Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "Is it? But why don't I believe it?

The big black dog scolded the mother: "The surname Ye, don't go too far, this emperor is also dignified, if you say no, there is nothing."

Ye Xiaofan grinned and showed a mouthful of snow-white teeth, and then took out a large number of healing treasures from the storage ring, and the demons were confused for a while.

Then the demons saw Ye Xiaofan take out a kitchen knife and walk over to the big black dog: "Come on, let me personally check, is it really gone?"

The big black dog trembled with fright and said angrily: "Damn, Ye boy, are you really here?"

Ye Xiaofan said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, the treasure medicine is on the side, and it will never let you have an accident." The

corners of the demons' mouths twitched, and only then did they know what Ye Xiaofan was using the treasure medicine for.

The eyes of several demon emperors showed schadenfreude, and the big black dog was not less arrogant on weekdays, and today it was finally cleaned up.

Seeing that Ye Xiaofan was really here, the big black dog suddenly changed his face and said bitterly: "Boy, after so many years of relationship between us, you actually used a knife on this emperor, which really disappointed this emperor."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with a smile: "What is this?" It's still far worse than what you did. The

big black dog heard a trace of gritted teeth from this sentence, knowing that the former was really angry, and saw the other party getting closer and closer.

In desperation, he had to spit out another storage ring, gritted his teeth and said: "Take it and take it, it's all for you." Seeing

this, Jin Wanjin on the side also spit out one.

"Master, I just hid one, but now it's really gone."

Ye Xiaofan put away the two storage rings expressionlessly, and then continued to walk towards the big black dog with a knife.

The latter immediately blackened his face: "Lying groove, what do you kid mean?"

Ye Xiaofan didn't speak, just walked towards the big black dog with his own care, and when he arrived at the front and back, the kitchen knife in his hand suddenly swung down.

The big black dog was so frightened that he immediately said loudly: "Leave the dog under the knife, I suddenly remember that there is another one." The

kitchen knife in Ye Xiaofan's hand stopped abruptly, and it was only a few centimeters away from the big black dog.

He put away the kitchen knife and touched the big black dog's head: "Yes, this is a good child." The

big black dog spit out another storage ring with a black face, and said with a pained face: "This is really the last."

Ye Xiaofan put away the storage ring and looked at Jin Wanjin on the side, his eyes staring directly at the other party's snow-white belly.

Jin Wanjin only felt creepy, and then silently spit out another storage ring from his mouth.

"Master, this time it's true... Not anymore. The

corners of the mouths of several demon emperors twitched, and their hearts really served these two old sixths.

Ye Xiaofan put away the kitchen knife and took out the dragon pattern black gold ding.

It quickly became larger, turned into several feet high, and then hung upside down, and looking in through the dingkou, you can see the infinite thunder inside, and a terrifying fluctuation pervaded from the dingkou.

Ye Xiaofan said lightly: "I'll give you another chance, as long as you are honest and take out all the hidden things on your body, you can only stay here for one day, if you are not honest, stay in it for three days."

Jin Wanjin and the big black dog looked into the mouth, and the demon body suddenly trembled, and a flash of fear flashed in their eyes.

The several demon emperors who watched the play were also shocked, but they didn't expect Ye Xiaofan's punishment to be so cruel this time.

Seeing that the two demons were silent, Ye Xiaofan said lightly: "Okay, you guys go inside and enjoy it." The

big black dog said dissatisfied: "What if we just take it out?" You don't believe us at all.

Jin Wanjin also had dissatisfaction in his eyes, but he did not dare to speak.

The corners of Ye Xiaofan's mouth turned up slightly, and his voice solemnly said: "No matter how much you take out this time, I believe you."

The two demons glanced at each other, and then each silently spit out two storage rings, almost in unison: "This is really the last, don't say robbed, even our own treasures have been squeezed dry." The

corners of the Demon Emperor's mouths twitched.

There really is!!

Ye Xiaofan stepped forward and picked up four storage rings, and said with a smile: "I also talk and count, you can stay in it for a day, if you can't stand it, hand over the remaining treasures, one storage ring can be reduced by half an hour, remember, empty can't do." The

two demons looked stunned, and without waiting for them to react, Dingkou suddenly burst into light, sucked them in, and then turned them upside down and floated quietly in the courtyard.

Then, a terrible howl came from Ding's mouth.

Although the voice was very slight, several demon emperors could still guess that the two old sixes were being subjected to extremely cruel torture at the moment.

Ye Xiaofan also ignored the screams of the two demons and began to check the storage rings that the two old six sects had.

He looked at the old hen on the side: "Which one is your storage ring, find it yourself."

Phoenix Ji immediately stepped forward, took away her storage ring, and said with a happy face: "Thank you master." "

Because it left a mark, it was easy to find.

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand, and then began to count the various treasures in the storage ring.

Several demon emperors in the small courtyard and Qin Feng's eyes were hot.

Ye Xiaofan beckoned to several demons: "Don't be stunned, come and help." Several

demons and Qin Feng quickly stepped forward to help.

After counting all the treasures, it was already past three o'clock in the evening.

There was still a terrible howl in Ding's mouth, but it became more and more slight.

If you don't listen carefully, you can hardly hear it.

It seems that the two old sixes have even lost the strength to scream?

Qin Feng was a little worried: "Senior, it's been almost 6 hours since then, Master Venerable they won't be fine, right?"

Ye Xiaofan shook his head: "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion." He

had some doubts in his heart, after so long, neither of the two guys begged for mercy.

Could it be that the things on the body have really been squeezed dry?

Thinking of the urine nature of the big black dog, he immediately shook his head again, feeling that this was not possible.

His consciousness connected to Dading, and he suddenly saw everything inside.

At this moment, the two old six were dying in the sea of thunder.

The big black dog's hair was scorched black, and the golden skin was also scorched, looking extremely miserable.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "How does it taste?"

The bodies of the two demons trembled, and Jin Wanjin immediately begged for mercy: "Master, I know that I am wrong, and I will never dare to do it again, so you will spare me." "

The surname Ye, the emperor pulled you up with a handful of, that's how you treat the emperor?" If this is to let the old master Izumi know, he will definitely personally accuse you of this unfilial son. The

big black dog scolded his mother for a while, and had no intention of begging for mercy.

Ye Xiaofan's face immediately darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Dead dog, it seems that the lesson given to you is not enough, you give me a good time to accept the punishment here."

After that, he put away the big ding and entered the villa.

Seeing that the light was still on in Calvary's room, he couldn't help but be a little curious, and stepped forward to open the door to check.

It turned out that the other party was lying on the bed and swiping his mobile phone comfortably.

The content in the mobile phone is a sexy dance of several black silk sisters.

Ye Xiaofan was a little surprised, the other party was actually okay with this mouthful?

I really didn't see it.

Sensing that someone was peeking at him, Calvary Heavenly Master turned his head and saw that it was Ye Xiaofan, and couldn't help but ask, "Is something wrong?"

"It's okay, you go ahead."

Ye Xiaofan silently closed the door, and then returned to his room.


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