It was Xiao Luoli who spoke, they were wandering around Kyoto, and suddenly saw a large group of people gathered here, so they were attracted over.

"Where, let me see."

Qin Feng squeezed into the crowd, and sure enough, he saw a person wearing only big pants lying on the ground, and he immediately took out his mobile phone to take pictures and videos, ready to send a circle of friends.

Ye Xiaoman's daughters also saw it.

"I really didn't expect that there would be such a bad thing in a place like Kyoto."

Several women sighed softly, only feeling incredible.

Xiao Luolihu said suspiciously: "It is estimated that there is a mental problem." "

Qin Zhenhong, whose head is buried in the street, has the heart to die.

The second master of the Qin family also had such a embarrassing day.

He just wanted to find a seam to get into.

But at this moment, he really didn't dare to raise his head, otherwise he would be seen by Qin Feng, and then he would really have no face to see people from then on.

But coincidentally, two patrolling vigilantes squeezed into the crowd.

"Hey, this gentleman, you can't do this, please leave quickly."

A security officer stepped forward and said, while bending down to help Qin Zhenhong up.

The latter knew that he could no longer hide, so he got up as fast as he could, and fled the place like a fly.

Everyone only felt a gust of wind blowing, and when they looked again, the person had disappeared.

Someone exclaimed: "I rely on, such a fast speed, I must be a master."

"Shenma situation, is it popular for masters to play like this now?"

Everyone was puzzled, and then left one after another.

Qin Feng blinked, and with a glimpse of the previous shock, he always felt that the other party was a bit like Qin Zhenhong.

At this moment, Xiao Luoli opened her mouth and asked, "Cousin, do you think that person just now is a bit like Second Master Qin?"

Qin Feng was surprised, "You think so too?"

Xiao Luoli was stunned, and then looked at Ye Xiaoman and the others.

Several people also nodded, and Huang Ji said directly: "You see it right, that person just now is the second master of the Qin family." "

With her strength, she can naturally see clearly.

After hearing this, several people showed shock in their eyes, and Qin Feng was surprised: "I'll go, that old guy still has this kind of proclivity, I really never expected it."

He opened the previously recorded video, slowed down and carefully watched it several times, and sure enough, he found that the person before was Qin Zhenhong.

Xiao Luoli was stunned: "I really can't believe it, the second master of the Qin family actually likes to run naked."

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Well, the handle of that old thing fell into my hands, see if he dares to be arrogant in the future." "

For Qin Zhenhong, he has long been unhappy.

He always likes to go online, and the children he raised always like to target him.

Several people talked for a while, and then left here.


On the other side, the more Qin Zhenhong thought about it after he went back, the more angry he became, and he wanted to find a few people from Calvary Heavenly Master to take revenge, but in the end, he still held back.

He knew very well that the other party could defeat him so easily, his strength was definitely in the Yuan Infant Realm, and it was not an ordinary Yuan Infant Realm, even if he invited Qin Wanshan, he was not necessarily an opponent.

There is no need to offend such a strong opponent for no reason.

In the end, he could only grit his teeth and endure it, expecting in his heart that Qin Feng and the others did not see that it was him.

Otherwise, it is really social death.

In the evening, Qin Feng and the others returned to the Qin family.

The Qin family had already prepared the dinner.

Since he saw Qin Zhenhong at the dinner.

The other party looked calm, as if nothing had happened.

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth were slightly playful, and he suddenly said: "By the way, Second Uncle, I witnessed an interesting incident outside today, I think you should be interested, do you want to share it with you?" Seeing

Qin Feng's smiling expression, Qin Zhenhong's heart sank, knowing that the other party must have seen it during the day.

He took a slight breath, forcibly calmed his mind, and said expressionlessly: "I'm not interested."

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Second Uncle didn't listen to it, how can I be so sure, that thing is really, really interesting."

Qin Zhenhong said nothing with a calm face.

Qin Feng pouted: "Since the second uncle is not interested, then I will share it with others."

Qin Zhenhong's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly transmitted: "Mixed account boy, what do you want to do?"

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth turned up slightly, and the voice transmission responded: "Second uncle, what are you talking about, I just want to share interesting things with my family."

Qin Zhenhong was shaky and cold, gritting his teeth and transmitting: "Hugh wants to talk nonsense, what purpose is to say it bluntly."

Qin Feng said with a smile: "I heard that the second uncle has collected a lot of treasures, and I like treasures the most, I wonder if I can go and see them?" Qin

Zhenhong's pupils shrank suddenly, his gaze was cold, if his eyes could kill, Qin Feng estimated that he would already be riddled with holes.

"You don't think about it." He responded coldly: "You see how it is, without evidence, who will believe it."

Qin Feng smiled and said, "I'm really sorry, I have evidence."

Qin Zhenhong's pupils shrank, and then he heard the mobile phone prompt, picked it up without a trace, and his face suddenly became ugly.

In the end, he had to compromise.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Then thank you Second Uncle." "

What I thought in my heart was that when I took those treasures home, I would all honor them to the big black dog, and let it start lightly when I grabbed my chance in the future."

Seeing the other party's mean smile, Qin Zhenhong couldn't wait to rush up and tear the other party alive with two punches.

At the same time of anger, he was also puzzled.

The last time I saw Qin Feng, the other party was still a taciturn teenager and basically did not communicate with others.

How come this has not been seen for a few years, and it has become like this bird.

Even if the talent becomes better, it should be that the personality has become arrogant, but there is something wrong with this painting style at the moment.

Because the two of them were secretly transmitting, everyone in the Qin family did not know, and only saw the two of them staring wide-eyed.

In that way, it is like a couple arguing with their eyes.

Everyone in the Qin family was suspicious.


Calvary Heavenly Master and several people enjoyed the Bliss Land for several days before leaving.

During this period, Black Widow has been waiting, and Su Tianbao and the others have also been kneeling outside the door.

In the penthouse room, Black Widow flicked her sore wrist and clenched her silver teeth in anger.

If he had the strength, he couldn't wait to unload those guys.

Just ask her to serve, in the end, she is still a white prostitute.

It is also said that they really appreciate the songs and dances of the girls, and it is tacky to talk about money.

She had never seen such a brazen person.

On the other side, after Su Tianbao and the others went back, they immediately told the Su family ancestor and others about the matter.

In the villa of the Su family, the second elder, Su Tianhu, slapped the table angrily: "How can it be reasonable, dare to humiliate the people of my Su family like this, no matter who the other party is, they must pay the price."

Su Tianlong said in a deep voice: "The second elder should not be impulsive, even Qin Zhenhong is not an opponent, I think the strength of those few people is very strong, let's still plan in the long run." "

As the current head of the Su family, he is more mature and stable than the other two.

The ancestor of the Su family also spoke: "Tianlong is right, those people must not be simple, this matter needs to be considered in the long run, you first find someone to investigate, see if you can find out the origin of those people." Then

, after some detailed discussion, the three brothers left separately.

The ancestor of the Su family also left the villa after him.

Soon after, he came to an antique manor and met the lord of the temple of the gods in one of the courtyards.

"I've seen the lord of the temple."

The ancestor of the Su family bent down to salute the man in blue behind the screen.


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