Olympus Divine Mountain, the forces scavenged the opportunities on the major main peaks, and then began to go to the three main peaks in the center.

On the other side, after Jack and the others left, they walked towards the three central main peaks without saying a word.

Wednesday Tong and others also followed.

Jack and the others did not embarrass the people of the World Society because of the previous incident.

Mainly because the dragon pattern black gold ding followed, they did not dare to mess around.

Some soon reached the bottom of the three main peaks in the center.

Some forces present had already arrived in advance.

Seeing Jack and the others, Wren and his group quickly flew over.

Blanche was a little puzzled: "Why are you only here now?"

Jack didn't want to answer this question, afraid of accidentally exposing Ye Xiaofan's existence, and hurriedly changed the topic: "How are things going?"

Wren said: "A little imperfect, escaped one person."

Jack nodded, indicating understanding.

Blanche transmitted: "After getting the opportunity of the three main peaks, you can fight against the dragon and them, the main peak that those guys go to is also dangerous, and it is estimated that the loss is quite large, I have secretly reached a cooperation with the Siberian Tiger and the people of the Eagle Empire, this time the plan will definitely go smoothly, and they will be completely annihilated here."

Jack nodded on the surface, but his heart was extremely bitter.

With those guys here, how can the plan go smoothly?

Although he was anxious in his heart, he did not dare to say it.

The strength of the dragon pattern black gold ding he has seen with his own eyes, and it is estimated that before he said anything, he burped.

Wren looked at Wan Tong and the others not far away, and his brows frowned slightly: "Those guys seem to be people in the world, they actually dare to come here?"

Blanche also looked over, and his face suddenly turned cold: "This group of guys can't be here, otherwise once the matter is exposed, it will cause waves." "

In the current blue star, although human beings do not form a common federation, they have a common understanding.

That is, the enemy is a monster.

Human beings cannot fight inwardly, at least not openly, otherwise it will cause public hostility.

Just as he was about to send someone to solve a group of people, Jack suddenly said: "Can't go over now, those guys are on a live broadcast, if they do it, they will definitely be exposed."

Blanche's brows frowned slightly, and after careful observation for a while, he found that the person who passed Wednesday was on a live broadcast.

He snorted coldly: "It seems that we can only think of a way later."

Jack breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he was really afraid of Blanche's impulse.

Seen by everyone in the live broadcast room, he didn't particularly care, mainly afraid of the dragon pattern black gold ding.

After all, Ye Xiaofan did not kill Zhou Tong and the others at that time, maybe there was some other purpose.

If they make a rash move, who knows if they will anger the former.

Although Wednesday Tong and the others also saw the people of the Siluo Federation, they did not dare to get too close.

After all, everything before is still vividly remembered.

Who knows if the other party will riot and kill?

As time passed, the major forces arrived one after another.

Long Zhan and the others also rushed over.

As Blanche expected, they really lost a lot.

Even Long Zhan was covered in blood, and seemed to have suffered some injuries.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked when they saw this scene.

That was the number one powerhouse of the Dragon Kingdom, and he was actually injured.

It can be seen that the danger of the sacred mountain of Olympus.

After another while, all the forces except the Ice and Snow Empire rushed over.

Blanche immediately stood up and said, "Since everyone has arrived, let's start exploring the main peak."

Long Zhan's brows frowned slightly: "Haven't the people of the Ice and Snow Empire arrived yet?" "

The other major forces are also a little puzzled.

Blanche coughed and said lightly: "Just before, I waited for the people of the Ice and Snow Empire, they actually wanted to kill people and seize treasures, but fortunately, His Excellency the Tiger Emperor arrived in the middle and destroyed those guys of the Ice and Snow Empire with me and others, but unfortunately let the guy from Skinko run." When

the forces heard this, their brows furrowed.

Most people and demons had disbelief in their eyes.

At this moment, the Siberian tiger stood up and spoke: "He is right, but there is such a thing. Seeing

that the Siberian tigers all said this, the forces were even more suspicious in their hearts.

Although the Siberian Tiger and the Ice and Snow Empire do have a feud, they will not necessarily help the Siluo Federation.

After all, humans and monsters belong to feuds.

In that situation, shouldn't the best choice be to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?

But no one could ask, and the Mighty Bull Demon King urged: "Okay, okay, leave these alone, hurry up the mountain." "

How about the people who don't care about the Ice Empire?

One less force, more resources later.

In its view, this is a good thing, and there is no need to worry about it.

The rest of the forces basically think this way, so no one says much.

Long Zhan frowned, although he felt that things were strange, it was not easy to say anything at the moment.

At this moment, under the leadership of Wednesday Tong, the people of the World Society flew to Long Zhan and the others.

Wednesday Tong said politely: "Chief Chief, can we follow behind you and make a record?"

Long Zhan's brows furrowed slightly, and then he nodded.

Wednesday Tong's face was happy, and following Long Zhan, his safety was undoubtedly greatly guaranteed.

No more worrying as before.

As a war correspondent, fearing life and death is the most basic quality.

But not being afraid of life and death does not mean not being afraid of death.

If he could, he naturally didn't want to die.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked when they saw the major forces present.

I never expected that the Olympus Divine Mountain was born, and actually went to so many masters.

Subsequently, the forces began to climb one of the three main peaks.

There were also many crises along the way, but with the joint efforts of various forces, they were solved one by one.

Although the road is full of dangers, there are many opportunities.

Everyone in the live broadcast room also saw the danger of the secret realm for the first time.

I had only heard it on the news before, but now I have a deep experience.

Soon after, the forces finally reached the top of the mountain.

On top of the hill, a magnificent palace was built.

In front of the palace, stands a tall statue.

His slightly curly hair is draped over his shoulders, and he holds a trident in his hand, full of muscles, although it is a statue, it also gives people a feeling of majesty and domineering.

The people of the Siro Federation stared at the statue closely, and then someone exclaimed: "This... Is this a statue of the legendary god of the sea Poseidon?

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the major forces changed one after another.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also shocked, especially the netizens of the Siluo Federation.

If the statue is really Poseidon, it means that this place was his residence a long time ago.

In this way, Poseidon was real, so were the other main gods.

Poseidon, the god of the sea, one of the 12 main gods on the legendary Mount of Olympus, and the brother of Zeus, the lord of the gods, holds the power of the sea and is a very powerful deity, ranking first among the twelve main gods.

Then, the forces looked at the palace in front of them.

If this place is really the palace of the sea god Poseidon, then the opportunity must have been very precious.

After all, Poseidon's strength is there.

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