"Hahaha, it's really lively, it's rare for so many strong people to gather together."

A large, colorful tiger laughed loudly, with heartiness and arrogance in its voice.

He is the Siberian tiger that crisscrosses the east and west, also known as the Siberian tiger.

He has always been guarding the extreme north of the first continent, and he is an extremely powerful demon emperor.

"Hehe, the secret realm is born, but it is an excellent opportunity, which will naturally attract many strong people."

A golden male lion sneered, his eyes looking at the forces present.

It is the Lion King who crisscrosses the grasslands, and its strength is also very strong.

Seeing that the visitors were all super strong people who were famous as Shocking Blue Star, the Lion King smiled and said, "It seems that everyone is also coming for the golden apple." "

There is news that there is a golden apple in the sacred mountain of Olympus, which can help the baby grow rapidly.

This time, the masters of the major forces came out together, precisely to compete for the golden apple.

On the side of the Eagle Empire, a blond old man spoke unabashedly: "Heaven and earth are about to change again, I must increase my strength, and such a good opportunity will naturally not be missed."

On the side of the Peacock Empire, an old monk with a kind face and a robe clasped his hands together and said, "This benefactor is right, such an opportunity cannot be missed. The

rest of the forces sneered and did not say more.

The huge North Sea Giant Demon looked around and said in amazement: "Strange, that guy from the Whale Emperor didn't send anyone here?"

After saying this, the major forces noticed this, and their eyes also showed curiosity.

The whale emperor, that is a real overlord-level figure, is now recognized as the first strong among the demon beasts.

Once the North Sea Giant Demon was not convinced, went to challenge the other party, but the result was undefeated, and since then it has shrunk in the North Sea and rarely comes out again.

If it hadn't been for this kind of thing, it wouldn't have come out.

"Maybe it's not there yet." Some speculated.

Such an ownerless inheritance secret realm, it is impossible for the whale emperor to let go.

At this time, a commander of the Siluo Federation stood up and said: "Everyone, the secret realm is dangerous, let's avoid necessary disputes, there are 12 main peaks, let's choose one for each person, and the last one to explore, what do you think?"

After a little hesitation, all of them nodded.

Although demon beasts and humans do not deal with each other, they also know that there is no need to fight at this moment.

Capturing opportunity is the most important thing.

Subsequently, the forces waited for a while, ready to wait for the arrival of the whale emperor before acting together.

But left and right, there is no whale emperor at all.

"What's the situation, isn't that fish coming?"

The Siberian tiger was suspicious.

The other forces also showed doubts, according to the previous style of the whale emperor, they were the first to arrive, and this time it was really strange.

After waiting for a while, seeing that no one still came, the Mighty Bull Demon King became a little impatient: "I see that dead fish will not come, let's not wait here." From

between its words, it could be heard that it did not have much reverence for the whale emperor.

This is indeed the case.

The territory of the Mighty Bull Demon King is in the middle of the first continent, extremely far from the ocean, and there is no fear of the whale emperor at all.

And in its eyes, the first strong among the demon beasts is not a whale emperor, but the white ze in the Kunlun Mountains.

It had a relationship with each other.

Just at a glance, it was cold and sure that what kind of shit whale emperor was definitely not Bai Ze's opponent.

The feeling Bai Ze gave him was mysterious and ethereal, like an immortal beast from above the nine heavens, which was not comparable to these wild paths at all.

The other forces also nodded, not wanting to wait any longer.

At this time, a commander-in-chief of the Siluo Federation said: "In that case, then we won't wait, everyone, the Olympus sacred mountain originally belonged to my west, but it was later lost, let's not prioritize it, right?"

Without waiting for the crowd and the demon to speak, he continued: "Don't worry, I won't pick the three main peaks in the center, but only pick one of the other nine peaks. "

Among the 12 main peaks, the three in the middle are the tallest and majestic, which is clearly different from the other main peaks.

If the other party chooses the middle three, the forces will definitely not agree.

Hearing this, the faces of the forces relaxed slightly, and then agreed.

"We'll choose this one."

He pointed to the main peak closest to them and said: "Just this one, let's run a little less, let's explore these nine main peaks first, above these nine main peaks, the opportunity we get belongs to ourselves, and then explore the last three main peaks together." And

the mountain he chose was the one where Ye Xiaofan and them were.

All the forces nodded, and they all chose a mountain, and then began to fly towards the mountain they had chosen.

Only after the other forces were gone, did the Siro Federation begin to act.

I saw them flying slowly towards the main wind in front of them, and they didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

At the foot of the main peak, the group stopped, and one of the three commanders smiled: "We have explored these main peaks, this one is the safest at the moment, the others are very dangerous, those guys will lose a lot, when the time comes, another wave of losses in the three main peaks in the center, our opportunity will come, maybe not only can we kill the dragon battle, others also have a chance, if we are lucky, slaughter those few beasts, refine their demon pills, our strength will definitely be able to make another breakthrough." "

Wren, you and Blanche go to find the Siberian Tiger and cooperate with it, the main peak where the Ice and Snow Empire goes is the most dangerous, and it will definitely suffer the heaviest losses at that time, you and the Siberian Tiger join forces to leave the people of the Ice and Snow Empire here, and it is enough for us in the Siluo Federation on the sixth continent."

The burly blond old man Wren's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Jack, you are right, this is indeed a good opportunity, and those guys should also get out of the sixth continent." Subsequently

, the two commanders Wren and Blanche left with most of the masters.

Jack led the rest of the group to the top of the mountain.

Shortly after the major forces left, a killer whale appeared from the void in the distance.

"Damn, why are you so obscmodest, I just came to meet that smelly Taoist."

The tiger cursed and cursed, very depressed in his heart, and at the same time very annoyed with the shark warrior.

If it weren't for that stupid impulse, where would it usher in the scourge of killing?

With so many masters at the moment, it is a slag with a complete inscription realm, and it does not dare to go up at all.

But just left, and it was very unwilling.

"I'd better hide here first, maybe there will be another turnaround."

The tiger fish whispered, and its body once again merged into the void.

This is the innate god that it awakens during the divine realm, can merge itself into the void, and achieve a short shuttle.

Not only can he escape at a critical moment, but he can also hide his breath, which is one of his life-saving cards.

After another while, a group of people holding cameras arrived at the scene.

Looking at what they were wearing, it was none other than the people of Le Monde.

The leader is the Wednesday Tong that last appeared in the Shu Mountains.


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