Time passed quietly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Early in the morning of the fourth day, Qin Zhentian came to the villa.

And Ye Xiaoman and the others have long been ready.

In addition to Ye Xiaoman and Qin Feng, Xiong Xinzhu also had to go with him.

Ye Xiaofan swept around among the demon emperors and said lightly: "Which of you is willing to follow as a bodyguard?" "

Although Ye Xiaoman has five thunder talismans on his body, after all, it is a big killing weapon, and it is impossible to strike at a little thing.

Otherwise, if the movement is slightly larger, it will cause unnecessary sensation, which is bound to be very troublesome.

Huang Ji was the first to stand up: "Master, I am willing to go."

Ye Xiaofan nodded and threw a variety of faces to the old hen.

"Use this thing to transform so as not to be discovered and cause unnecessary conflicts."

Kyoto masters are like clouds, if someone finds that there is a demon emperor mixed in, it is bound to cause unnecessary conflicts.

Phoenix Ji took the face mask and put it on her face, and then according to her own wishes, she turned into a red-haired woman.

The woman is about twenty-five or six, with a plump and moving figure, and a phoenix pattern is embroidered on the red dress, and there is an indescribable temperament around her body.

Ye Xiaoman praised without hesitation: "Xiaohong, you are so beautiful."

Phoenix Ji smiled: "Thank you little master for the compliment."

Bai Susu looked envious, and also wanted to transform and try, and immediately looked at Ye Xiaofan: "Master, I also want to follow Sister Phoenix Ji to protect the little master."

Ye Xiaofan did not hesitate, and took out another Hundred Change Facebook and threw it over.

After Xu Yu, there was another woman in a white dress with a beautiful appearance and a cold temperament in the yard.

Jin Wanjin's eyes were almost straight, and at the same time he remembered the hatred of taking his wife, and he was even more unhappy with Yuhualong.

Yuhualong's face was full of excitement: "Wife, it's good, if only you were so beautiful in the future."

Bai Susu snorted lightly: "Then it is necessary to say, it will only be more beautiful than this."

Afterwards, the group said goodbye to Xiao Fan and left the villa.

Before leaving, Ye Xiaofan instructed Ye Xiaoman: "Girl, this Tianjiao Conference, you have to work hard and strive to win the first place, but don't lose the face of our old Ye family?"

Ye Xiaoman nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, I will definitely be famous in the Dragon Kingdom at that time and win glory for our old Ye family."

Ye Xiaofan gave a thumbs up: "Come on, brother is optimistic about you."

After the group left, Ye Xiaofan looked at the several demon emperors and said, "You guys take a good look at your home, don't run around, I'll go to Kunlun."

Yuhualong was a little curious: "Master, what are you going to Kunlun for?" Do you still want to subdue that Bai Ze?

"No, there are other things." Ye Xiaofan shook his head, and at the same time thought of Bai Ze, and a touch of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

When he first met Bai Ze in Kunlun, he wanted to raise the other party by his side.

But that Bai Ze has a very stubborn personality, that is really unyielding, even if Ye Xiaofan shows strong strength, it is still unwilling to be a slave.

Seeing that the other party was very strange, almost the same as the legendary Bai Ze, Ye Xiaofan guessed that the other party's origin was not simple, so he did not force it, thinking that he would slowly figure it out later.

Ye Xiaofan rode the bear boldly to Kunlun, and before leaving, he told several demon emperors for a while, let them take a good look at their homes and not run around.

Especially for a long time to the Calvary Heavenly Master, after all, the other party's appearance went out, it will definitely attract attention.

A few demons and ghosts naturally agreed with their mouths.

But not long after Ye Xiaofan left, Calvary Heavenly Master looked at Jin Wanjin: "Little toad, where is the place you said not long ago?" Are there really many little sisters out there?

Jin Wanjin hurriedly said: "It's just outside, it's really a lot."

Calvary Heavenly Master's eyes lit up: "Take me quickly."

Jin Wanjin was a little embarrassed: "Brother, our style will definitely scare those ordinary people when it passes, if this causes any sensation, the owner will definitely not let us go."

