Kyoto, in a quaint manor house, in one of the courtyards.

Behind a translucent screen, a gentle-looking man in a blue shirt was playing chess.

On the broken chessboard, black and white are crisscrossed.

But across from him there was no one.

The man was actually playing against himself.

Outside the screen, a middle-aged man in a military uniform is making a report.

Looking closely, the other party was one of the Kyoto special squads that had gone to Dragon Tiger Mountain.

In addition to the arrangement in the open and in the dark, the temple of the gods also installed him to go to the secret realm, in order to prevent accidents.

After all, after the entire army on the Emei Mountain side was destroyed last time, no news came back at all, and until now, the high-level of the temple of the gods did not know what was going on.

"Hall Master, that's the way it is, everything is because of the appearance of that fat Taoist priest that the plan failed."

After the screen, the Qingyi elegant man was silent, and only after a long time said: "Mobilize all the dark sons in the country to investigate the origin of that mysterious Taoist priest?"

"Subordinates obey."

The middle-aged man was ordered to leave.

The Qingyi elegant man stood up from his seat, looked at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, and muttered softly in his mouth: "It's really more and more interesting, such a powerful existence, could it be that which ancient sect returned in advance?"

"It's impossible, the time hasn't arrived yet, and there is absolutely no way that the Ancient Sect will return early."

A voice suddenly sounded.

Then, on the broken chessboard, a black and white intersecting black qi appeared, and after a squirming, it turned into a white-haired old man wearing a black and white robe.

The elegant man saluted the old man slightly: "I have seen the teacher."

The latter bowed his head slightly, and said lightly: "If it was really a person from the Ancient Sect, he would have jumped out a long time ago, and he would not hide in the secret at all, because with the strength of the major forces today, it is impossible to be the opponent of the people of the Ancient Sect." The

man in Qing Yi frowned slightly: "But what happened to that mysterious Taoist priest, it sounds very strong, even the Yuan Infant Realm is not an opponent, and he also defeated the evil ghosts sealed on Dragon Tiger Mountain."

The old man brushed his illusory beard and said with a smile: "There is nothing strange about this, the other party may have had some kind of adventure like you."

"As for what kind of evil ghost, presumably the strength will not be too strong, otherwise when Dragon Tiger Mountain entered the Void World, he would not sit idly by."

The man in blue nodded slightly, and then asked: "Teacher, this plan has failed, I am afraid that the whale emperor's side will come to the land soon, what should I do next?"

The old man pondered a little, and said slowly: "According to the calculation of time, it will be another three or four months, the ancient sects will return from the void world one after another, before that, you must dominate the dragon country, establish a new dynasty, ascend the throne and become the emperor, let the luck of the whole country increase, then your strength will increase rapidly, only in this way, after the return of those ancient sects, you will have some strength to protect yourself." "

Originally, I planned to take the most populous Jiangnan Base City, first condense the luck of a city, let you break through the shackles of the Yuan Infant Realm, so that you can also kill the dragon war, but I didn't expect that there was such a change, and it is really a person who is not as good as the sky."

The blue-shirted man also sighed slightly, and a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

This plan was seamless, and if it were not for the appearance of the mysterious Taoist priest, the plan would never have failed.

"Since that's the case, let's simply change the strategy, kill the dragon first, and plan for something else."

The blue-shirted man looked perked up and said, "What does the teacher mean?" The

old man slowly spoke, and his voice was murderous: "Borrow a knife to kill, you will go to the West in a few days." "


In the afternoon, Ye Xiaoman returned, accompanied by six familiar faces.

The three of the Su family and the Xiao family father and son and Qin Zhentian.

Ye Xiaofan was a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

Su Dinghua stepped forward and said with a smile: "I heard that the senior has returned, so I came to visit."

Qin Zhentian also followed and said, "So are we." "

Visiting a ghost, obviously here to rub rice... Ye Xiaofan complained in his heart, but he didn't bother to say, and immediately ordered several demon emperors to pour tea for a few people.

Being personally served by several demon emperors made several people a little flattered.

Especially Xiao Luoli and Su Qingxue.

They are still just Qi and Blood Realm.

Such a low realm, personally served by the Demon Emperor.

I can't find anything else under the sky.

Of course, Ye Xiaoman's relationship has to be removed.

Subsequently, several people were attracted by the Calvary Heavenly Master in the courtyard.

Even if it belongs to the era of Reiki revival, such a thing as a skeleton man is still rare.

For everyone's gaze, Calvary Heavenly Master paid no attention to it, lying on a bamboo chair and swiping his mobile phone comfortably, with laughter from time to time in his mouth.

The appearance of a landlord lord made several people curious to watch.

Qin Zhentian's eyes scanned around the courtyard, but he did not find Qin Feng's figure, looked at Ye Xiaofan and asked, "Senior, Xiao Feng?"

"That kid went out, and it's estimated that he's coming back soon."

Speak of the devil.

The gate of the villa was pushed open, and Qin Feng and Xiong Xinzhu walked in from outside, carrying large bags of things in their hands.


Xiao Luoli immediately greeted him, looked at Xiong Xinzhu, and said curiously: "Cousin, this sister is so beautiful, is it your girlfriend?"

Qin Feng quickly waved his hand: "Don't talk nonsense, Xinzhu is the apprentice of Senior Xiong." Xiong

Xinzhu's face was slightly red, his eyes looked at everyone in the small courtyard, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he didn't expect that he would not be there for a while, and so many people actually came.

Seeing Qin Feng, Qin Zhentian looked overjoyed and wanted to step forward, but thinking of the former's attitude, he finally stopped.

Xiao Qianjue comforted on the side: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, take your time."

Qin Zhentian nodded, but with a bitter smile on his face.

On the other side, Ye Xiaofan entered the kitchen and began to get busy.

Soon after, a strong fragrance wafted through the courtyard.

Ye Xiaofan was also not stingy, took out the treasured dragon meat, paired it with various treasure medicines, and stewed a pot of fragrant broth.

This time I got so many treasures, it was time to take out some to help Ye Xiaoman improve his physique and bones.

As for the others, they should be stained.

Anyway, he is not an outsider, and he is too lazy to say.

Soon after, the broth was served, and everyone was already waiting at the table.

Just as Ye Xiaofan was about to greet everyone to eat, there was a knock on the door outside.

When I went out and opened the door, I saw an old man with white hair standing there with a dragon head crutch.

It was the old king next door - Wang Tiezhu.

"Xiao Fan, what is delicious in stew? I smell the fragrance next door, so I don't mind the old man coming to drink the soup too. The

old king looked in curiously as he spoke, his nose still twitching twice from time to time.

In that way, it is like I haven't opened meat for a long time.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "Of course it's no problem, come in quickly." "


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