Seeing the change in Ye Rose's expression, the other eight women were also very curious, and they all poked their heads out to look at the mobile phone.

When I saw the content of the live broadcast room, my expression also changed.

There was shock, there was dismay, there was disbelief.

There are actually people who play mahjong in places like Mount Olympus.

Who would believe this if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes?

Among them, the most shocking are the blood rose and the purple rose.

Because both women saw familiar figures inside.

"Is it a pet owned by a senior!?"

"Is that stinky Taoist!?"

The two women spoke almost at the same time, one with shock in their voices and the other with anger.

After saying that, the two women looked at each other again.

Then he spoke almost at the same time.

"Third sister, you..." "Ninth

sister, you..."

stopped halfway through speaking, and then Blood Rose said: "Third sister, let's talk first, what is the stinky Taoist priest you just said?"

Everyone else looked over.

Night Rose asked, "Mistress, what's going on?"

Purple Rose did not hide it either, and explained: "Big sister, this fat Taoist priest is the smelly Taoist priest I told you about last time. Night

Rose was shocked when she heard this.

The last time about Dragon Tiger Mountain, the purple rose and the white rose were truthfully told to her.

Of course, the two only said how powerful Ye Xiaofan was, but did not say that he was shameless.

At that time, after knowing what happened, she was still very shocked, curious when did the Dragon Kingdom produce such a peerless master?

Then, she looked puzzled again: "According to what you said last time, isn't this a senior master, how can you seem to hate him very much?"

"What seniors are superior, that is an unscrupulous Taoist."

Purple Rose gritted her teeth, and then said all kinds of evil things Ye Xiaofan had done.

After hearing this, the women had strange expressions, and couldn't help but look at the fat Taoist priest in the mobile phone.

If it is really as Purple Rose said, then this fat Taoist priest is really a Taoist priest who lacks virtue.

Then, the women looked at the blood rose again, and the night rose was curious: "Ninth sister, what did you mean by that just now?" Blood

Rose did not hide it, explaining: "The three demon beasts that play mahjong in the live broadcast are all pets owned by the senior I told you about.

Speaking of this, the corners of her mouth tugged slightly, and she continued: "Such as... If I'm not mistaken, the unscrupulous Taoist priest in the mouth of the third sister should... It should be the same person as the seniors. Ye

Xiaofan's good character she deeply experienced, and it was exactly the same as what the unscrupulous Taoist priests in the live broadcast did.

In addition, the three demons are still around, which means that the two are the same person?

I just don't know by what means to change the appearance.

Night Rose was shocked when she heard this, and she never expected that the two were actually the same person.

But then he was relieved.

Speaking of which, such a powerful existence, how could two people emerge one after another.

Purple Rose was curious: "Ninth sister, listening to your tone, you know that unscrupulous Taoist very well?"

"I can't say I know very well." Blood Rose shook her head slightly, and then said, "But definitely more than you know."

Then, she said everything about Ye Xiaofan.

As well as what happened last time in Shushan and Emei Secret Realm, they all said it.

Several women were shocked when they heard this.

"I actually killed the Ancient Great Demon, how... How could it be so powerful? While

being shocked by Ye Xiaofan's strength, he was also refreshed by Ye Xiaofan's lack of virtue and shamelessness.

Just as they were thinking like this, a scene in the live broadcast stunned them even more.

During the live broadcast, Wednesday Tong hesitated for a long time, and finally plucked up enough courage to take the microphone and prepare to interview one person and three demons.

"Your Excellency the Demon Emperor, can I interview you?" Wednesday Tong looked at the big black dog with a cautious face.

Because he was too nervous, his palm was a little hesitant, and the microphone accidentally touched the mouth of the big black dog.

Just at this moment, Yuhualong laughed loudly: "The big pair is all the same, paste." Seeing

the other party's fallen card, the big black dog's face trembled, and he crushed the microphone with one paw, and scolded angrily at Wednesday Tong: "Interview a hammer, who else let you shoot the emperor casually?" Are there portrait rights?

Wednesday Tong was dumbfounded on the spot, feeling the monstrous anger emanating from the big black dog, and his face turned pale.

Without waiting for him to speak, the big black dog continued: "Hurry, use the money for the portrait rights to the emperor, otherwise the emperor wants you to look good today." This

scene was seen by netizens around the world.

For some reason, everyone wanted to laugh a little.

Where can they not see that this is the big black dog after losing the card, deliberately looking for the stubble of Wednesday Tong.

But some people feel that the big black dog is right, and it is not right to live broadcast casually without permission.

For a while, the barrage in the live broadcast room gushed out wildly.

"The dog is right, give the money quickly."

A large part of them are on the side of the big black dog.

Wednesday Tong's voice was nervous: "Lord Demon Emperor, you... How much do you want?

The big black dog grinned, "Hand over all your belongings." Wednesday

Tong did not dare to hesitate, touched his body for a long time, and found a mobile phone and a combination of cigarettes and a lighter, in addition, there were some messy things such as work cards.

It's not worth anything anyway.

The big black dog's eyes widened: "Messing with things, you are using these broken things to fool the emperor?"

Wednesday Tong's face turned pale, and he hurriedly explained: "Sir, I... That's all I have. "

Wednesday Tong is just a cultivator of the Awakening Realm, and he doesn't even have a storage ring.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have to carry the camera on your shoulder.

Of course, it is not that he directly does not have treasures.

Those things are naturally kept at home.

After all, this time to the Olympus Divine Mountain is dangerous and unpredictable, and it may die at any time, so it is naturally impossible to bring the treasure with him.

Seeing that Wednesday Tong didn't seem to be lying, the big black dog's face became even more gloomy, and he looked at everyone not far away: "What about those guys?"

Wednesday Tong hesitated and said, "Both... It's all about the same as me. The

big black dog glared at the dog's eyes: "What, they are all poor ghosts like you?"

"Which newspaper are you from?" Why so poor? Is it that the black-hearted boss can deduct your salary?

"Tell the emperor in detail, and when the emperor returns, he will definitely help you get justice."

Wednesday Tong dared to hesitate and said honestly: "Lord Hui Demon Emperor, we... We are from the World Community. The

big black dog nodded, and said with his head to the camera: "The black-hearted boss of the World Society, you listen to the emperor, prepare the arrears of wages over the years, the emperor will come to ask for it in a few days, don't think about playing tricks, otherwise the emperor will let you know why the flowers are so red."

Wednesday Tong whispered, "Great... My lord, our owner... The person is good

, no..." He was about to say that there was no salary arrears, but was interrupted by the big black dog laughing: "Boy, I know that you are afraid of retaliation, but you can rest assured, as long as there is this emperor, no matter who the black-hearted boss is, you must pay the price, and this emperor will definitely help you get justice." "


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