The lazy voice resounded above the sea.

The forces were stunned, unable to believe what was in front of them.

A big statue with an instrument spirit actually appeared, and he also issued such arrogant words.

The Seagod Trident was furious: "Arrogant. "

Brilliant golden light burst out from above, like a small sun rising.

The huge trident lifted and then slammed down.


The metal trills exploded, the sound waves spread, and the sea water suddenly stirred, setting off shocking waves hundreds of feet high.

This attack was countless times more terrifying than before.

But what shocked the forces was that the pitch-black statue did not move, still suspended above the sea.

Like an immovable king, the majesty cannot be shaken.

Even the Seagod Trident was shocked.

"How is it possible, who the hell are you!?"

"Little trash, with your little strength, you dare to get an axe in front of Ben Xian, and you really don't measure your strength."

The lazy voice sounded again.

Then, the dragon pattern black gold ding burst into a brilliant divine light, and mysterious fairy light spewed out from the ding's mouth, and suddenly aimed at the Seagod Trident.

The majestic suction power came out, and the Seagod Trident could not resist at all, and it was instantly taken in by the dragon pattern black gold ding.

After doing everything, the dragon pattern black gold ding turned into the size of a slap and flew back into Jack's hands.

When the forces saw this scene, they were shocked and curious.

At first, they thought that the dragon pattern black gold ding was the magic weapon of dragon warfare.

After all, it was a typical Oriental treasure.

Unexpectedly, its owner was actually Jack.

Blanche and Wren spoke at almost the same time, asking exactly the same question: "Jack, when did you have such a powerful magic weapon?" How did we not know? Jack

opened his mouth and wanted to tell the truth, but suddenly felt Xiaoding tremble in his hand, so frightened that he almost escaped.

After calming his mind, he lied: "I got it by chance not long ago, I originally thought it was just an ordinary magic weapon, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful. The

two were shocked and envious when they heard this.

The other party actually got such a powerful magic weapon, so who are they afraid of in the future?

The rest of the forces also looked envious.

Jack not only has such a powerful magic weapon, but now he has obtained the Seagod Trident.

You know, it is also a heaven-defying magic weapon that gave birth to an instrument spirit.

With these two artifacts there, who will dare to provoke the Shiro Federation in the future.

Facing the envious eyes of all forces, Jack was bitter and unable to speak.

If only this TND were really his.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Afterwards, the forces left the small world and went to the next main peak.

After leaving the small world, Wednesday Pass immediately let people start the live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast was opened, countless barrages poured out, asking what had just happened.

The staff of the World Society immediately explained, vividly depicting what happened in the small world before.

When all the netizens in the live broadcast room heard this, they were all shocked.

At the same time, I am curious about the origin of that big ding.

Some netizens even clamored to see the demeanor of the Seagod Trident and the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding.

Unfortunately, this wish is destined to not be fulfilled.

After a while, the forces came to another of the three main peaks.

After some exploration, I found a lot of resources and then made it all the way to the top of the mountain.

Unlike other main peaks, no palace has been built on this main peak at the moment.

Above the misty hilltops is an orchard.

There are many spirit fruits planted in it, and in the center of the orchard, there is a fruit tree that stands out.

It is tall, with lush green leaves and nine dazzling golden apples hanging from it.

After seeing this golden apple tree, the eyes of all the forces became fiery.

Especially the powerhouses of the Yuan Infant Realm, their main purpose here is precisely for the golden apple tree in front of them.

It is said that as long as you eat the golden apple on it, the Yuan baby will accelerate its growth and turn into a yang god.

In fact, the news that Jack and others released the golden apple was not casual.

According to ancient books, the golden apple is indeed a great help to the soul.

The soul is equivalent to the Yuan baby.

If the news is completely unreliable, it is impossible for a group of experts to be attracted to it.

After all, no one is a fool.

Next to the golden apple tree, there is a simple wooden house.

Everyone speculated that it was the residence of the gods who used to live here.

Everyone in the live broadcast room also saw the orchard and the golden apple in the center of the orchard, both shocked and yearning.

"I've only eaten 10 yuan and three pounds of apples in my life, and I don't know what that golden apple tastes like? Sweet or not? Some

netizens couldn't help but sigh.

"Don't dream upstairs, that kind of thing is not what you can think, let's watch the live broadcast."

Some netizens immediately poured cold water.

For a while, the barrage in the live broadcast room was flying all over the sky.

Blanche stood up and said: "Don't be impulsive, on the periphery of this orchard, there is a powerful enchantment, if we want to seize the golden apple, we must first join forces to break the enchantment." "

They also explored the area at that time, but unfortunately they were at a loss for the enchantment outside the orchard.

All the forces nodded, and the old monk of the Peacock Empire clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, this benefactor is right, after the enchantment is broken, we will each compete for the golden apple with our own skills." "

Subsequently, all the forces struck, but the result was the same as before.

No matter how they used all kinds of means, they could not shake the enchantment in the slightest.

Not even a ripple could be raised.

"Damn, these guys, how can the enchantment set up be so strong, and they are not guarding prisoners."

Siberian tigers curse and curse as a way to express their dissatisfaction.

In the end, the forces could only look at Jack.

In the current situation, only that terrifying big ding can break the enchantment.

The corners of Jack's mouth tugged, and his heart said why are you all looking at me?

Do you really think I can please the Great God?

Even Wren and Blanche looked at him.

Seeing this, Jack could only bite the bullet and say to Xiao Ding: "Former... Senior, you... Can you make a shot?

A lazy voice came from the top: "It's not impossible to shoot, but it has to be beneficial."

Jack's face was slightly relieved, and he asked cautiously, "I wonder what the senior wants?" The

lazy voice sounded again: "Then it depends on your sincerity." "

Abominable Orientals, why do you always like to play this kind of word game? The devil knows what sincerity you mean?

Jack cursed in his heart, but he did not dare to show the slightest expression on his face, and said cautiously: "Senior, I will give you all the opportunities I just got?"

"Just those broken copper and iron, you should send Hanako?"

This time the voice was no longer lazy, but with a hint of disdain.

Jack's expression was about to live.

What else does this TND make him say.

The resources he had obtained earlier were extremely valuable in his opinion.

As a result, it actually became a broken copper and iron in the mouth of the other party.


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