The forces were ready to enter the palace to see what opportunities were inside.

But as soon as he approached the door, he was blocked by an invisible barrier.

The faces of all the forces changed in unison, because the current situation made them feel familiar.

Previously, they had encountered a similar situation.

Outside the palaces above the other main peaks, there is also an invisible barrier.

They used various methods, but they could not break through the barrier.

Blanche was the first to stand up and said: "Everyone, let's strike together and see if we can break this barrier?" All

the forces nodded, and then they all shot out, firing their strongest attacks.

In an instant, the violent spiritual power surged like a rushing and roaring tsunami, and the top of the mountain was filled with colorful brilliance.

The aura of terror continued to permeate all around.

Wednesday Tong hurriedly asked his subordinates to set up cameras and capture this shocking scene.

Seeing the terrifying scene in the live broadcast screen, netizens in front of the mobile phone were shocked.

It was the first time they had seen such a terrifying scene.

What shocked netizens even more was that so many masters shot together, but they still couldn't break the invisible barrier.

The forces also realized this, and their faces became a little ugly.

The Siberian tiger roared: "Don't hide everyone, take out all the skills at the bottom of the box, otherwise you won't be able to break this barrier at all." "

Speaking of which, it changed from a human-animal form to a beast form, a colorful tiger larger than a mountain.

The other people and demons were no longer hiding, and they all took out their ability to press the bottom of the box, in order to break through the barrier in front of them.

But what shocked the forces was that even so, they still failed to blast through the barrier in front of them.

Not even a ripple appeared.

The netizens in front of the mobile phone were also shocked.

For a moment, the barrage flew all over the sky.

"It is worthy of the legendary palace of the sea god Poseidon, it is so difficult to break!!"

"I can't imagine how powerful the real Poseidon really is???"


At the scene, the faces of the major forces were extremely ugly.

If you can't break through the barrier, you can't enter the palace, let alone take the opportunity inside.

They all came here, and they gave up like that, and the forces were really unwilling.

But if they don't give up, they don't know what to do?

Just when the forces were helpless, a streamer suddenly flew over in the distance.

It was so fast that it slammed into the barrier.

Then, to the horror of all forces, the incomparably strong barrier actually shattered in response.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also shocked.

"Just that... It seems to be a piece of mahjong??? Although

the previous streamer was fast, almost all the masters present still vaguely caught a trace.

That thing does look a lot like mahjong.

All the forces were shocked in their hearts, and the barrier that they couldn't break together was actually broken by such a piece of mahjong flying from afar?

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it.

I can't help but have doubts in my heart, thinking if I saw it wrong?

In the field, only Jack and the others and the people of the World Society were very sure.

The streamer in front of you is a piece of mahjong.

And they also know where the thing came from, but they dare not say it.

At the same time, the hearts of the two sides were extremely shocked.

A piece of mahjong on the other side can break through the barrier that they can't break together.

This strength is terrifying!!

What's more terrifying is, how did the other party know that they couldn't blast through the barrier?

Is it observing in secret? Or can it be counted, or can it be a prophet?

In an instant, Ye Xiaofan and the three demons became extremely mysterious in the hearts of the people on both sides.

Everyone in the live broadcast room also saw that it was a piece of mahjong through playback and slow playback.

Instantly thought of the strange one person and three demons.

I was also shocked.

Although they knew that Ye Xiaofan and the three demons were very strong, the scene just now was beyond their imagination.

The barrier that all the forces combined could not break was actually broken so easily.

At the same time, netizens also had similar ideas to Jack and others in their hearts.

Guess if Ye Xiaofan is an unknown prophet? ?

But is that really the case?

Of course not.

The time is pushed forward a little.

Still on that main peak, one person and three demons are playing mahjong hotly.

However, after a while, the property stolen by the big black dog from Jack and the others was lost.

But without a copy of it, it is naturally very unwilling.

In order to turn the book, it can only continue to fight with red eyes.

Because there is nothing to lose again, only to owe debts.

In the back, he owed another ass account, of which Ye Xiaofan owed the most.

Ye Xiaofan knows the urine nature of the big black dog, don't say that he can't come.

But where would the big black dog who bet on the red eyes agree, and almost didn't lift the table.

Ye Xiaofan was a little angry, so he picked up the mahjong and threw it out.

The big black dog seemed to have expected it, and when Ye Xiaofan just made a move, it dodged it.

So mahjong flew out, and there was the scene just now.

"Dead dog, if you want to fight again, you will take out the money, and if you want to do it, there is no credit door." Ye Xiaofan said viciously.

The big black dog brazenly said: "Didn't the emperor say that he owes there first, why, don't you still believe in the noble character of the emperor?" "

You have a hammer character... Ye Xiaofan complained in his heart.

What virtue is the dog that has followed him for decades? Can he not be clear?

Both Xiong Bold and Yuhualong also squinted at the big black dog, and that look seemed to be saying.

As far as you are concerned, you are embarrassed to use the word noble to describe yourself.

The big black dog looked dissatisfied: "What kind of attitude are you, isn't this emperor such a dog?" The

two demons immediately shook their heads.

Without the slightest hesitation.

The big black dog's dog face suddenly darkened, and he scolded and scolded: "How did this emperor make friends like you, this emperor decided to break off friendship with you."

Yuhualong didn't care, nodded and said, "Yes, but you have to pay off the gambling money you owe us first."

Xiong Bold also followed and said: "Yes, yes, give the gambling money first."

The big black dog grinned: "If you want to gamble, continue to play cards with the emperor, otherwise you won't want a penny." The

two demons looked helpless, and could only look at Ye Xiaofan.

Later, his face turned black, and he said to the big black dog: "Dead dog, you can continue to play cards if you want, but after getting this opportunity later, you must pay off the gambling funds owed to us." The

big black dog immediately raised a dog paw and swore an oath: "This emperor swears that he will definitely pay off the arrears of gambling funds later, otherwise this emperor will be a dog." After

listening to one person and two demons, the corners of their mouths twitched, specially, you might as well not swear.

He didn't bother to care, anyway, it was estimated that it was a little early in the past, so it was better to fight for a while.

"Go on, go on."

On the other side, after the barrier was broken, the major forces entered the palace with a cautious face.

When they saw the scene in the palace, both people and demons shrank their pupils, as if they saw something incredible.


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