Seeing that Wednesday Tong still wanted to speak, the big black dog's eyes immediately narrowed.

Wednesday Tong only felt a coolness rushing from the soles of his feet to the heavenly spirit cover, and he didn't dare to say more.

"Okay, hurry up, don't affect the emperor's playing cards here."

The big black dog waved his hand impatiently, and it always felt that the group of guys in front of him affected its luck.

On Wednesday, he was granted amnesty and did not dare to stay here any longer, ready to take people to see other places.

The big black dog waved his hand at Jack and the others again: "You guys also hurry up." Jack

and the others were overjoyed and immediately planned to run.

At this moment, Ye Xiaofan said loudly: "Give me all and wait."

He got up, summoned the dragon pattern black gold ding, and ordered him: "You follow them, if these guys dare to talk or run away, you know what to do, right?" The

dragon pattern black gold ding trembled gently, and an old voice came out: "I know."

Ye Xiaofan looked at Jack and the others again, and said with a smile: "The secret realm is dangerous, the poor road will send you a bodyguard, you have no opinion, right?" The

corners of Jack and the others' mouths twitched secretly, they did have an opinion, but dare to say it?

"Much... Thank you seniors. Not

only that, but they also have to say gratitude.

Xiao Ding turned into a black light, flew in front of Jack, and said lightly: "Let's go."

Jack didn't dare to say anything, and at the same time put away the careful thoughts in his heart, lowered his head and quickly left here with someone.

Wednesday saw this and hurried to follow.

Ye Xiaofan returned to his seat and said with a smile: "Continue to continue." The

three demons didn't care either, and continued to rub mahjong.

In the luxurious villa, several women looked at each other, not knowing what to say at all.

After a few seconds, the lively green rose smiled and said, "Big sister, it's over, that dog seems to be eyeing you." Night

Rose had a black face and did not speak.

But looking at her face, you can tell that she is very depressed.

Purple Rose hated and said, "Sure enough, what kind of owner has what kind of dog, it is not a good bird."

The corners of Night Rose's mouth twitched slightly, the trouble of the Lin family had not yet been solved, and this was targeted by the big black dog for no reason.

The other party was obviously even more terrifying than the Lin family.

She handed the phone back to Sister Zhou on the side, and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "Sister Zhou, you go back first, always pay attention to the live broadcast news, and when those employees come back, let them come to Kyoto immediately, I want to meet them, such heroic and excellent employees, should be well "rewarded"." Sister

Zhou nodded and turned to leave the villa.

Night Rose took a deep breath, suppressed her thoughts, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry about the rest in advance, the most important thing at present is how to deal with the Lin family?" The

women looked embarrassed when they heard this, and they also saw that Night Rose did not want to leave Kyoto.

But if they didn't leave Kyoto, with their strength of the Night Rose, it would be difficult to be the opponent of the Lin family.

What's more, the Lin family is also in the same breath as several other major families.

Blood Rose suddenly said, "I have a way not to leave Kyoto, but also not to be afraid of the threat of the Lin family.

The women suddenly looked at the impatient Golden Rose and asked, "Ninth sister, what way?" Blood

Rose spoke, "As far as I know, Qin Zhentian of the Qin family has a good relationship with his predecessors, so we may be able to go to the Qin family to seek protection."

The women frowned when they heard this, and the white rose with a calm personality said: "It's not impossible, but let's send it to the door like this, will the Qin family also have any other thoughts?" No

wonder she thought so, the nine of them were not only beautiful, but also very strong.

Over the years, there have been many people who have beaten their minds.

Fortunately, their strength is strong enough, otherwise I am afraid that they have already encountered accidents.

Night Rose also nodded in agreement: "Second sister is right, let's go over rashly like this, it's hard to say that we won't encounter danger."

The rest of the people also nodded one after another, feeling that there was some truth in what the two were worried about.


Blood Rose opened her mouth, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Suddenly, Night Rose's eyes lit up, and she immediately said, "I have a way."

Seeing a few women, she quickly explained: "We can go to the Land of Bliss, it is the territory of the Qin family, if the Lin family dares to make a move, it will definitely anger the Qin family, if the Qin family really has the support of that senior behind it, maybe the Lin family will be in great trouble." The

women's eyes lit up when they heard this, which was indeed a good idea.

There was no objection from the crowd. Night Rose immediately ordered: "Go down and prepare, let's go to the Pure Land of Bliss later." "


Kyoto, a clubhouse.

Calvary Heavenly Master looked at the dancing girl in front of him and muttered dissatisfiedly: "How can this be of less and less quality."

Centipede Zhixing on the side hurriedly said: "Brother, this is already the highest quality girl in the clubhouse, or let's go back to the Pure Land of Bliss, the girl over there is indeed a little higher quality."

Jin Wanjin also followed and said: "Yes, yes, especially the boss lady, that charming figure, dancing is particularly charming."

"Okay, let's go back over there."

Calvary Heavenly Master nodded and muttered in a low voice: "I really miss those flower fairies in the immortal world, they are all beautiful and gentle in character. "


In Kyoto, in a solemn hall, a group of people dressed in military uniforms sit quietly.

At the head is Yunfei, the number 2 figure in the military.

In addition to this, there are some familiar faces.

For example, Qin Zhentian of the Qin family, Jiang Tianchen of the Jiang family, Su Tianlong of the Su family, and so on.

In front of them, an ancient bronze mirror was suspended.

In the mirror, a picture is presented.

A group of energetic young people are hunting demon beasts.

This realm is obtained by the military from the secret realm of the royal house, and there are all kinds of incredible wonders, the most amazing of which is the self-contained space in the mirror, which is the treasure of the Dragon Kingdom.

The first competition of the Tianjiao Conference was held in the mirror world.

In the mirror world, there are many low-level demon beasts.

This first competition is to hunt demon beasts.

Finally, the top 30 Tianjiao will be selected and will enter the next round of competition.

Looking at the heroic performance of the Tianjiao in the mirror world, Yunfei smiled and said, "These little guys are all good, there are people in my Dragon Kingdom."

Next to him, a middle-aged man smiled and said, "Brother Yun is right, when these little guys grow up, the strength of my Dragon Kingdom will definitely go to a higher level."

After he said it, he sneered in his heart and added: "Hehe, it's a pity that you can't see it."

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

A harmonious scene in the field.

Yunfei would never have imagined that a crisis was about to erupt.


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