In Kyoto, in the military camp, Long Zhan looked at a silver-haired middle-aged man and instructed: "Yunfei, during my absence, look after Kyoto for me, especially the secret temples of the gods and several major families, and must prevent them from having evil intentions." The

silver-haired middle-aged Yunfei nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, big brother, with me, those guys can't turn over any storms."

Long Zhan admonished: "Don't be careless, if others don't say it, if the one from the Wang family makes a move, it will be difficult for you to stop it."

Yun Fei was stunned: "How could it be, although he has retired from the military, but he used to be a military person, how can he do something to us?"

"That's not certain." Long Zhan shook his head, and then his voice was solemn: "I suspect that he is most likely the mysterious hall master of the Temple of the Gods."

Yun Fei was shocked when he heard this: "What, how is this possible?" "

No wonder he was so surprised.

The person they are talking about, named Wang Xuanqing, is also the same as Long Zhan many years ago, he is a military god of war, and he has killed many powerful monster beasts in order to protect the people.

Six years ago, he won the position of supreme chief in the war with the dragon, but he lost a move, and then withdrew from the army, and has not been out of the door since.

But even so, it still has a high prestige in the army.

Yunfei really couldn't believe that such a person would have any second mind?

"People change." Long Zhan sighed and continued, "Of course, this is just my suspicion, you don't have to pay too much attention to it, just take a little precaution."

Yunfei nodded and did not speak again.


In the middle of a quaint courtyard.

The man in Qing Yi stood with his hands in his hands, looked into the distance, and whispered softly in his mouth: "Dragon War, the sacred mountain of Olympus is your place of burial bones, but it's a pity that I can't kill you with my own hands." "


In the underwater world, the whale emperor also received news from the sacred mountain of Olympus.

In the crystal palace, the whale emperor looked at the five great generals under his command and said in a deep voice: "I feel that I am going to break through, and this time it is up to you to go." "

The five major battles will be the shark warrior, the lobster warrior, the crab warrior, the catfish warrior and the last ocean street killer whale.

Among them, the shark warrior and the lobster and crab two major warriors have reached the Yuan Infant Realm, and only the catfish and killer whale strength is in the Inscription Realm.

"Your Majesty rest assured, I will definitely have to take the opportunity of the Olympus Divine Mountain."

The whale emperor bowed: "Go." "

The five great warlords immediately left the underwater world and headed towards the sacred mountain of Olympus in the west.

Kunlun, the major demon emperors also learned the news of the Olympus Divine Mountain, and even informed the leader Bai Ze of the news.

"No need to go, let's just keep Kunlun."

Bai Ze still chose to hide in Kunlun.

In the western base city, after Ye Xiaofan was ready, he rode the bear boldly and set off for the Olympus sacred mountain with the big black dog and the fish dragon.

This time, there is no need for someone to watch the house.

Because there is no one at home.

This time, Ye Xiaofan still turned into the appearance of a fat Taoist.

Just as he was leaving for the West, the Tianjiao Conference in Kyoto was also held as scheduled.

After receiving the news, several top families in Kyoto also sent teams to the west, thinking about whether they could fight the autumn breeze.

As for the other base cities, no one moved.

Their strength is too weak, and they only deliver vegetables when they go.

Kyoto, a clubhouse.

Centipede Zhixing and Jin Wanjin also received the news.

The two demons were also eager to move, wanting to go and make a splash, but Calvary Heavenly Master did not speak, and they did not dare to act rashly.

Perhaps seeing the thoughts of the two demons, Calvary Heavenly Master said disdainfully: "Look at your appearance, the dojo of the garbage "alien race", what good things can be left, follow the honza, less benefit from you." A

glow appeared on his fingertips, quickly reaching the center of the two demon's eyebrows.

The next moment, the heads of the two demons suffered a sharp pain, as if their heads were about to explode, and a stream of majestic information appeared in their minds.

After digesting this information, the two demons showed ecstasy on their faces and thanked Calvary Heavenly Master one after another.

"Don't get excited, this is just the beginning, as long as you follow the honza, your good things will be indispensable in the future."

Calvary Heavenly Master's voice was indifferent: "Stop arguing, continue to enjoy the song and dance." "


The Siluo Federation, after the revival of Reiki, the alliance formed by Western countries to resist demon beasts is extremely powerful.

At this moment, the headquarters of the Ciro Federation, in a conference room.

Five elderly men are holding a meeting.

The five people in front of him are the five chiefs of the Siluo Federation.

