two goods were really bold, and they really dared to do anything.

The bear boldly opened his mouth wide, and his face was full of disbelief.

In its opinion, this is simply outrageous.

It's really outrageous to open the door to outrageous, outrageous to home.

Qin Feng's eyes widened as well, unable to believe that his master had actually done such a thing.

The monks in his body couldn't help but sigh: "Little benefactor, you master is really..."

Although the words were not finished, the meaning was obvious.

Even he, a Buddhist monk, couldn't stand it.

In order not to be suspected, Centipede Zhixing also pretended to be shocked.

"Boss, you guys... You guys actually..." It

looked incredulous, as if it couldn't believe it was real.

That exaggerated expression, stunned tone, no one can see that it is pretending.

This acting skill, not going to win the Oscar is simply a waste.

As for Calvary Heavenly Master, he had already entered the house to play with his mobile phone, and he was not interested in things outside at all.

Although Xiong Xinzhu and Ye Xiaoman heard the movement outside, they were too lazy to check because they were already lying down.

At this point, Jin Wanjin and the big black dog could only hammer their heads and face full of frustration.

Know that fate is unpredictable next.

Jin Wanjin begged for mercy: "Master, I was wrong, I am willing to hand over everything, I only ask you to take it lightly."

Ye Xiaofan was expressionless and did not speak.

The big black dog did not ask for mercy, because it knew Ye Xiaofan well enough to know that begging for mercy was useless.

It just looked at the old hen and asked unwillingly: "Ben Huang is very curious, how did you find out?" "

The big black dog is very sure that he did not show his horse's feet, why was he discovered by the other party?

Jin Wanjin also looked puzzled.

Huang Ji sneered: "I doubted you last time, because that Yin Yang Infinite Dao is too mysterious and I have never heard of it."

"This time, in order to test whether it is you or not, I left a mark on some inconspicuous spirit treasures in advance, if you don't come to rob me, I won't find you, but you just came, I can only say that God opened my eyes."

The two demons were shocked and angry when they heard this, and the big black dog scolded angrily: "Old chicken mother, you are actually so scheming, why didn't this emperor see it before?"

Jin Wanjin was also shocked, and did not dare to look at the old hen confidently, as if he knew the former for the first time.

In its impression, the old hen has an arrogant personality and rarely puts other demons in her eyes.

I never expected that in addition to this arrogance, there was such a deep scheming hidden.

The old hen sneered, it naturally wouldn't say that all this was thought up by Centipede Zhixing.

Centipede Zhixing silently watched all this from a distance, his face was spoiled, and he looked like a master who had gone to caress, hiding his skill and fame.

Ye Xiaofan said with a cold face: "Don't talk so much, quickly hand over the things."

Jin Wanjin did not dare to hesitate at all, and quickly handed over the stolen goods he had snatched twice.

The big black dog was a little reluctant, but in the end, under Ye Xiaofan's coercion, he still honestly handed it over.

Looking at the large pile of storage rings in front of him, Ye Xiaofan's face became even more ugly.

These two old sixth, but really did not rob less.

He asked in a deep voice, "Is there anything else?" The

two demons hurriedly shook their heads, indicating that there was no more.

Ye Xiaofan was a little suspicious: "Really?

The two demons nodded hurriedly: "Really, really, really."

Where would Ye Xiaofan believe it, he said in a deep voice: "You'd better not lie to me, otherwise let me know and make you look good."

He grinned with a terrifying grin.

Jin Wanjin's body trembled, and he spit out two more storage rings.

"Master, this is really the last."

It had a fleshy pain in its voice, as if it had lost something extremely important.

Ye Xiaofan looked at the big black dog again and sneered, "You shouldn't want me to break your stomach and check it yourself, right?" The

big black dog could only reluctantly spit out two storage rings, and the dog's face was full of frustration, as if he had died a mother.

"This is the last, believe it or not."


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