Looking at the killer whale that disappeared without a trace, Ye Xiaofan showed pity: "What is that guy running, I still appreciate it." He

heard what the killer whale said not long ago.

I think the other party is a far-sighted whale, and it is very good to receive it under his command.

But I didn't expect the other party to be scared away directly.

Yuhualong also nodded in agreement: "The master is right, that whale is quite good, much more far-sighted than these seafood."

Ye Xiaofan put the bodies of the four great generals into the storage ring, and then said to the three demons: "Let's go, find a place to eat seafood."

He looked at the depths of the majestic Mount Olympus, twelve main peaks towering into the clouds, majestic and majestic, with a mysterious atmosphere.

Obviously, these 12 main peaks appeared later.

"Let's go to the nearest one."

One person and three demons flew towards the nearest main peak.

On the top of the misty mountain, stands a beautiful palace.

Above the palace, there are many reliefs, full of Western style, which is very different from the palaces of the East.

Directly in front of the palace, there is a huge white jade square.

Above the square, stands a stone statue.

It was a very beautiful statue of a woman.

Both the face and the figure are first-class.

After landing on the square, the big black dog was the first to run towards the palace in front, but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

It cursed and retreated.

Ye Xiaofan said angrily: "Dead dog, you monkey is in a hurry, things won't run there." The

big black dog whispered: "I can't run, but if it's slow, it's all in your pocket."

Ye Xiaofan said dissatisfied: "As the master, shouldn't I take more?" The

big black dog rolled his eyes, too lazy to say.

Ye Xiaofan walked to the invisible barrier, his fingertips gently popped out, and the barrier suddenly broke.

Subsequently, one person and three demons entered the palace.

The palace was very empty, with two teams of spear-wielding statues standing on either side, with a wide purple jade bed at the top.

Other than that, there is nothing else.

One person and three demons were directly dumbfounded.

The big black dog directly burst into foul language: "Lying groove, what the hell is this place?" Nothing? It

turned into lightning and ran towards the jade bed above, but before it ran a distance, the statues on both sides moved, spears in their hands, and went straight to the big black dog.

"Yes, what the hell?"

The big black dog was startled and quickly retreated, but a group of statues chased after them.

"A group of broken stones, I really thought that this emperor was afraid of you."

The big black dog was furious, and the dog's paw shot out, heading straight for one of the statues.

With a bang, it was stabbed by a spear and flew out, and the dog's paws were covered in blood.

The big black dog screamed, no longer dared to shake hard, and quickly fled with its tail between its legs.

"I lean, are these broken stones so strong!"

The fish dragon and bear bold looked surprised.

They all hid behind Ye Xiaofan.

The big black dogs are not opponents, and they go up to deliver dishes.

This time, Ye Xiaofan did not strike directly again, but took out two talismans.

The golden light flashed, and the two talismans turned into two golden warriors.

The next moment, two yellow turban warriors and a group of stone carvings fought together.

As a result, the situation of the battle was unexpected, almost unilaterally crushed.

The statue is no match for Yellow Turban Lux at all.

At this moment, the Yellow Turban Lux is no longer as weak as it was when Dragon Tiger Mountain was.

At this moment, he has refilled his spiritual power and regained his true strength.

After dividing by two, a group of statues were all shattered by two golden warriors.

The three demons were also shocked, and Xiong boldly exclaimed: "Is the yellow turban Lux so powerful?

Then, there was joy in its eyes.

Because it also has one on it, it was given to it by Ye Xiaofan.

The ichthyosaurus and the big black dog are equally excited, because they also have it on them.

Especially the big black dog, there is more than one.

"It seems that I won't need to fight in the future."

Ye Xiaofan nodded in satisfaction, put away the yellow turban Lux, and then walked towards the jade bed above.

But a black shadow was one step ahead of him and jumped onto the jade bed.

It was the big black dog, which turned over a few times on the jade bed and commented with a big grin: "This bed is also made of unknown material, warm, quite comfortable, but a little hard, which is not as good as the emperor's kennel." The

corner of Ye Xiaofan's mouth twitched, and he really wanted to rush up and beat the other party fat.

A good jade bed was actually rolled by a dog.

Even if he took it, he couldn't sleep.

But he still stepped forward and touched the jade bed, and a warm feeling came down the palm of his hand.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed surprise, the jade bed looked obviously ordinary, but it had its own warmth.

In line with the principle of asking if you don't understand.

Ye Xiaofan immediately communicated the dragon pattern black gold ding in his heart: "Xiaoding, can you see what material this bed is?"

"It should be made of purple yang jade, which is a relatively precious refining material, using such a large piece of purple yang jade as a bed, it seems that the owner of this place should not be simple."

The dragon pattern black gold ding sighed, with a hint of surprise in his voice.

Ye Xiaofan wanted to beat the dog even more after hearing this.

At this moment, the big black dog spoke: "Master, this bed is quite good to sleep, do you want to try it." "


After Ye Xiaofan dropped a sentence, he turned around and walked out of the hall.

The big black dog grinned happily, and looked at Xiong Bold and Yuhualong: "It's really good, do you want to try it?" "

Although the two demons don't care about face as much as Ye Xiaofan, they can't sleep in the bed where a dog slept.

And I don't know, who was this bed before?

The two demons shook their heads and left the hall with a pity on their faces.

The big black dog rolled over and got up, and immediately put the jade bed into the storage ring, so that it didn't care if anyone had slept?

On the square, Ye Xiaofan took out a few huge iron pots, and then took out the corpses of the four great war generals and prepared them to eat whole seafood.


On the other side, the major forces have successively arrived at the sacred mountain of Olympus.

The first to arrive was naturally the team of the Silo Federation.

Of course, before this, Ye Xiaofan and they had already arrived.

Leading the team are the three commanders, and the rest are also elites in the Federation.

When they arrived, they did not enter the sacred mountain of Olympus directly, but waited on the periphery.

It seems that he wants to join other forces.

Followed by the people of the Ice and Snow Empire and the Eagle Empire, and the people from the Dragon Kingdom and the Peacock Empire came behind.

The Dragon Kingdom is naturally led by Dragon Battle, followed by a Dragon Country master.

There are military, and there are major families.

Although several major families usually fight each other, they still have to unite outside.

At least on the surface.

The five major forces in front of him are the only remaining human civilizations above the blue star today.

These five major forces, in the old century, all had terrifying thermal weapons and a huge population base.

It was because of this that they survived the first wave of attacks by demon beasts.

As for those small countries, weapons are not good, the population is small, they simply cannot resist the attacks of demon beasts, and they have long been destroyed.

In addition to humans, there are also monsters.

There are the Golden Lion King from the Second Continent, the North Sea Giant Demon that inhabits the deep sea, the Siberian Tiger that shocks the east and west, and the Mighty Bull Demon King who dominates the central plateau of the First Continent.


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