Because it was not the first time that the old king had come to eat at home, several demon emperors and most of the people present knew each other, and Ye Xiaofan did not introduce much.

Then the meal began, and everyone ate happily, and none of them were polite.

Even Xiong Xinzhu and several other young girls did not care about the image at all.

No way, this is not an ordinary broth, it is a rare opportunity.

One less bite, that's all a loss.

The meal was delicious and delicious, and several large pots of broth were stunned.

Except for the ordinary people of Calvary Heavenly Master and Old King Tou, the gains of the others are not small.

Especially Qin Feng, he accumulated thick and thin, and successfully condensed ten qi and blood divine dragons, reaching the true consummation of the qi and blood realm.

This made Qin Zhentian happy, but when he thought of the relationship between father and son, his happy expression quickly converged.

Fortunately, Xiao Qianjue was comforted by the side.

After eating, Qin Zhentian said to Ye Xiaofan: "Senior, in fact, I have one more thing I want to tell you here.

Ye Xiaofan looked curious: "What's the matter?"

Qin Zhentian explained: "That's right, Kyoto holds a Tianjiao conference every year.

"At that time, the major base cities will select some talented Tianjiao to participate, and the top 20 can enter the "blood pool" to temper their physique, and I want the sister and Xiao Feng of the seniors to participate."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed curiosity: "Blood pool, what is that?"

Qin Zhentian explained: "The blood pool was refined by Lord Dragon Zhan according to the secret method of ancient books, using the blood of 10,000 demon kings as a guide, and its greatest effect is to help people below the Vientiane Realm temper their flesh. "

Tianjiao, who once had the Purple Mansion Realm, could carry the Demon King in the flesh after being tempered by the Blood Pool."

Ye Xiaofan listened to it bluntly, and said in his heart that Long Zhan was really a ruthless person, and actually killed 10,000 demon kings.

He looked at Ye Xiaoman: "Are you going?"

Ye Xiaoman nodded vigorously: "Of course I want to go, I have been staying in the Western Base City all these years, and I am almost bored to death, so I can just go to other places to see." The

girl looked at Su Qingxue's second daughter and asked, "You guys must also go." The

two women nodded, they also condensed the power of the divine dragon now, they were Tianjiao of the Western Base City, and they naturally wanted to go.

Ye Xiaofan nodded, looked at Qin Zhentian and asked, "When are you going?" "

Three days later."

After Qin Zhentian finished speaking, he looked at Qin Feng and said softly: "Xiao Feng, come back to Kyoto with me, your second sister and your grandfather all miss you." "

Why didn't they think about me before?

Qin Feng secretly pouted, but still nodded and agreed.

Other than that, it's also a good thing to go to that blood pool to temper your physique.

After the two sides chatted a few more words, Qin Zhentian and the others took their leave and left.

Qin Feng still didn't leave, let Qin Zhentian go and tell him to say it.

At night, the big black dog covered in scorched body was released by Ye Xiaofan.

It glanced at Ye Xiaofan resentfully, and then staggered out.

When it came to the courtyard, it opened its mouth and inhaled, and the surrounding heaven and earth spiritual energy suddenly surged over.

As the majestic aura poured into its body, the scorched paste on its body began to fall off, and then new hairs grew.

The new hair is more black and shiny, like the finest satin.

The big black dog is also more robust, like a small calf, just standing there, it gives people a strong sense of oppression.

Feeling the powerful aura emanating from the big black dog, the several demon emperors were all shocked.

Jin Wanjin shouted: "Lying groove, Brother Black Emperor actually broke through, is there any heavenly reason for this?" "

It wants to cry without tears, and he already knows this, and he should hold on for a little longer.

Not only does it not need to hand over the storage ring, but the strength may also be able to break through.

The big black dog said proudly: "Stinky toad, this is all thanks to that terrifying thunder, who told you not to hold on for a while."

Jin Wanjin silently turned his head, and the successive blows made its entire toad a little autistic.

The other demon emperors were also silent.

After eating the big tonic soup just now, although they made a breakthrough, they also failed to step into the realm of the Yuan Baby.

As a result, the big black dog, who was punished, broke through instead.

They all want to be punished.

But thinking of that terrifying thunder, he suddenly dispelled the thought in his heart.

Qin Feng immediately stepped forward and congratulated, "Congratulations to Master Venerable for his breakthrough."

The big black dog bowed his head slightly, and then seemed to remember something, and asked: "Apprentice, in other words, the opportunity you got in the secret realm of Dragon Tiger Mountain, haven't you been honored as a teacher?" Qin

Feng's face froze, slapped his two big mouths, nothing to come up and congratulate what?

