If they were not mistaken, it seemed to be another piece of mahjong.

The uninformed forces had three big question marks above their heads.

They were very curious, where did that piece of mahjong come from?

First they easily broke the barrier, and now they easily solved the white bone dragon that they couldn't defeat together.

Jack and the others, who knew the inside story, as well as the netizens in the live broadcast room, were stunned.

Especially Jack and others, the scalp is numb.

If once, it can be said to be a coincidence.

But two times in a row, it cannot be said to be a coincidence.

"Could it be that the senior will not know the prophet? Or have you been secretly observing all this? Everyone

was shocked in their hearts, and some dared not think about it.

After a brief shock, the next moment, all the forces rushed towards the orchard.

A group of experts rushed towards the golden apple.

The next moment, the war broke out again.

There are two sides to the story.

On the other side, Ye Xiaofan glared angrily at the big black dog and scolded: "Dead dog, honestly explain, how many changes do you still have on your body?" "

It turned out that just before, the big black dog was in debt.

One person and two demons said that they would not come, who knows if the big black dog will give it later?

In order to copy the book, the big black dog could only take out his treasured storage ring, which was full of treasures.

Among them, there is a variety of faces.

This made Ye Xiaofan so angry that he grabbed a piece of mahjong and threw it out.

The big black dog didn't fight, but killed the white bone dragon.

The big black dog said ruefully: "That was really the last one just now."

Ye Xiaofan squinted at it: "You think I will believe it?"

The big black dog spread his paws and pouted: "Anyway, it's the last one, believe it or not."

Ye Xiaofan grinded his teeth angrily, and could only comfort himself in his heart: "It's my own dog, endure it."

If not, he was really afraid that he would slap the dog in front of him to death.

The corners of the fish-transformed dragon and Xiong's bold mouths also twitched, and they were both shocked by the big black dog's commotion.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little bad, Yuhualong hurriedly played the round: "Master, don't be angry, continue to play cards, if the black emperor brother still has it, it will be good to win it back."

Ye Xiaofan glared at the big black dog, then sat down and changed into a deck of mahjong to play cards.

Inside the orchard, after a fierce battle.

The nine golden apples were obtained by several masters of the Yuan Infant Realm.

Other spirit fruits were also divided among the forces.

They were all excited, and it was very rewarding.

After looting the orchard, the forces continued to the last main peak.

After some exploration, the forces reached the top of the mountain again.

Like the other 10 main peaks, the last one is also built with magnificent palaces.

It's just that the palaces here are more magnificent and majestic than the palaces on other main peaks, like heavenly palaces.

Even the square in front of the palace is paved with white jade, and every place is full of luxury.

In the center of the square, a tall statue of the god is erected.

Some people recognize the origin of the god based on its appearance.

"It's hard... Could it be Zeus, Lord of the Gods!? Someone

spoke in shock, with shock in their eyes.

"Yes, this place is more magnificent and domineering than other places, and it should be the residence of Zeus, the legendary lord of the gods."

Some people speculate based on various indications that the statue in front of them is Zeus, the rumored lord of the gods.

After it was determined, the eyes of the forces showed a hot color.

Zeus, the lord of the gods, is the god lord of the sacred mountain of Olympus, whether it is strength or status, it is very different from other main gods.

It can be imagined that in his residence, the opportunities left behind are definitely not comparable to other main peaks.

Then, the gazes of all the forces looked at the palace in front of them in unison.

Then quickly head towards the palace.

As a result, there is no doubt that there is also a barrier outside the palace, which is stronger than that on other main peaks.

They attacked together for a long time, and they didn't even react.

In the end, the forces had to look at Jack, hoping that he would ask the dragon pattern black gold ding to make a move again.

But he was directly rejected by Jack.

Just kidding, he didn't dare to anger the dragon pattern black gold ding.

Seeing this, all the forces had to give up unwillingly.

Then, the forces prepared to leave the sacred mountain of Olympus, intending to wait until they went back to take the golden apple and came here after the breakthrough.

Seeing this, Blanche immediately transmitted to Jack and Wren: "Two, it's time to start."

Wren nodded.

Jack was bitter in his heart, and he wanted to open his mouth to stop it, but he didn't dare, so he could only nod his head in agreement.

"Let's start later, first destroy those people in the World Society, and we must not let them report the events here."

Blanche said secretly, and then winked at the Siberian tiger and the blond burly man of the Eagle Empire.

The next moment, the sudden scene of the three parties shooting at the same time, heading towards Long Zhan

and the others, shocked the other people and demons.

Blanche took the lead and shot out with his big hand, slapped several people holding the camera to death.

The faces of the rest of the World Society changed drastically, and they all dodged into the distance.

At the same time, netizens around the world scolded Niang one after another.

"Yes, what's going on?"

"What do those guys want to do, do they want to rob the Dragon Kingdom?"

"Damn, they shouldn't be crazy, don't they know the strength of Dragon Zhan?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was both depressed and curious.

Long Zhan and the others were also like a great enemy, instantly put on a posture to meet the enemy, and the next moment they fought with the three parties.

The remaining major forces looked at each other, and for a while they didn't understand what was going on.

This is a hands-on action.

At this moment, Blanche said loudly: "Everyone, I have some personal grudges with Long Zhan, let's settle it today, you don't have to care." The

other major forces were a little surprised to hear this, they had not heard of any contradictions between the two sides before.

But they didn't ask more, but quietly watched the play on the sidelines.

I have to say that the strength of the dragon battle is really strong.

Even in the face of several masters of the same level, they still do not fall behind.

A cyan treasure seal was suspended above his head.

The treasure should emit a dazzling blue light, and the light contains a terrifying vitality.

The damage taken by the dragon battle will recover quickly, and this alone makes him invincible.

Not only that, but the attack power of the cyan treasure seal was also extremely terrifying.

Every time it falls, it will smash the enemy and spit blood in the mouth.

If it weren't for the fact that the few people besieged had good magic weapons, I am afraid that they would have been seriously injured long ago.

The old monk of the Peacock Empire sighed with emotion: "The Dragon Benefactor is worthy of being the number one master in the East, and this strength is really terrifying. The

Mighty Bull Demon King was ashamed of himself and said, "It is indeed very strong, and this emperor is afraid that he is not an opponent." Seeing

that the situation was deadlocked, in the camp of the Dragon Kingdom, a man in a military uniform fought to kill his opponent with his injuries, and then flew towards Long Zhan, shouting: "Chief, I'll help you." Holding

a dark gold long sword, he quickly came behind Long Zhan, looking like he was going to fight side by side with the other party.

But the next scene surprised the forces present.

I saw that the man turned around abruptly, and the black gold long sword in his hand stabbed towards the heart of the dragon after the battle like lightning.


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