A silver-haired old man spoke: "According to the news, the forces in various places have gone to the Olympus Divine Mountain, and the dragon war has also come, let's finally review the plan to see if there are any mistakes." He

was dressed in a sophisticated suit, and he sat there elegantly, with an unconcealable temperament all over his body.

Like an ancient prince and nobleman.

A burly blond old man next to him questioned: "Even if we are well prepared, if we want to kill the dragon battle, the price to pay is difficult to estimate, and is that guy named "Wang Xuanqing" really trustworthy?"

"Whether it is trustworthy or not, this opportunity is rare, if we can successfully kill the dragon battle and refine its Yuan Infant, we can break through the shackles of the Yuan Infant Realm."

A thin old man with a gloomy face spoke in a deep voice, his eyes shining with fiery color.

"Blanche is right." A silver-haired old woman slowly spoke: "Once successful, that person said to send us three famous mountains, the dragon country has a long heritage, among which the opportunity is by no means ordinary, this risk is worth taking."

The last elegant-looking middle-aged man agreed: "Indeed, this risk is worth taking, and the Olympus Sacred Mountain is dangerous, especially the place where the golden apple is located, it is extremely dangerous, the major forces will definitely be killed and injured at that time, maybe we don't need to do it, the dragon war will fall, we just need to follow behind to pick up the leaks." "

In fact, it has been a while since the birth of the Olympus Divine Mountain, and the first to get the news is naturally the nearest Siro Federation.

They immediately sent a team to investigate, and the result was naturally heavy casualties.

In the end, the five chiefs went in person, but they still failed to please.

In the end, they had to withdraw from the sacred mountain of Olympus, just when they were in a dilemma.

Wang Xuanqing, the man in blue clothes, came to the door and expressed his willingness to cooperate with them.

Let them help kill the dragon war, he took the opportunity to stage a coup d'état and take control of the dragon country.

After the fact, send them three famous mountains.

At first, the five were naturally unwilling.

After all, they had never heard of each other before.

Finally, after seeing Wang Xuanqing's strength, he agreed.

The other party was actually the same as them, and it was also the strength of the Yuan Infant Realm.

And stronger than every single one of them.

So later, the five people managed to release the news of the sacred mountain of Olympus.

He also asked Wang Xuanqing to help and let Long Zhan know the news that the Olympus Divine Mountain had a miracle medicine that could help the growth of the Yuan baby.

Because only in this way can you attract each other.

Long Zhan had almost broken through the barrier of the Yuan Infant Realm, and half a foot had stepped into the next realm.

After the Yuan Baby, for the Yang God.

The so-called Yang God is to let the Yuan Baby grow up and turn it into reality from the void.

It can be said that if you get a magic medicine that can help the growth of the Yuan baby, Long Zhan can probably break through to the Yang God.

Such a big temptation, even if the other party knows that the news is not necessarily true, he will probably come.

"Well, people are already here, let's not think so much, the great change of heaven and earth is coming, before this, we must improve our strength as much as possible."

The silver-haired old man who spoke at the beginning said in a deep voice, with a trace of determination in his tone.

The other four did not say anything more, and began to review the details of the plan.


There are two sides to the story.

After a period of hurrying, one person and three demons finally arrived at the sacred mountain of Olympus.

Along the way, he naturally encountered a lot of trouble, but they were easily solved by one person and three demons.

From a distance, the sacred mountain of Olympus rises into the clouds, the stretch of mountains resembles the backbone of a dragon, the mountain body is majestic, and the clouds and mist above the mountain peak are beautiful.

Ye Xiaofan sighed with emotion: "This place is really beautiful, but I don't know how the resources in it are?"

He rubbed his hands, looking expectant.

Xiong grinned boldly: "This place looks good, there must be many opportunities."

Yuhualong asked on the side: "Master, what are we going to do this time, is it a tactful robbery, or a direct robbery?"

Ye Xiaofan said righteously: "As a country of etiquette, how can we say robbery, that is called keeping it for others, this is a good deed." The

fish dragon nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, do good." At

this moment, there was a sound of breaking wind in the distance.

They turned their heads and saw five rainbow rays flying over.

At the head is a guy with a shark's head, and the other people are also very strange.

They are the five great generals sent by the whale emperor.

The five great generals also saw Ye Xiaofan and them.

After seeing the familiar fat Taoist, Tiger Kun trembled in his heart, and subconsciously remembered all kinds of things not long ago.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious fat Taoist priest also came.

It quickly retracted its gaze, not intending to look too much to avoid further trouble.

But the other warlords don't think so.

