In the Pure Land of Bliss, Black Widow rubbed her sour wrists, her face gloomy and ugly.

She actually waited for that nasty guy for hours.

Not only beating his legs and pinching his shoulders, but also being asked to dance sexy hot dances at the end.

This is simply a shame.

"If I don't take revenge, my black widow swears not to be a man."

She gritted her teeth, then took out the phone and called, ready to find someone behind her to find him the field.

Soon after, Qin Zhenhong came to the Land of Bliss with a gloomy face.

Because of Qin Feng's affairs, he was already very unhappy in his heart.

As a result, Black Widow called him and said that there were a few people who were not long-eyed in the Pure Land of Bliss, so he came over in person, thinking that he could just vent.

That's right, behind the black widow is the Qin family.

After seeing Black Widow, he asked in a deep voice, "Where is the troublemaker?" Let me see, which one ate the bear heart leopard bile and dared to make trouble here? Seeing

that only Qin Zhenhong had arrived, the black widow was a little hesitant, and said carefully: "Second master, those few people are very strong, let's not call a few people over." "

She and Su Tianbao are both strong people in the late stage of the Inscription Realm, but in the hands of those people, they don't have the slightest power to resist.

Although Qin Zhenhong's strength was stronger than theirs, she was still a little unsure in her heart.

Qin Zhenhong said lightly: "No need, it's enough to have me alone, lead the way." Seeing

this, Black Widow couldn't say anything more, so she could only honestly lead the way ahead.

Not long after, the two came to the floor where the fairy box was located.

The crowd who was originally watching on the floor had already been sent away by Black Widow.

Now, there is only a group of people from the Su family kneeling at the door of the box.

Seeing this scene, Qin Zhenhong's brows frowned slightly: "What's going on?" Black

Widow didn't hide it either, and told the matter in general.

Qin Zhenhong's eyes froze slightly when he heard this, but he didn't take it too seriously.

Su Tianleo is only in the late stage of the Inscription Realm, but he is a half-step Yuan Infant Realm, and it is very easy to defeat the other party.

Seeing Qin Zhenhong's arrival, everyone in the Su family showed a hint of joy in their eyes.

This one is very strong, if they can solve the few people inside, they can also leave.

Only Su Tianbao's expression did not change much, and he knew very well that even if Qin Zhenhong made a move, it was probably not the opponent of those people inside.

If the ancestor of the Qin family made a move, it would be almost the same.

But he didn't say much, it was best if the Qin family tried to do it.

The reason why he did not leave here is because he is afraid of losing his life.

The second is also for the sake of the family, the strength of the few people inside is unpredictable, especially the person at the head, it is very likely to be the Yuan Infant Realm, even if he goes back to invite the ancestor, the odds of victory are still unknown.

If something went wrong, the blow to their Su family would be devastating.

Su Tianbao did not dare to gamble.

Qin Zhenhong ignored everyone in the Su family, pushed open the box door that had just been changed not long ago and walked in.

Black Widow followed behind him.

Seeing the sudden arrival of someone, the dancing singer suddenly stopped, and the music stopped.

The three people who were enjoying suddenly looked over, and Centipede Zhixing raised his eyebrows slightly: "Little chick, didn't you go and prepare some high-quality milk?" Why did you bring a man here?

Black Widow gritted her teeth: "Mess, don't be arrogant, someone will clean you up immediately."

Centipede Zhixing pouted: "So, you went to move the rescuers?"

He looked Qin Zhenhong up and down and commented: "I have some strength, but I advise you not to be nosy and leave quickly, if you make my brother unhappy, you kid will be miserable."

Qin Zhenhong's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "Do you know the price of offending my Qin family?"

Centipede Zhixing pouted, immediately looked at Calvary Heavenly Master, and said flatteringly: "Brother, it seems that this is another stunned blue, let's see how to deal with it?"

Jin Wanjin suggested: "Brother, this guy is wearing a dog-like person, and he should also look like a decent person, I think it's better to rip off his clothes and throw them out."

Calvary Heavenly Master's eyes lit up: "This is a good idea, just do it." Hearing

the conversation between the three, Qin Zhenhong's forehead was bruised, and his temples suddenly jumped, and he was already angry to the extreme.

At home, he was provoked by Qin Feng's evil barrier, and at this moment, he was humiliated like this by the three people in front of him.

He could no longer suppress the boundless anger in his chest.

"Wait for death."

He roared, full of spiritual power, ready to start to solve the three people in front of him.

But the next moment, his face changed abruptly.

Because he found that he could not move, the spiritual power in his body also stagnated.

Calvary Heavenly Master didn't even look at it, and waved his hand: "Which of you will deal with it."

"Brother, I'll go."

Centipede Zhixing was the first to speak, which made Jin Wanjin a little annoyed, and he took a step slower.

Centipede Zhixing came to Qin Zhenhong and asked with a serious face: "I'm a little curious, with your little strength, how dare you be so arrogant?" Didn't the elders in your family teach you that there are people outside the world, and that there is a truth outside the sky?

Qin Zhenhong's face was gloomy, and his eyes glared angrily at Centipede Zhixing.

This statement is too serious.

Black Widow's whole person is already stupid.

The powerful Qin Zhenhong actually did not have the slightest power to resist.

What is the strength of these people in front of you?

"Could it be the Yuan Infant Realm??"

When she first thought of this possibility, she herself was taken aback.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm saying this for your own good, I hope you can remember today's lesson, and you must keep a low profile when walking outside in the future, right?"

Centipede Zhixing kindly admonished: "After all, not everyone in this world is my master.

Then, he pulled off all of Qin Zhenhong's clothes, leaving only a large pants, ignoring the former's fierce eyes.

Picked up the other and threw it through the window on the side.

He clapped his hands, turned around and asked for credit from Master Calvary, "Brother, it's all done." "

Good, good." Calvary Heavenly Master praised, and his eyes showed satisfaction.

Jin Wanjin, who was a little jealous, immediately looked at the black widow who was stupid in place, and scolded: "What are you doing here, don't hurry up to serve my brother, believe it or not, I will also strip you and throw you outside."

Black Widow suddenly came to her senses, and then did not dare to hesitate in the slightest, and quickly stepped forward to continue serving the Calvary Heavenly Master.

Then, the singing and dancing in the box continued.

On the street some distance from the Pure Land of Bliss, Qin Zhenhong, who was only wearing big pants, slammed into the hard street, immediately attracting the attention of a large number of pedestrians.

"What is this person doing, why is he only wearing a pair of pants?" Also fell from the sky?

"It seems to have flown from that direction over there, I remember that it seems to be the Pure Land of Bliss over there, did you encounter the anti-yellow brigade??"

Everyone around was talking about it, very curious about why Qin Zhenhong fell from the sky, and he was only wearing a pair of pants.

Listening to the discussion around him, Qin Zhenhong's expression twitched, if this was passed out, he would not have to see anyone in the future.

Fortunately, he was on the ground with his face, and everyone did not see his face clearly.

Just as he was about to get up and leave here quickly, a familiar voice suddenly came from the diagonal side.

"Ah, cousin, look, there is a person running naked here!!"


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