The sound was like a bone-piercing cold wind, like the nine ghosts floating out, echoing in the silent box.

A group of second-generation people did not realize the seriousness of the matter at all, and one second-generation sneered: "Smash, don't look at who we have invited, and even dare to commit murder, I don't know if I am dead or alive."

Calvary Heavenly Master looked sharply at the man who spoke, and then a terrifying scene appeared.

In everyone's sight, the second generation who spoke directly turned into a cloud of ashes.

The whole process took less than a second, and the second generation didn't even have time to scream, so he received a box lunch.

This strange scene made everyone, including Centipede Zhixing, their faces change greatly.

There was only Jin Wanjin present, and his expression did not change much.

After all, in the secret realm of the Heavenly Master Mansion, he had already witnessed the terrifying strength of the Calvary Heavenly Master.

The scene in front of me is just a small meaning.

A second-generation voice trembled, "You... What did you do to Zhou Yun?

Everyone else also looked terrified, and then realized that the person in front of them was not simple.

Even Su Tianbao's face became solemn, he didn't dare to make a move, he slightly hugged his fist at Calvary Heavenly Master, and said in a deep voice: "In the Lower Su Family Su Tianbao, dare to ask Your Excellency who is a master?"

Calvary Heavenly Master's eyes looked contemptuous: "Just because of you, you are also qualified to inquire about the identity of this seat?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Su Tianbao, the number three figure on the face of the Su family, a strong person in the inscription realm.

Even in the cloud-filled Kyoto, he is considered to be the number 1 person.

As a result, in the eyes of the people in front of him, he didn't even have the qualifications to know his identity.

How arrogant is this?

It is no exaggeration to say that the other party did not put the Su family in his eyes at all.

After Su Tianleo was stunned for a moment, he became furious: "Your Excellency is too blind, really think that my Su family is afraid of you?"

In this regard, Calvary Heavenly Master just replied lightly: "Su family? Where did the garbage come from, I haven't heard of it. Hearing

this, Su Tianleo could no longer endure, his spiritual power boiled, and he was about to start immediately.

But at this moment, an indifferent voice sounded in the box.

"On your knees."

A mighty coercive pressure descended, and Su Tianbao, who was originally still imposing, changed his face, and then plopped down on his knees.

The people behind him also knelt down, unable to resist this coercion.

In the field, only a group of dancing girls and Jin Wanjin and Centipede Zhixing stood in place.

The latter's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

Although he had long known that Calvary Heavenly Master was powerful, everything in front of him was beyond his expectations.

Su Tianleo's strength was in the late stage of the Inscription Realm, and it was not much weaker than him.

I thought that good villains could also resist a few moves, but this is the result?

And it was such a terrifying Calvary Heavenly Master, but in Ye Xiaofan's hands, he couldn't even hold up a move.

Sometimes, Centipede Zhixing is curious, how strong is Ye Xiaofan's strength?

Su Tianbao's forehead bulged, and he wanted to resist the coercion on his body, but it was useless.

Calvary Heavenly Master's voice was disdainful: "Don't resist, ant, with your little strength, if this seat wants to, it can be wiped out by you in a single thought." Su

Tianbao wanted to refute, but found that he couldn't even speak, and at the same time, the coercion on his body was heavier, and the bones in his body crackled, and it seemed that they would break at any time.

For the first time, there was real fear and despair in his eyes.

This kind of terrifying feeling he had only felt in his own ancestors.


A bold idea popped up in his mind, and there was disbelief in his eyes.

Not to mention the feelings of others, their eyes are filled with fear and despair.

Especially Su Tian and the others, they only realized at this moment that they really kicked the iron plate this time.

And it's still titanium.

The people who followed from the hall on the first floor were dumbfounded on the spot after seeing this scene.

I thought that the Su family was coming with great momentum, and the people in the box would definitely be unlucky.

That's the result.

It's okay to joke like this?

At the same time, everyone was even more curious about who was in the box, and actually let a group of people from the Su family kneel.

In the monitoring room, the beautiful woman also widened her eyes, unable to believe everything in the surveillance screen.

At the same time, I am curious about what happened in the box? Why did the people of the Su family suddenly kneel?

Because only cameras are installed in the aisle, she can only see everything outside, and she can't know exactly what happened in the box?

At the same time, the fairy box is in the box.

Calvary Heavenly Master did not directly obliterate everyone in the Su family, but looked at Jin Wanjin and Centipede Zhixing, and said lightly: "Do you think, how should you deal with these guys?" "

He did this with the intention of taking the school exam.

Jin Wanjin immediately spoke: "This group of guys dare to disturb Brother's Yaxing, in my opinion, it is better to abolish Xiuwei, and then take off their clothes and throw them on the street outside, so that they can feel what is called the sinister of society." Hearing

this, let alone everyone in the Su family, even a group of dancing girls twitched secretly at the corners of their mouths.

This is simply ruthless.

The faces of Su Tianbao and the others directly changed.

It can be expected that if this is the case, they are afraid that they will never see anyone again.

Calvary nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Centipede Zhixing: "What about you?"

Centipede Zhixing said after a little hesitation: "Brother, it's not appropriate to do this, these guys will definitely move the rescuers after they go out, and when the time comes, they will come to disturb Brother's Yaxing."

"In my opinion, it is better to abolish their cultivation and let them kneel outside the door, just as dogs who guard the door, so that they can not only be punished, but also deter other nights, so that no one will dare to disturb Brother's Yaxing after that."

Calvary Heavenly Master bowed his head gently: "Well, that's a good idea.

Then, with a wave of his palm, a group of kneeling people spewed out a mouthful of blood in unison, and the cultivation was abolished on the spot.

"If you don't want to die, you can honestly kneel outside the door."

After speaking, Calvary Heavenly Master ignored a group of pale-faced guys, and said to a group of dancing girls who were in place: "Don't be stunned, then play music and dance." A

group of dancers did not hesitate, quickly turned on the music, and then danced again.

On the other side, Su Tianbao and the others also did not dare to hesitate, although they were very angry in their hearts, and they wanted to rush up and unload the Calvary Heavenly Master, but they did not dare.

I could only suppress my anger and unwillingness, obediently left the box and knelt at the gate.

Listening to the melodious music coming out of the box, their mood was desperate.

When everyone in the distance saw this scene, their pupils were all dilated.

I was even more curious in my heart, who was in the box, and actually abolished the cultivation of a group of people when he raised his hand, and let a group of people kneel outside to guard the door.

You know, this group of people are people from the Su family, and there is also Su Tianbao, the core figure of the Su family.

I'm afraid that even if the dragon battle comes, he may not dare to do so.

In the monitoring room, the beautiful woman was shocked and also felt extremely curious.

Without hesitation, he immediately went to the top floor and again to Black Widow.

The latter asked with interest, "How?" Who did the Su family send? "


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