This is good, a little chance that is hard to get, is going to be robbed again.

At this time, Ye Xiaofan walked out of the villa and saw the big black dog coldly: "Dead dog, don't think about bullying juniors all day, look at your little appearance."

The big black dog pouted secretly: "I haven't learned from you yet." The

corners of Ye Xiaofan's mouth twitched slightly, and he wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to speak, so he could only change the topic: "Hand over the Hundred Variations Facebook to me."

The big black dog looked at him with a wary look: "This emperor has already accepted the punishment, do you want to talk or not?"

Ye Xiaofan said righteously: "That's not it, I have to confiscate your crime tools, who knows if you are an old sixth, will you do this in the future?"

The big black dog's head shook violently: "This emperor swears that he will never be in the future."

Ye Xiaofan snorted: "Do you think I will believe you?" The

big black dog's face suddenly pulled down, thought about it and said: "It's not impossible to give it to you, but you have to exchange it with something, after all, this is what the emperor worked hard to get." Hearing

these four words of hard work, the corners of Ye Xiaofan's mouth twitched.

What did this dead dog mean to say?

"What do you want?"

The big black dog said unashamedly: "What dragon ball fragments are still there, bring me a hundred and eighty pieces."

Ye Xiaofan secretly grinded his teeth: "Dead dog, give you another chance to talk well." The

corners of the several demon emperors on the side also twitched secretly.

The heart said that it would not be a big black dog, and he really dared to speak.

The big black dog continued: "Then give me 10 pieces, no less."

Ye Xiaofan took out the baby's slap from the storage ring and threw it over, and said lightly: "Just this piece, do you love it?" The

big black dog caught it with his mouth, put it on the ground and glanced twice, and said with a look of disgust: "Just give such a little, do you send to ask for food?"

The anger in Ye Xiaofan's heart rose upwards, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Dead dog, don't be too intrusive." Seeing

that Ye Xiaofan seemed to be really angry, the big black dog could only be unwilling to give up, and then took out a variety of faces and threw it over.

Ye Xiaofan took it and saw that it was just one, and his face suddenly darkened: "Why is there only one?"

The big black dog rolled his eyes: "You only gave one Dragon Ball fragment, of course, only one, this is called an equivalent exchange."

Ye Xiaofan's face turned dark, and he took out another Dragon Ball fragment and threw it over, and said with a calm face: "Hand over all the remaining Hundred Variety Faces." The

big black dog took the Dragon Ball fragment, then took out a variety of faces and threw it over.

After Ye Xiaofan took it, he asked with a cold face: "Why is it just one again?"

The big black dog was speechless: "What is it called and only one card?" I'll give you two in total, okay?

Ye Xiaofan questioned: "There are a total of 7 Hundred Change Faces, don't you know?"

"I also know there are seven." The big black dog was justified: "But I only have two here, and the rest of the ghosts know where they are?"

Calvary Heavenly Master, who was swiping his mobile phone on the side, replied: "Little black dog, don't talk nonsense, this seat is not clear." "

What, is the emperor talking about you?

The big black dog complained in his heart, but he also knew that Calvary Heavenly Master could not afford to provoke, so he could only suppress the unhappiness in his heart.

Ye Xiaofan looked suspicious: "It's really not with you?"

The big black dog nodded affirmatively: "It's true, if you don't believe it, this emperor can swear."

Ye Xiaofan nodded: "Then you send one to try." The

big black dog immediately pointed his paws to the sky, and said with a worried look: "This emperor swears, if he lied and deceived you, he would make the sky strike five thunders."

As soon as its words fell, a thunderous explosion sounded in the sky, frightening the big black dog.

It looked up and saw that the sky was full of dark clouds at some point, and it seemed that there must be a heavy rain tonight.

"Damn, why is it so clever?"

The big black dog cursed secretly in his heart, unable to find the slightest trace on the surface, and said unhurriedly: "It's just a coincidence."

Ye Xiaofan sneered: "I don't see it as a coincidence, but God has an eye, and I will really be struck by lightning after being careful." The

big black dog was not afraid at all: "This emperor is such a pure and good person, how can he be struck by lightning." Hearing

this, whether it was several demon emperors or Qin Feng, the corners of their mouths twitched.

Among the several demon emperors, if you want to say that the most faceless and the blackest belly is the big black dog.

Almost completely inherited Ye Xiaofan's personality.

Even if he is stingy, Jin Wanjin, who is lecherous and has a little black belly, is a little worse.

"I'm too lazy to tell you a dog thing, if I find out that you still have a variety of faces on you in the future, don't blame me for being unkind."

After Ye Xiaofan finished speaking, he turned around and entered the house.


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