Calvary Heavenly Master said lightly: "This is not simple. "

Look at me, change."

As the words fell, he had turned into a handsome man in black.

Several demon emperors were shocked when they saw it, and Jin Wanjin immediately asked, "Brother, what kind of magical power is this?" It's so powerful!!

Calvary Heavenly Master smiled disdainfully: "It's just a basic change power, it's nothing."

Although he said this, there was a sense of pride in his voice.

Jin Wanjin's eyes lit up: "Brother, can you teach me?"

Centipede Zhixing also came up: "Brother, I also want to learn." The

fish dragon and the big black dog were also a little moved, but they couldn't pull their faces to beg each other.

"Little meaning."

Calvary Heavenly Master immediately handed over the power of change to the two demons, and under his careful guidance, the two demons quickly grasped the essence of change.

Jin Wanjin became a beautiful boy with blonde hair and a shawl, and smiled as gentle as jade, like a family son who walked out of a painting.

Wu Zhixing has become an elegant middle-aged man with goat's whiskers, like an ancient counselor in the TV series.

Subsequently, the three quickly left the villa.

The big black dog and the fish dragon looked at each other, and the latter was slightly worried: "Brother Black Emperor, shouldn't they make trouble?"

The big black dog pouted: "It's not our responsibility to make trouble, let Ye Xiaozi have a headache at that time." "

It has a lot of resentment towards Ye Xiaofan now, so it doesn't bother to care about this kind of trouble.

Seeing that the big black dog said so, the fish dragon did not say more.

On the other side, Jin Wanjin and the three came to a high-end nightclub.

As soon as the three people dressed in ancient costumes entered the store, they attracted the attention of a large group of people.

But I just looked at it a few more times and didn't care too much.

At the moment, in the revival of Reiki, there are all kinds of strange things, and this kind of trivial thing in front of you is nothing at all.

A beautiful staff member immediately greeted him and asked politely: "Several gentlemen, I wonder what service you need?"

Jin Wanjin said grandly: "Call me all the most beautiful young ladies here, my brother wants to watch their song and dance performance."

As soon as he heard this tone, the staff knew that a big order was coming, and immediately said politely: "A few upstairs please." "

The staff led the three to a large luxury box.

"A few gentlemen, wait a minute, I'll go and call someone for you."

Jin Wanjin said with a smile: "Brother, you wait a bit, you will arrive in a while, this is the largest nightclub in Base City, and the quality of the young ladies in it is very high."

Calvary nodded, his eyes showing expectation.

After a while, a middle-aged beautiful woman led more than 10 sexy young ladies in.

"How many guests, I wonder how many girls you need?" Behind me are the top princesses in the store, and the technology is top-notch. The

beautiful woman smiled sweetly at the three, and her voice was sweet and sticky.

Calvary Heavenly Master's eyes lit up: "Still all princesses?"

The corner of Jin Wanjin's mouth twitched, and Mang explained: "Brother, don't think too much, this princess is not Princess Pi."

"Yes, yes, yes." Centipede Zhixing also hurriedly said: "The princess here is equivalent to the ancient Hua Kui.

Calvary nodded, with a slight disappointment in his eyes.

Jin Wanjin shouted to the beautiful woman: "Let them all stay and serve my eldest brother well." "

The beautiful woman was a little surprised, and said in her heart, can the three of you eat well?

But the guests all spoke, and she couldn't say anything.

"You stay and serve the three gentlemen well."

She said a word and left the box.

Jin Wanjin beckoned to a group of sexy young ladies: "Come a few people to beat our legs and squeeze our shoulders, and the others will have a sexy hot dance first." A

group of sexy young ladies were a little stunned, only feeling that the request of the guest in front of them was a little strange, but they did not dare to hesitate and acted quickly.

Soon after, melodious music sounded in the box.

The three of them enjoyed the attentive service of the sexy little sister while enjoying the hot dance in front of them.

Jin Wanjin looked at Calvary Heavenly Master: "Brother, what do you think?"

Calvary squinted and enjoyed it, and his voice was lazy: "It's not bad." "


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