Calvary Heavenly Master looked at the ugly black widow, and said lightly: "Little chick, this seat will not embarrass you, as long as you jump one, you can leave." Black

Widow's face became even more ugly, and after dropping a sentence coldly, she turned around and left.

"Excuse me."

The corners of Calvary Heavenly Master's mouth turned up slightly, and he lightly spit out two words: "Come back." Black

Widow's body fell back uncontrollably.

"Since you don't want to dance, come and beat Honza's legs."

Black Widow's body involuntarily walked towards Calvary Heavenly Master, and her eyes showed horror: "You... What have you done to me? The

voices all carried a hint of trill, obviously scared to the extreme.

Think of her as a black widow, who is unknown in Kyoto.

Even she would not have imagined that she would one day have fear and fear.

"Don't worry, Honza won't hurt you."

Calvary Heavenly Master touched the black widow's silky long hair, and said with a smile: "Here, beat the legs and shoulders for the honza." The

black widow's body moved involuntarily, stretched out Qianqianyu's hand, and gently beat the legs of the Calvary Heavenly Master.

When the beautiful woman saw this scene, there was fear in her eyes, and she felt the urge to escape from here, but she did not dare.

Calvary closed his eyes in enjoyment and waved at the girls in front of him: "Continue." "

Melodious and soothing music sounded in the box again.

Outside the box, Su Tianbao and the others heard the music that sounded again, and their faces were dazed.

The soundproofing of the box was very good, and they were so abandoned that they couldn't hear what was going on inside.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?"

Su Tianleo cursed low in his heart, his eyes showed unwillingness, although he was extremely angry in his heart, he did not dare to attack.


Kyoto, inside the Qin family estate.

Not long ago, Qin Zhentian brought Ye Xiaoman and the others here.

The Tianjiao Conference will not be held in a few days, and they need to wait here for a few days.

The return of Qin Zhentian and others naturally attracted the great attention of the Qin family.

Over the years, Qin Zhentian has sat in the Western Base City, but he has not provided resources to the Qin family.

The Qin family was able to develop to today's scale and strength, and Qin Zhentian contributed a lot.

Coupled with Ye Xiaofan's incident, Qin Zhentian's status in the Qin family can be described as rising steadily.

Of course, only a few people such as the ancestor of the Qin family knew the latter point.

Qin Wanshan, the ancestor of the Qin family, personally came forward to wash the dust for a group of people, which shocked the Qin family juniors who did not know the truth.

In the elegant and luxurious dining room, a group of core clansmen of the Qin family and people from Western Base City sat around a long table.

At the top of the long table, sat an old man in good spirits.

The old man's name was Qin Wanshan, and he was the ancestor of the Qin family.

On his left hand, there were the core clansmen of the Qin family, and on the lower right were Qin Zhentian and a group of guests.

Qin Wanshan first glanced at Phoenix Ji and Bai Susu, who turned into human forms, and then said with a smile to Qin Zhentian: "Zhentian, you have worked hard all these years.

Qin Zhentian hurriedly waved his hand: "Grandfather, don't say that, as a member of the family, these are all things that should be done."

Qin Feng, who was not far away, secretly pouted, wanting to complain about hypocrisy.

Qin Wanshan laughed and looked very happy, then looked at Qin Feng, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Feng, I heard that you worshiped a powerful master, I don't know how your cultivation is now?"

Qin Feng's impression of the Qin family was not very good, and when he heard this, he pouted: "General, rest assured, it should not lose the face of the Qin family."

As soon as these words with the smell of gunpowder came out, the faces of the Qin family present all changed slightly.

Qin Zhentian glared at Qin Feng fiercely, but it was a pity that the other birds did not bird him.

Qin Ruyu kicked Qin Feng on the opposite side under his feet, but the other party also did not care.

Ye Xiaoman and the others looked at each other, and they also knew some things about the bad relationship between Qin Feng and the Qin family.

At this moment, I can only watch quietly, wanting to see how the Qin family will react?

A middle-aged man with a face somewhat similar to Qin Zhentian said in a deep voice: "Xiao Feng, as a junior, do you talk to an elder like this?" "

The man's name is Qin Zhenhong, Qin Zhentian's second brother, a somewhat pedantic person, who attaches great importance to family rules and some etiquette.

Qin Feng didn't care at all, and said lightly: "Sorry, I'm talking like this, if you can't get used to listening, cover your ears."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere was quiet again.

Qin Feng's move was already completely dismissing Qin Zhenhong's face.

Sure enough, the latter was furious: "Zhizi, you are presumptuous, let me teach you how to respect your elders today."

He shot up and prepared to teach Qin Feng a lesson.

Just when the scene was about to erupt, Qin Wanshan at the top waved his hand: "Okay, okay, Zhenhong, there are still guests here, besides, Xiao Feng is just straight-talking, there is no bad thought, you, as an elder, don't care."

Qin Zhenhong's expression froze, and his eyes showed stunned.

Some of the other Qin family members also had similar expressions.

Qin Wanshan pays the most attention to these things on weekdays, why don't he care today?

At the scene, only Qin Ruyu and a few other people knew the reason.

There are people behind Qin Feng now, even if it is the ancestor of the Qin family, he does not dare to offend.

On the other hand, it was still necessary to rely on Qin Feng to maintain a relationship with that senior, how could Qin Wanshan blame Qin Feng for this matter.

With Qin Wanshan speaking, even if Qin Zhenhong was dissatisfied, he could only sit down, but he still glared at Qin Feng fiercely.

The latter didn't look at him, which choked Qin Zhenhong enough.

Seeing this scene, some of the ancestors of the Qin family were all dissatisfied with Qin Feng.

In particular, several of them, who were less than twenty, were the most unhappy with Qin Feng, thinking that they must help their grandfather find this place after the meal.


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