After Ye Xiaofan returned to his room, he did not sleep, and began to count the treasures he had obtained, while waiting for the two demons to ask for mercy.

As a result, until the next day, neither demon begged for mercy.

"Is it so straight?"

Ye Xiaofan was a little surprised, and just as he was about to check it, Jinwanjin's voice sounded.

"Master, I am willing to hand over the treasures on my body, please help me out."

Ye Xiaofan's heart moved, and Jin Wanjin suddenly appeared in the room.

At this time, the other party's skin was full of flesh, and even the snow-white belly turned into a scorched black.

Blue smoke is constantly coming out of the mouth.

He looked like he was about to be electrocuted.

Ye Xiaofan said lightly: "How many more?" Hand it all over.

Jin Wanjin endured the severe pain and vomited out six storage rings, and said in a weak voice: "Master, this is really the last."

Ye Xiaofan bowed his head in satisfaction, put away the six storage rings, and said lightly:

"Don't do this kind of thing in the future, otherwise it will be the end of today."

"No... Don't dare. Jin Wanjin quickly assured.

Ye Xiaofan said lightly: "Tell me, how did you transform?"

Jin Wanjin did not dare to hide it, and said truthfully: "It was with the help of a spirit treasure called Hundred Changeable Face, which was given to me by Brother Black Emperor."

Ye Xiaofan nodded secretly, sure enough, it was the same as he guessed.

"Go down."

Jin Wanjin limped out of the room and came to the courtyard, and when the rising warm sun shone on his body, he had a feeling of new life.

"Ah, it's good to be alive."

The several demon emperors in the small courtyard, as well as Qin Feng, who was practicing in the morning, all looked over, and after seeing the miserable situation of the former, they all gasped.

Ye Xiaofan really didn't spare his hand.

Qin Feng couldn't help but worry a little about the big black dog in his heart.

The other party has not come out yet, and it is estimated that it will only get worse.

Phoenix Ji sneered: "Hehe, this is the end of making small actions without the owner, and you deserve it." The

anger in Jin Wanjin's heart was immediately ignited, if it weren't for the other party, how could it have suffered such cruel torture? Immediately glared viciously at the old hen: "Old chicken mother, this matter is not over, you wait for the emperor, the emperor will find this field one day."

Phoenix Ji was not stunned at all: "Hehe, how can this emperor be afraid of you as a toad, and if you have the ability, come over now."

Jin Wanjin was even more angry, and really wanted to rush up and fight with the other party, but thinking of Ye Xiaofan in the room, he suddenly went down.

Centipede Zhixing immediately stepped forward to comfort him: "Boss, dissipate qi, dissipate qi, speaking of which, this matter is indeed something you did wrong, it's all your own family, how can you do such a thing?" Don't do this in the future, this is the master's kindness, there is no real person to calculate with you, otherwise you will be miserable.

After saying this, the anger in Jin Wanjin's heart dissipated a little, and he nodded: "You are right, this matter is indeed something we did inappropriately."

"Careless, the end must be more secure."

The latter half of the sentence is what it said in his heart.

Centipede Zhixing hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, but knowing that mistakes can be corrected, good is great, the boss does not have to pay too much attention to it, let alone take revenge, they are all their own family, don't be hurt and angry." "

It looks like a good old man, and no one can see that the initiator of all this is precisely because of it."

If Jin Wanjin knows the truth, it is estimated that he will strangle Centipede Zhixing's heart.

The corners of Phoenix Ji's mouth twitched secretly, and she only felt that Centipede Zhixing was too insidious, and she had to guard against the other party a little in the future.

The Yuhualong couple and Xiong Bold were endless, only feeling that the centipede essence's words were very reasonable, and they couldn't help but have a better impression of it.

At this moment, Calvary Heavenly Master walked out of the house, and after seeing the scorched Jin Wanjin, he was surprised: "Little toad, what are you doing?" Why is it so embarrassing that you don't see it for one night? "

He was patronizing Miss Heise last night, and he didn't notice anything going on outside. [Cultivators have divine awareness, once turned on, they can listen to the movements around them, but if they are turned off, they will not be aware, explain, I am afraid that some brothers will raise the bar (๑❛ᴗ❛๑)]

Jin Wanjin shook his head: "Brother, it's okay, I was accidentally electrocuted last night." Calvary

Heavenly Master said displeased: "Little toad, this is not interesting, tell brother something, I will call the shots for you."

Jin Wanjin was very moved: "Thank you brother, it's really okay."

Calvary Heavenly Master was even more displeased: "Why, are you looking down on this Heavenly Master?"

Centipede Zhixing hurriedly said: "Brother, it's like this, last night Second Brother Jin had a little unpleasantness with the master. Jin

Wanjin was stunned, the centipede essence of the dog day just shouted a boss, and in a blink of an eye, he became the second brother of Jin.

Calvary Heavenly Master snorted and quickly diverted the topic: "Little centipede, didn't you say yesterday what kind of milk is the most suitable for this seat to drink, where is it?" Bring it to Honza.

"Brother, there is one in the refrigerator in the house, I'll go get it for you."

Centipede Zhixing suddenly ran into the villa, and after a while, he walked out with a carton of fresh milk.

Calvary Heavenly Master took a sip and smashed his mouth: "The taste is not bad, but the quality does not seem to be good."

Centipede Zhixing hurriedly praised: "Brother is right, this is all the milk produced by some low-level demon beasts, the quality is average, when we have time to catch a demon emperor-level cow back, when the time comes to serve brother, and the milk every day is the freshest." Calvary

Heavenly Master admonished: "Little centipede, if you don't say you, your pattern is small." "

What is a little demon in the inscription realm? With the ability of this seat, at least one demon saint must be caught back, so that he is barely worthy of the identity of this seat.

Centipede Zhixing was stunned for a moment, and then nodded repeatedly: "Brother is right, as a brother, he has to catch a demon saint and come back." Watching

these two guys blow one by one, the other demons were all speechless in their hearts.

At this time, Ye Xiaofan also walked out of the villa, took a breath of fresh air in the courtyard, and then went into the house to wash up and start cooking for Ye Xiaoman.

After breakfast, Ye Xiaoman went to school.

At Xiong Xinzhu's request, Qin Feng took the girl to the western base city.

Only Ye Xiaofan and several demon emperors were left in the courtyard.

Ye Xiaofan was idle and continued to count the treasures while waiting for the big black dog's plea for mercy.

But to his surprise, until the afternoon, the big black dog did not open his mouth to beg for mercy.

During this period, he thought that the big black dog had burped, but found that the other party not only had nothing to do, but also broke through through the quenching of thunder.

Entered the middle of the meta-infancy.


Seeing such a result, Ye Xiaofan couldn't help but burst into foul language.

In the end, he didn't bother to take care of the big black dog, and with the help of several demon emperors, he counted all the treasures.

In general, there are more opportunities in Longhu Mountain than in Shushan.

Among them, the most are treasure medicines and talismans, followed by spirit treasures and various classics, plus some other messy things.

After seeing the seedlings of the metamorphosis fruit, Ye Xiaofan decided to go to Kunlun in two days.


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