"What's the matter?"

Behind the screen, there was an indifferent voice.

The ancestor of the Su family did not dare to hide it, and quickly explained the matter.

"Hall Master, will the sudden emergence of such a mysterious master in Kyoto pose an uncontrollable threat to the next plan?"

The man in Qing Yi was silent for a few seconds, and said lightly: "It's okay, in this Kyoto, except for the dragon battle, this seat is not afraid of anyone." The

ancestor of the Su family nodded gently: "It's the subordinates who have thought too much." The

man in Qing Yi ordered: "Investigate with all your strength and find out the origin of those people as soon as possible."

"Yes, Lord of the Temple."

The ancestor of the Su family turned around and left after receiving the order.


Kyoto, somewhere in a clubhouse.

Centipede Zhixing looked at Calvary Heavenly Master and asked, "Brother, it's almost time to play, should we go back, if the owner notices it, it's not good."

Jin Wanjin immediately squeezed: "You are afraid of a hammer, there is a brother, we have something to be vain." "

He is now more and more unhappy to see Centipede Zhixing, and the other party has repeatedly robbed him of the opportunity to slap.

Jin Wanjin had to admit that when it came to swatting kung fu, he was really inferior to the other party.

Calvary Heavenly Master bowed his head gently: "The little toad is right, if it is a man, don't be vain."

"I think that when the main seat was in hell, it made ten thousand demons submit, and suppressed the eighteen layers of hell with one hand, even if the ten hall Yan Kings saw the main seat, they had to be respectful."

"Now it's just that the strength has not yet recovered, so I temporarily follow that kid, and when the strength of the Japanese seat recovers to the peak one day, I must find that kid to settle the account."

The corners of Centipede Zhixing's mouth twitched secretly, and his heart said that you should not blow it.

In the past few days, Calvary Heavenly Master often bragged to them about how powerful he was back then, what one hand fought alone in the eighteen prisons, and both hands pushed Da Luo Tian.

If it was really so powerful, how could it be rubbed by Ye Xiaofan on the ground?

Of course, he did not dare to say this.


There are two sides to the story.

After Ye Xiaofan robbed in the Kunlun Mountains, he rode the bear boldly back to the Western Base City.

Entering the villa, he only saw the big black dog and the fish dragon, and he couldn't help but be a little curious: "What about the other guys?" Yuhua

Long Yu reported: "Master, that petty toad and sycophant went out with that bragging bone, saying that they went out for a walk."

Ye Xiaofan looked at the fish and dragon, and said in his heart that this metaphor was quite graphic.

"The nickname is good." He commented, then asked, "What's your name?" Yuhualong

was a little embarrassed when he heard this, but he still said: "Master, I also chose one for myself, called True Dragon Tianzi."

"It's really a dragon Tianzi, you really dare to put gold on your face." Ye Xiaofan rolled his eyes and said angrily, "I see that your name is almost the same as the riffraff dragon."

Yuhualong's face collapsed, and he defended: "Master, how can you say that, I am so domineering, how can I have nothing to do with ruffianism." "


Ye Xiaofan said lazily, took off his clothes and jumped into the open-air pool.

After taking a shower, he went into the house to change his clothes, then went to the yard to lie down, and began to swipe his phone, ready to see if there was anything new happening around the world.

As a result, I really saw the amazing news.

[Olympus Divine Mountain was shocked by the colorful divine light, suspected that a heavy treasure was born, and the Siluo Federation and the Ice and Snow Empire have sent masters to check it. ]

After seeing this news, Ye Xiaofan's expression perked up.

The sacred mountain of Olympus is a place as mythical as the Dragon and Tiger Mountain.

According to the information currently known.

Most of the so-called famous mountains and monuments are not simple in origin.

I think the same is true of the sacred mountain of Olympus, most of which also contain secret realms.

"After the revival of Reiki, I haven't been to the West, so I should go over and take a look."

He whispered, ready to go to the sacred mountain of Olympus to fight the autumn breeze.

Hearing the sound, the three pets next to them all looked over.

The fish dragon couldn't wait to ask, "Master, is there any new goal?"

Ye Xiaofan did not hide it, and said lightly: "Prepare to go to the west to take a look."

Yuhualong's eyes lit up: "Master, when did you set off, you have lived for so long, you haven't gone to other places to see it, you must go and see it this time." "

The big black dog and the bear bold are also interested.


Ye Xiaofan said a word and began to continue to swipe his phone.

He found that in addition to the people of the Ice and Snow Empire and the Siluo Federation, people from other forces also went to the sacred mountain of Olympus.

This is also normal, the area of the sacred mountain of Olympus today belongs to the borderlands.

There has long been a tacit understanding between the major forces, and if a relic treasure appears in its own sphere of influence, it belongs to itself.

Just like Mount Emei and Mount Longhu ahead.

But if a treasure appears in Borderlands, all major forces can compete for it.

Just like the sacred mountain of Olympus this time.

"Hehe, it's good if there are many people, so that the leeks are comfortable to cut."

Ye Xiaofan thought silently in his heart.

The people sent by the major forces are leeks in his eyes, and the more people, the more opportunities he gets.

At that time, the more refreshing the leeks will be.

At the same time, the major forces of the Dragon Kingdom also knew about it.

In Kyoto, the official meeting was held quickly.

In the middle of an elegant and quiet manor, on the edge of a clear lake, a man is fishing.

The man has a resolute face, eyes with a look, about thirty years old, a hair like a steel needle, flashing with a cold light, he is wearing a black practice uniform, sitting quietly on the edge of the lake.

The whole person is as motionless as a pine, as if he is integrated into this heaven and earth, giving people a strange feeling.

The man is the number one powerhouse of the Dragon Kingdom - Dragon Battle.

A name that terrifies monsters everywhere.

Before the revival of Reiki, Long Zhan was just an ordinary soldier, and in the battle with demon beasts, he witnessed too many deaths, and also witnessed the intrigue of major forces.

Because of unnecessary internal friction, many innocent sacrifices have been made.

He vowed to become stronger, cultivated hard every day, and his strength grew by leaps and bounds, and a few years later he became the first strong man in the Dragon Kingdom, strongly integrating major forces and establishing the Kyoto base city.

People from other places followed suit and established eight other base cities.

It is precisely because of his existence that the current situation of the Dragon Kingdom has been created.

He is known as the first god of war in the Dragon Kingdom, and he is also the first strong, and he is a true king who deserves it.

A middle-aged man dressed in a military uniform came to the lake and gave a military salute to Long Zhan: "I have seen the chief." "

What's the matter?"

The indifferent voice sounded, Long Zhan pulled the fishing rod in his hand, and above the hook, there was a golden carp with a long palm.

The middle-aged man did not dare to hide it, and told him about the sacred mountain of Olympus.

Long Zhan said lightly: "Send out the Dragon Soul Squad, go over and see if you can get any opportunities?" "

The last two times the secret realm appeared, Kyoto did not send a particularly strong team to it, because it was afraid that it would cause unnecessary conflicts with other base cities.

The great change in heaven and earth is coming, and the Dragon Kingdom must no longer have internal friction.

The middle-aged man hesitated and said, "Chief, it is said that in the sacred mountain of Olympus, there is a divine fruit that can make the Yuan Infant grow rapidly.

Long Zhan's face, which had been ancient and unwavering, finally changed, turned around and said in a deep voice: "Tell me the details." "


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