Soon after, the beautiful woman took the three of them to a luxurious private room.

The private room is very spacious, and the decoration inside can be described as luxurious, making people feel like they have come to paradise.

The three looked around, and their eyes showed satisfaction.

Jin Wanjin praised: "It's not bad, hurry up and call me all the best girls here."

"A few gentlemen, wait a minute."

The beautiful woman left with a smile, and soon walked in with a group of beautiful young ladies.

The three glanced at each other and nodded in satisfaction.

The quality of the girls here is better than that of Western Base City.

It is worthy of Kyoto.

"A few gentlemen, these girls are our top cards here, let's see which ones to choose?" The beautiful woman asked with a smile on her face.

Jin Wanjin waved his hand: "Choose anything, you want it all." The

beautiful woman was stunned for a moment, then nodded happily and ordered a group of girls: "You guys are good to serve a few guests."

With that, she left the box.

Jin Wanjin ordered: "Come a few people to serve us, and the others sing and dance." A

group of beautiful women immediately dispersed.

On the other side, the beautiful woman had just returned to the hall on the first floor, and a group of richly dressed children came outside.

After seeing the person in charge, the beautiful woman suddenly showed a smile on her face, quickly greeted her, and said with a smile: "It turns out that Su Shao is coming, please come quickly." Everyone

else in the hall also looked over, their eyes showing shock.

Because the origin of this group of people in front of me is not small.

In particular, the young man at the head was a descendant of the Su family.

There are seven super families in Kyoto, and they are not comparable to the chaebols of other base cities.

Before the revival of the aura, they were the first-class family of the Dragon Kingdom.

After the revival of Reiki, with their huge financial resources, they rose rapidly, and their strength was higher than before.

It can be said that today's Dragon Kingdom is controlled by these seven major families and the military.

In addition to Jiangnan Base City, other base cities are more or less involved with the seven major families.

For example, in Western Base City, the strongest Qin Zhentian is a member of the Qin family in Kyoto.

It is rumored that among the seven major families, all of them have existences that transcend the inscription realm.

And this Su family is one of the seven major families.

The young man's name was Su Tian, and he looked at the beautiful woman and said, "Take me to the fairy character box, I will wash the dust for my friends from the Southern Base City." When

the beautiful woman heard this, her face suddenly turned embarrassed: "Su Shao, it's really not a coincidence, the fairy box has been occupied."

Su Tian's brows frowned slightly: "Who is it?" The

beautiful woman shook her head: "It's three strange faces, who should also come from abroad." She

didn't say anything false, she basically knew the powerful young master in Kyoto.

Hearing that someone from other places came from, Su Tian's eyes flashed with disdain, and said lightly: "Take me over to see, let Ben Shao discuss with those people, and see if the box can be changed." The

beautiful woman hesitated: "This... Isn't that right?

"What's bad, hurry up and lead the way."

Su Tian's voice became a little heavier, and the beautiful woman did not dare to hesitate any longer, and immediately led the way in front.

Soon after, a group of people came to the outside of the fairy box.

The beautiful woman pushed the door and walked in, and after seeing the scene inside, she was slightly stunned.

I saw several beautiful women beating their legs and pinching their shoulders, and there were people next to them peeling fruits to feed into the mouths of the three, while others were performing songs and dances in front.

The appearance of the three people is very similar to the ancient emperor who is greedy for pleasure.

It was the first time that a beautiful woman had seen so many beautiful women called by guests, just to do these things.

Shouldn't we do something more meaningful?

Hearing the movement, the three people suddenly looked over.

"Stop for a moment." Jin Wanjin waved his hand, and waited until the music was turned off, then he said dissatisfied with the beautiful woman: "Something?"

Without waiting for the beautiful woman to speak, Su Tian stepped forward and said: "Several, in Xia Sutian, the people of the Su family in Kyoto, want to borrow this fairy character box with a few people, entertain friends, and ask a few to give Ben Shao face, how convenient is it?" The

three looked at each other, and their eyes were very strange.

Calvary Heavenly Master said lightly: "Young man, there has always been only the share of this seat to give face to others, and those who dare to find this seat to give face, you are still the first one, for the sake of your hair not growing, this seat will not calculate with you, hurry up."

Su Tian's face suddenly became gloomy, and his voice became a little colder: "I advise the three of you to think about it, don't get into trouble for this little thing."

Jin Wanjin was a little impatient: "What are you talking about there blindly, didn't you hear my brother let you roll?" Why, do you want me to help you?

As soon as these words came out, the beautiful woman's face suddenly changed.

She didn't expect that the three people in front of her actually didn't put the young master of the Su family in their eyes at all.

The group of people who followed behind Su Tian also changed their faces slightly, and they only felt that the three people in front of them were so arrogant.

Su Tian's face was as gloomy as water, and he smiled angrily: "Good, good, in this Kyoto, you are still the first to dare not to give Ben Shao face, or today, let Ben Shao teach you how to behave."

Jin Wanjin was even more impatient, and ordered Centipede Zhixing: "Little brother, this thing forced Lai Lai's quarrel to death, you go and solve it."

Centipede Zhixing got up and walked towards the group of people, and said lightly: "Do you go by yourself, or let me help you." "

Find death."

Su Tian was furious, his spiritual power gathered towards his palm, and he smashed it with a fist.


Centipede Zhixing coldly spit out a word, like thunder.

Su Tianru was hit hard, his body flew upside down, and he turned a group of people who didn't have time to dodge on their backs, and finally smashed heavily on the ground outside the box, spewing out a mouthful of blood, and then his head lost consciousness.

When the rest of the people saw this scene, their faces couldn't help but change greatly.

Su Tian was a master of the Purple Mansion Realm, and he was actually seriously injured by the other party's roar.

The rest glared angrily at Centipede Zhixing, and some gritted their teeth and said, "You dare to move Brother Tian, do you know who he is?" I tell you, you're finished, and no one can save you.

Centipede Zhixing was too lazy to talk nonsense, slapped out, the wind rose, a group of people like flying leaves, all flew out of the box, and then there was a series of crashing sounds outside.

The beautiful woman was dumbfounded, and looked at Centipede Zhixing stunned.

Not because of the strength of the former, but because of the guts of the former.

This big brother actually dares to make a move?

Aren't they afraid of the Su family's retaliation?

Centipede Zhixing waved his hand at the stunned beauty: "Hurry out, don't hinder my brother from enjoying life here." The

beautiful woman came back to her senses and immediately retreated.

Centipede Zhixing clapped his hands, turned his head to the group of beautiful women who stopped, and said: "Don't look at it, then play music and dance." "


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