Because Qin Feng's mouth was unobstructed, the meal was not pleasant.

After eating, Qin Feng didn't care about any etiquette or impoliteness, and directly got up and left.

This made the Qin family juniors even more dissatisfied.

Even some of the Qin elders showed displeasure on their faces, and couldn't help but look at Qin Wanshan.

But the latter didn't care, and said to Qin Zhentian: "Zhentian, come with me, I have something to ask you."

"Yes, grandfather."

Qin Zhentian agreed, and ordered Qin Ruyu: "Ruyu, treat Miss Ye and them, don't snub."

Qin Ruyu nodded quickly, and then got up and beckoned Ye Xiaoman and the others to leave the dining room.

Seeing this scene, Qin Zhenhong, the second elder of the Qin family, was even more dissatisfied.

He couldn't help but look at an old man with gray hair next to him, and asked puzzled: "Big brother, what does grandfather mean by this, that kid is so rude, shouldn't he teach a lesson?" "

The old man's name is Qin Zhenxuan, he is the son of the Qin family, and he handles the affairs of the Qin family on weekdays.

As for the father of the three, he died of illness before the reiki was revived.

Now in addition to Qin Wanshan, an old antique, Qin Zhenxuan is the oldest, so he is basically responsible for all the big and small things of the Qin family.

"Second brother, grandfather naturally has his reasons for doing this, so you don't have to care so much."

Qin Zhenxuan said meaningfully, then got up and left.

Qin Zhenhong frowned slightly, he always felt that there was something in the other party's words, but he couldn't hear anything famous.

The other Qin family members also left one after another, waiting until the people were almost gone.

A middle-aged man in his 30s walked over and said in a deep voice: "Dad, do you want me to teach that disrespectful kid a lesson?"

Qin Zhenhong shook his head gently: "You don't have to worry about this, if you think they will come to Xinghe they will trouble that kid, even if the grandfather blames it, you can say that those little guys are angry, but if you make a move, it will be different." Thinking

of the two who had just rushed out angrily, the middle-aged man nodded slightly.

His pair of sons and daughters had already reached the Purple Mansion Realm, which was more than enough to deal with Qin Feng.

On the other side, not long after Qin Feng left, he was stopped by a man and a woman.

Qin Feng frowned slightly: "Something?"

The young man among the two said coldly: "Qin Feng, you waste, why are you talking to my grandfather like that?

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows: "So you came to find a venue for your grandfather?" The

young man said coldly: "Exactly, do you dare to fight me?" The

movement here immediately attracted the audience of the other Qin families.

Seeing this scene, an inexplicable smile appeared in the eyes of the Qin family.

They all knew that Qin Feng's talent was not good, and after cultivating for so long, he had not been able to break through to the Purple Mansion Realm.

It's real waste.

At the moment, even a junior dares to challenge, it is enough to say everything.

Qin Feng glanced at the young man with a defiant face, and said disdainfully: "Go aside, I don't have the heart to bully you a little brat."

The young man sneered when he heard this: "I don't think you dare, right?"

Qin Feng's brows furrowed deeper, and just when he was thinking about whether to teach the kid in front of him a lesson, Qin Ruyu ran over from a distance and scolded the young man: "Xinghe, don't mess around, hurry up and retreat, there are guests present today, don't let people see the joke."

The young man Qin Xinghe said with a cold face: "It's not impossible for me to leave, unless he apologizes to his grandfather." "

Qin Ruyu's head is big for a while, Qin Feng's stinky temper she doesn't know, want the other party to apologize, isn't this a fool's dream?

She took a slight breath, and her voice became a little heavier: "Hugh wants to mess around again, let me stand down."

Qin Xinghe was still unmoved, and looked at Qin Feng and said defiantly: "Why, as an elder, don't you dare to enter the challenge of my junior?"

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "Hehe, it's not that I don't dare to take it, it's just that I'm afraid of hitting you."

Qin Xinghe's face was full of disdain: "Just by you?

Qin Feng was lazy and bothered, and said lightly: "If you want to fight, hurry up, don't force yourself here."

Qin Xinghe suddenly glared angrily, and said coldly: "Go, go to the square over there." Seeing

that Qin Feng really wanted to follow, Qin Ruyuliu's brows furrowed: "Xiao Feng, do you really want to deal with a junior?"

Qin Feng spread his hands: "It's not that I calculate, you also saw it, it was he who looked for it himself."

After speaking, he ignored Qin Ruyu's ugly face and followed with a step.

Qin Ruyu stomped his foot, intending to stop it, but now it was irresistible.

Seeing her like this, a beautiful woman in her early 30s came over and comforted: "Sister Ruyu, don't worry too much, Xinghe has a light hand, it won't hurt that kid, in fact, it's not all bad, that kid is a little too arrogant, it's good to be a little frustrated."

Qin Ruyu opened her mouth, but didn't know how to say it.

Looking at the expressions of the other Qin family members around her, the corners of her mouth twitched secretly.

In other words, was she worried about Qin Feng?

She was worried about whether Qin Xinghe was good or not.

These guys in front of them didn't know how terrifying Qin Feng was now.

Not to mention that Qin Xinghe had just broken through the Purple Mansion Realm, he was the old Purple Mansion Realm, and he would not necessarily be Qin Feng's opponent.

"Let's go, let's go over and see."

The beautiful woman said a word, and walked towards the square not far away with the other Qin families.

Qin Ruyu was stunned, at this time, Xiao Luoli came over with Ye Xiaoman and the others, and comforted: "Cousin, don't worry too much, cousin is still measured, let those little cubs suffer setbacks, so as not to be self-righteous every day, but I don't know that their little talent is not a fart in the eyes of the real Tianjiao."

Qin Ruyu opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't know how to speak.

The so-called Tianjiao of their Qin family did not put the girl in front of them in the slightest.

I don't know how it will feel to let those cubs know?

Sure enough, hugging your thighs is different.

I remember that in the past, the little girl in front of me had always targeted her.

Now that gaze on everything, I am afraid that I have long not taken her to heart.

Afterwards, a group of people also walked towards the other side of the square.

In the center of the crowd, Qin Feng and Qin Xinghe stood opposite each other.

Qin Feng put one hand behind him, and hooked his finger at the immature young man on the opposite side with one hand: "Little fellow, come on, let me see how much skill you Qin family's so-called Tianjiao have?"

"Hmph, then you're optimistic."

Qin Xinghe snorted coldly, and a purple vortex appeared behind him, and its face surged with majestic spiritual power.

That was the Purple Mansion.

Countless spiritual powers poured into the young man's body through the purple mansion, and his footsteps stepped on the ground, and his body was like an off-string arrow, and he instantly arrived in front of Qin Feng.

As the wind howled, a fist went straight to Qin Feng's face.

After arriving at the Purple Mansion Realm, not only can you use the power of qi and blood, but you can also use the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

Under the fusion of the two forces, the power of this punch has already exceeded 100,000 jin.

The general qi and blood realm is absolutely impossible to take.

The eyes of the onlookers showed anticipation, wondering if Qin Feng could take this punch?

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