Endless killing intent swept through, and the snow-white sea instantly set off hundreds of feet high.

All the forces retreated, all staring at the blond man with vigilant eyes.


The icy voice fell, the blond man waved his palm, and the snow-white sea water around him condensed into countless tridents, shooting towards the forces.


In just an instant, countless people and demons fell.

The faces of all the forces were horrified, and they all used their means to press the bottom of the gun to resist the terrorist attack of the indiscriminate bombardment.

But it didn't have much effect, and in a matter of seconds, several lives were lost.

"This bastard is too deceitful, don't keep your hands and fight with it."

The Siberian tiger drank angrily, opening its mouth and spitting out a mouthful of golden bells.

The bell is large in the palm of the hand, and the whole body is shining with golden light, and there are many occult runes engraved on it.

The golden bell rises against the storm and finally becomes as huge as a mountain.


With a crisp roar, the trident condensed by the surrounding sea water instantly shattered, re-turning into a stream of water and falling into the sea below.

Everyone else also played their hole cards.

The Mighty Bull Demon King opened his mouth and spit out two scimitars, and the sword light appeared, and countless tridents instantly shattered.

The leader of the Eagle Empire, take out a blood-colored curved bow.


A blood-colored arrow shot out, the air suddenly exploded, and the surrounding seawater trident suddenly exploded, and even the seawater was evaporated into nothingness.

The dragon battle raised a cyan treasure seal.

The seal rose in the face of the storm, became larger than the mountain, and then violently suppressed it.

The surrounding seawater trident suddenly fell downwards.

Under the threat of death, all the forces took out their life-saving cards.

After a while, all the tridents were removed.

Then, all the forces joined forces to kill the blond man in front.

"A swarm of ants that don't measure themselves."

The blond man sneered disdainfully, and then turned into golden light and disappeared into the Seagod Trident.

The next moment, the sea shook, setting off terrifying waves hundreds of feet high.

Then, the Seagod Trident was pulled out in the sea, and then smashed head-on at all the forces.

The coercion of terror pervaded heaven and earth.

A huge ravine appears in the sea below.

As if the forces were hit hard, they were once again killed and injured.

The leaders all manipulated the magic weapons in their hands to attack the trident.

But the trident only shook them lightly, and it shook them out.

"The praying arm also dares to block the car, let this god die."

The Seagod Trident burst into brilliant golden light, and an indifferent and emotionless voice came from it.

Seeing this, the faces of all the forces were horrified.

This time, the power of the Seagod Trident erupted was even more terrifying than before, and if they struck another blow, they were very likely to be wiped out.

But without waiting for them to react, the Seagod Trident had already smashed down.

Just when the forces showed despair, they only listened to the voice.

Metallic trills shock the eardrums.

The forces looked up and saw the terrifying Seagod Trident smashed on a pitch-black statue.

Da Ding has three legs and two ears, and it is engraved with flowers, birds, fish and insects, mountains, rivers, sun and moon, and cosmic stars and rivers, which looks extremely strange.

"This is ???"

All the forces looked at the big ding in front of them with shocked faces, and their eyes showed a deep curiosity.

At this moment, a lazy voice sounded.

"Little trash, you disturbed Ben Immortal's sleep, quickly kneel down and kowtow to Ben Immortal to apologize, otherwise you will regret coming to this world."


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