Ye Xiaofan looked at Bai Ze and said, "Xiao Bai Ze, you have to take care of me, if there is a problem, I will ask you at that time."

Bai Ze said lightly: "Don't worry, with me here, there will be no problem."

"If you do something, I'm still relieved." Ye Xiaofan nodded in satisfaction, and then asked without dying: "How about it, do you want to follow me, the outside world is very interesting."

Bai Ze shook his head decisively: "Heaven and earth are about to change greatly, I need to cultivate and increase my strength."

Ye Xiaofan spoke domineeringly: "As long as you follow me, who dares to bully you?"

Bai Ze said lightly: "Don't talk big, in a short time, those ancient cultivators will return, although your strength is very strong, but it will not necessarily be the opponent of those ancient cultivators."

Ye Xiaofan said disdainfully: "Ancient cultivators, count them as a hammer, if they dare to put it in my hands at that time, I promise to teach them to be human with their fists."

Bai Ze glanced at him and did not speak.

But that look clearly showed disbelief.

Ye Xiaofan was immediately unconvinced: "How about we make a bet?" If those ancient cultivators are not my opponents at that time, you will be my demon pets?"

Bai Ze decisively shook his head and said proudly: "I, Bai Ze, stand up to the heavens and the earth, how can I give others a slave."

Ye Xiaofan grinded his teeth for a while, and could only be unwilling to give up, and then looked at the sky high: "What is the thing above, and when did it appear?"

Bai Ze replied, "It should be the mountain gate built by the Ancient Sect, which only appeared a few days ago."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes lit up: "There should be a lot of treasures in there."

Bai Ze shook his head: "No, I didn't finish just now, it's only a part of the mountain gate, to be precise, it's a teleportation array, the real mountain gate is in the mountains below, and the seal has not yet been unlocked, and it can't be seen for the time being."

Ye Xiaofan looked disappointed when he heard this, and then looked at Bai Ze and said, "I haven't been here for a few years, so the spirit fruit of Kunlun Mountain must have matured a lot, right?" The

corners of Bai Ze's mouth twitched slightly, as if he thought of something unpleasant, and anger flashed in his eyes, but he finally held back.


A few days later, Ye Xiaofan waved to Bai Ze with a smile on his face: "Xiao Bai Ze, thank you for your hospitality, I will definitely bring you delicious food next time, remember to show me the shape-shaped fruit tree."

Looking at Ye Xiaofan's back as he left, Bai Ze's teeth crunched.

In just a few days, Kunlun Mountain's spirit fruit treasure medicine was more than half of the other party's Huo Huo.

"Damn humans, I curse you not to die well."

Bai Ze scolded unevenly, and he was very dissatisfied with Ye Xiaofan in his heart.


Time goes back a little to a few days ago.

In the western base city, the nightclub where the three of Calvary went to.

The staff saw that there was no movement in the box for a long time, so they went to check.

It turned out that a group of sexy-dressed young ladies all fainted on the sofa, and as for the three guests, they had long disappeared without a trace.

The staff's face changed and he immediately called the boss.

After the boss woke up a group of young ladies, he asked where the three were.

A group of girls stared wide-eyed, their eyes full of blankness.

How did they not know how unconscious, and how could they know where the three of them went?

On a certain street in Base City, Jin Wanjin's voice said happily: "Sure enough, white are the happiest thing."

Centipede Zhixing nodded in agreement: "Second brother is right, white are the coolest." Calvary

Heavenly Master was also very satisfied: "Not bad, not bad, prostitutes based on their skills, why should they give money."

Then, the three went to the next nightclub, the white.

For several days, the three of them patronized all the famous entertainment venues in Western Base City.

Of course, all of them are white.

Although the owners of major nightclubs were annoyed, there was nothing they could do.

Because they used all means, they did not find any trace of the three.

Somewhere in Base City, Calvary Heavenly Master asked Jin Wanjin:

"Little toad, is there anything fun?"

The latter thought for a while, and then his eyes lit up: "Brother, I heard that Jiangnan has produced beautiful women since ancient times, let's go there and take a look."