The fierce shark warrior spoke coldly: "Those guys dare to mix with humans and look for death." "

It hates humans the most, and naturally can't stand this scene in front of it.

Tiger Kun hurriedly persuaded: "Brother Shark, we are here to seize the treasure, these guys seem to be not weak, let's not make more trouble." The

shark warrior looked back and said coldly: "Why, are you afraid?" Hu

Kun smiled dryly: "The eldest brother said and laughed, the younger brother just doesn't want to cause more trouble."

"Hmph, I see you're just afraid, waste stuff."

The shark warrior snorted coldly, not putting the tiger in his eyes at all.

The latter grinds his teeth darkly, thinking how majestic it was once the killer whale family, which is a real street slipper in the ocean.

Anyone dares.

As a result, after the revival of the aura, the dog thing of the whale emperor actually wiped out most of the whales in the ocean in order to cut off the threat.

In particular, their killer whale family is almost dead and injured.

If it weren't for its original cleverness, it fled to the Whale Emperor in advance, and self-destroyed part of its foundation, I am afraid that it would have died early now.

If not, just with this stupid great white shark in front of you, you dare to bully it?

Dog thing, since you yourself are looking for death, I am too lazy to persuade.

Thinking viciously in his heart, the tiger fish secretly raised his spirit, ready to run away as soon as something went wrong.

The other four major generals did not care about the tiger fish, and quickly surrounded Ye Xiaofan.

Before and after, the shark warrior looked down at Ye Xiaofan and the three demons condescendingly, and his voice was indifferent: "You three traitors of the demon race, you actually dare to collude with humans, can you be guilty?"

One person and three demons blinked, and the big black dog was the first to speak: "Where are you a stupid thing, this emperor acts, do you still need to explain to you?" The

shark warrior was furious: "Presumptuous, all the monsters and beasts in the world are under the control of His Majesty the Whale Emperor, and he will be the commander of His Majesty, so he is naturally qualified to discipline Er and so on."

"It is not easy to practice Nian Zai'er, Ben will be willing to give Er a chance to quickly kill this human being, and then return to the Whale Palace with Ben to receive the crime."

In doing so, it also detected that the strength of the big black dog three demons seemed to be not weak, and it wanted to receive his subordinates, and it might come in handy in the next trip to the sacred mountain.

The three demons looked at each other, and the fish dragon looked stunned: "This is really a stupid fish, it's just stupid."

Xiong Bold looked at the shark warrior and said curiously: "That, do the elders in your family know when you come out?" Do they tell you that a character like yours is vulnerable to beating on the outside? Hearing

the sneers of the two demons, the shark warrior could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

"Since you want to die, it will be fulfilled for you."

The demon power around it was boiling, and a terrifying demon qi rushed up.

The other three demon generals also released a terrifying aura on their bodies.

For a moment, terrifying fluctuations pervaded this heaven and earth.

"Heh, there are actually three Yuan Infant Realms, no wonder they dare to be so arrogant."

The fish dragon was a little surprised, and immediately hid behind Ye Xiaofan.

Xiong boldly hurriedly said: "Brother Black Emperor, don't be stunned, hurry up, kill these guys, delicious seafood."

The big black dog rolled his eyes and said angrily: "I'm on your sister, why don't you go up." "

Three Yuan Infant Realms, among which the shark warrior is still in the middle of the Yuan Infant Realm, and its strength is comparable.

Isn't it purely looking for abuse?

Seeing that the demons below are still chatting lightly, the four major battles will be even more angry.

"A few evil beasts who do not know whether they are dead or alive, today they will surely crush your bones."

The shark warrior's voice was as cold as a knife, and his eyes showed killing intent.

Ye Xiaofan glanced at the three demons and said dissatisfied: "A bunch of useless things, you can't even get a few seafood, what use do you want?" Hearing

this, the four major battles will be even more angry.

"Human, you look for death."

The grumpy crab warrior roared and killed Ye Xiaofan like lightning.

Ye Xiaofan raised his hand to grab the crab warrior's fist, and then flicked a lightning-fast finger on his brain.

Its head exploded with a bang, and the headless corpse fell straight down, turning into a huge golden crab.

The other three demons changed their faces drastically, but they didn't wait for them to react.

Ye Xiaofan had already moved.

Bang bang!

Three fingers popped out, and the three demon generals also followed in the footsteps of the crab demon general.

There were three more huge demon corpses in the field at once.

When the tiger fish in the distance saw this scene, he was so frightened that he quickly used his talent and magical powers, turned around and burrowed into the void, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


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