On this side, the three Calvary Heavenly Masters enjoyed it wantonly.

On the other side, a group of second-generation faces were extremely ugly.

In this place of Kyoto, except for the people of the other six major families, who dares to give them so little face.

Even the other six major families did not dare to go so far.

Even the strongest Dragon Family was here, and they would never dare to make a move against them.

These three guys in front of me are simply too much.

One person looked at Su Tian and gritted his teeth: "Brother Tian, those three miscellaneous things are too arrogant, this matter must not be left alone." Everyone

else also spoke, all wanting to seek revenge on the three Calvary Heavenly Masters.

Su Tian gritted his teeth: "Naturally, you can't just forget it, dare to spread wild in Kyoto, no matter where those guys come from, they have to pay the price."

With that, he quickly took out the phone and asked the family for help.

Not far away, the beautiful woman watched all this and realized that something was going to happen.

Immediately take the elevator to the top floor of the Pure Land of Elysium.

Soon after, came to the outside of a room.

Knocked lightly on the door, and a lazy and charming voice suddenly came from inside: "Come in." The

beautiful woman pushed open the door and walked in, only to see a sexy-dressed woman in the room lying lazily on a leather sofa made of demon king fur.

The woman is about 30, the raw is extremely charming and sexy, and the body is plump and moving, like a ripe peach.

Her name is Black Widow, the owner of this Pure Land of Elysium, and she has a great name in the underground circle of Kyoto Base City, on a par with the Night Rose of the Night Rose.

Black Widow took a sip of the lady's cigarette in her mouth, then spit out a smoke ring from her mouth, looked at the beautiful woman and asked, "What's the matter?" The

beautiful woman did not dare to hide it, and quickly explained the matter.

When the black widow heard this, she suddenly became interested: "Oh, actually daring to make a move on the Su family, it seems that the origin should not be simple?" The

beautiful woman also nodded slightly, and her voice was slightly dignified: "Indeed, two of those three people have a strong breath and do not look like ordinary people."

"And what about the remaining one?" Black Widow asked lightly.

The beautiful woman immediately replied: "The last subordinate can't see through, he doesn't have a little breath fluctuation in his body, he looks like an ordinary person, but among the three, the former is the leader."

Black Widow was even more interested: "Hehe, it's really interesting, I don't know if those three are Jianglong or three stunned?" Can you kick the iron plate of the Su family? Go down and stare, and if you have any news, report it to me immediately.


The beautiful woman agreed, and then asked: "Boss, if the people of the Su family are really doing it here, should we interfere?"

"Don't worry, let them fight first." Black Widow waved her hand.

The beautiful woman nodded, then turned and left the room.


On the other side, after receiving Su Tian's request for help, the Su family immediately sent several masters to the Pure Land of Bliss.

At the head is a burly middle-aged man, his eyes are sharp, like an eagle falcon, and his body is full of powerful aura, and he can tell at a glance that he is a master.

When everyone in the hall on the first floor saw this group of people, their faces changed.

Especially after seeing the middle-aged man at the head, his face became extremely solemn.

The middle-aged man's name was Su Tianbao, he was the brother of the Su family master, and his strength was very strong, and it was rumored that he had broken through to the inscription realm two years ago.

It can be said that Su Tianleo is the mainstay of the Su family.

Everyone was very curious, why did such a person come to the Pure Land of Bliss?

And he came with a group of people with great momentum, did he want to start a war with the Pure Land of Bliss?

Although the strength of the Pure Land of Bliss is not as good as that of the Su family, anyone who has some identity in Kyoto knows that behind this Pure Land of Bliss is not so simple.

Seeing a group of people heading straight upstairs, the curious crowd also followed, wanting to see what was going on.

Soon after, a group of people came to the floor where Su Tian and the others were.

Seeing the person coming, Su Tian immediately greeted him and said aggrievedly: "Third uncle, you are finally here, those three dogs are too deceitful, you must be the master for your nephew today."

Su Tianbao's voice was cold: "Those who dare to move my Su family, no matter who they are, must pay the price." Lead the way, let me see where the dog scraps come from, dare to break ground on the head of Tai Sui? A

group of second-generation people suddenly cried with joy, and immediately led the way in front and walked towards the box where several people from Calvary Heavenly Master were.

The people who followed Su Tianbao and the others understood what was going on, it turned out that someone had moved Su Tian.

Everyone was even more curious in their hearts, who was so bold and dared to move the Su family?

In the monitoring room, the beautiful woman looked at this scene and frowned slightly.

She didn't expect that the Su family actually sent Su Tianbao.

In fact, this is also normal, because among the friends invited by Shu Tian this time, several people are from the Southern Base City.

One of them is also the son of the head of the Southern Base City, and the other party is the protégé of the old head of the Su family, which can be said to be a family.

Through the other party, most of the resources and forces of the Southern Base City were in the hands of the Su family.

It is precisely for this reason that the Su family will make such a big move this time and directly send Su Tianbao.

A group of people quickly arrived outside the box, listening to the melodious music coming from inside, Su Tian and a group of second-generation people had ugly faces, and a second-generation person stepped forward and kicked the box door open.

Because of his excessive strength, he directly kicked the box door and flew into the box.

At this moment, a group of girls separated, ready to rest for a moment and continue the next dance.

Coincidentally, the box door just passed between them and slammed on the door of Calvary's face.

The sudden scene frightened the girls in the box to change their complexions and look at each other.

After seeing the imposing crowd, his face suddenly turned white.

As the head of a place like the Pure Land of Bliss, he naturally knows the Su family.

On the other side, Jin Wanjin and Centipede Zhixing all looked at Calvary Heavenly Master, and asked almost in unison: "Brother, are you okay?" At

this moment, the appearance of Calvary Heavenly Master is a little funny.

The box door was glass, and at this moment a hole was smashed out, and the entire door was embedded in the neck of the Calvary Heavenly Master.

How funny that looks, how funny it is.

Centipede Zhixing wanted to step forward to remove the door frame, but at this moment, an extremely hot mixed with Sen Han's breath hit, which scared him back one after another.

Looking at it, he saw a pitch-black flame coming out of Calvary's head, and the door frame stuck in his neck suddenly turned into a cloud of ash.

Centipede Zhixing and Jin Wanjin's faces all changed, knowing that the person in front of them was angry.

Calvary Heavenly Master's head slowly turned, looked at a large group of people at the door, and said coldly: "Say, how do you want to die?" "


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