Calvary nodded: "Okay, just go there and see."

Centipede Zhixing was a little hesitant: "Second brother, will we make the owner unhappy if we leave privately."

Jin Wanjin was also a little hesitant when he heard this, Ye Xiaofan had told them not to run around if they had nothing to do.

If Ye Xiaofan found out that they left the western base privately, I was afraid that there would be no good fruit to eat.

"What are you afraid of, go, brother will cover you when the time comes."

Calvary Heavenly Master spoke proudly, and that tone did not seem to have caught Ye Xiaofan's eyes in the slightest.

The two demons were speechless for a while, and their hearts said that you can cover it?

Although I complained in my heart, I didn't dare to ask it out in a real way.

Subsequently, with the help of Calvary Heavenly Master, they soon arrived at Jiangnan Base City, only to find that Jiangnan Base City was in ruins and depression, and it seemed that they had only encountered a big war not long ago.

Jin Wanjin was a little dumbfounded: "What's the matter, how did Jiangnan Base City become like this ghost?" The

three of them mixed into the city for a while to inquire, and finally learned the reason.

"It turned out that the guy from the temple of the gods did it, no wonder."

Jin Wanjin collected his thoughts, turned his head and said to Calvary Heavenly Master: "Brother, I didn't expect this situation, let's not go to Kyoto, isn't the little master going over there, then we can also take a look by the way." Calvary


Soon after, the three who changed their bodies came to Kyoto Base City.

After some inquiry, I found a highest-grade nightclub.

Known as the Land of Bliss, it is the highest and most luxurious leisure and entertainment venue in the whole of Kyoto.

Looking at the magnificent and luxurious building in front of him, Jin Wanjin's eyes lit up: "Brother, this place must be good."

Calvary Heavenly Master bowed his head slightly: "It is indeed better than the previous places."

Centipede Zhixing immediately opened the way forward: "Brother, come in quickly."

As soon as the three entered the hall, Jin Wanjin said loudly: "Come, call out all your top cards here."

His voice immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

Seeing that they were all wearing ancient costumes, everyone's eyes couldn't help but show curiosity.

What is the origin of these three people that the heart says? Such a big breath.

A staff member immediately greeted him and said politely: "Several gentlemen, please here."

Jin Wanjin waved his hand: "Don't grind, open me the best box you have here, and then call all the top cards to come and serve my brother." The

staff was embarrassed for a while: "Sir, today is really unfortunate, the best box has been occupied, see if you can change to a lower grade."

Jin Wanjin suddenly stopped working, and said angrily: "What do you mean, think we can't pay?"

The staff quickly shook their heads: "No no, no."

Centipede Zhixing shouted loudly: "Isn't it just to hurry up and open the room, what are you doing here?" When

everyone around saw this scene, they became more and more curious about the origin of the three?

This Pure Land of Bliss is not an ordinary place, and the background behind it is not small.

Even in Kyoto, few people dare to make trouble here.

Looking at the posture of these three people, they didn't put the Pure Land of Bliss in their eyes at all.

Just when the staff looked embarrassed, a beautiful woman with a plump figure came over.

He wore a cheongsam that perfectly set off his figure.

The appearance of the beautiful woman immediately attracted the attention of most of the men present.

"Stand down."

The staff quickly stepped down as if amnestied.

The beautiful woman looked at the three and said with a smile: "Three gentlemen, there is something unfortunate today, the most luxurious Tianzi box has been occupied." Seeing

that Jin Wanjin seemed to be about to get angry, she immediately said: "Don't worry, this gentleman, in addition to the highest specification of the Tianzi box, we actually have a fairy box here, our entire club is only such a room, it is a real supreme luxury box, but this price is a little expensive, the price is 10 million a night, do you want to open it?"

Jin Wanjin said proudly: "Of course, you have to open, it's just tens of millions, just small money." "

What I think in my heart is that they are just white anyway, and no matter how high the price is, it has nothing to do with them."

The beautiful woman suddenly smiled and led the three upstairs.

Only everyone in the hall was left looking at each other.


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