This scene was too abrupt for everyone present to expect, let alone Dragon War.

But with his instinct for danger, he avoided the vital parts.

But Rao was so, and he was not lightly injured.

When the rest of the Dragon Kingdom saw this scene, their faces all changed drastically, and someone roared: "Zhou Yuanshan, what are you doing?"

Zhou Yuanshan threw away his long sword and quickly retreated, and after retreating to a safe distance, he looked at Long Zhan, who had a pale face, and sneered: "Chief, how does this sword taste?"

Long Zhan pulled out the Wujin long sword on his body, and asked in an icy voice: "Zhou Yuanshan, I don't treat you well on weekdays, why do you betray me?"

Zhou Yuanshan said lightly: "No way, someone gave too much."

Long Zhan took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, "Who is it?"

Zhou Yuanshan smiled and said, "The chief elder has already guessed, and he came to ask me what I did?"

Long Zhan's face was ugly: "Sure enough, it was Wang Xuanqing's dog thing, and he knew that he should have killed him desperately in the first place." At

the beginning, he saw Wang Xuanqing's ambition, but because he was afraid of Wang Xuanqing and the strength of the Wang family, he could only endure it.

I thought that after this breakthrough Yuan Baby, I would slowly clean up the other party.

Unexpectedly, the other party had already set a set for him.

At first, he wondered why the other party did not come to compete for the golden apple, but now he finally understood what was going on.

Wang Yuanshan suddenly shouted: "Everyone, Long Zhan is injured now, don't give him a chance to breathe." The

three major forces reacted immediately, and then struck one after another.

The offensive was more terrifying than before.

The previously close match quickly turned around.

Without any accidents, the dragon battle side fell into the downside.

As the battle continued, Long Zhan's injuries became more and more serious.

His eyes showed unwillingness, and he roared angrily: "I must not die here, and the Dragon Kingdom cannot live without me." Zhou

Yuanshan sneered: "Hehe, don't worry, Lord Chief, you are gone, and the hall master is guarding the Dragon Kingdom for you." Forgot to tell you that the Dragon Kingdom should have changed hands at this moment.

Long Zhan was shocked and angry when he heard this, he never expected that Wang Xuanqing actually planned so much in secret.

Seeing that his injuries were getting worse and worse, a flash of madness flashed in his eyes, and he took out the golden apple he got, ready to forcibly take it to improve his strength.

Seeing this scene, the people of the three major forces attacked even more ferociously, and did not give him a chance at all.

The rest of the Dragon Kingdom was also badly injured.

Seeing this, the seriously injured Long Zhan had to look at the other forces and pleaded: "Any of you who is willing to help me will definitely report it again in the future." Unfortunately

, no one responded.

They also know very well that rushing in now, let alone whether they can save Long Zhan.

Even if it can be saved, it will definitely be a heavy loss.

There is not much relationship between them and dragon battle. Naturally, it is impossible to take this risk.

The Siberian tiger laughed: "Hahaha, Long Zhan, when you die, this emperor can return to the northeast again." "

It was originally born in the northeast of the Dragon Kingdom, but later because it was defeated by the Dragon War, it could only flee to Siberia.

It was precisely because of this that Blanche had previously asked it to deal with Dragon War, and it agreed without thinking.


Just when the three centaurs were about to kill the dragon battle, the voice suddenly sounded.

"Immeasurable Tianzun, what are you doing, bullying me Dragon Kingdom no one?"

After hearing this familiar voice, Jack's body trembled, and he suddenly stopped attacking, and his eyes looked in the direction where the voice came from in horror.

I saw that in the sky in the distance, one person and three demons were flying over quickly.

The other forces also looked over, and after seeing one person and three demons, especially when the fat Taoist priest was still riding on a giant panda, they all showed doubts.

In the current era, few monsters will walk with humans.

Especially powerful demon beasts.

The Siberian tiger immediately shouted: "Who are you?" Dare to take care of the emperor's affairs? "

It has already sensed that the strength of one person and three demons is not strong.

Among them, the strongest big black dog is not as strong as it, let alone the other two demons and the fat Taoist.

Jack's scalp was numb, and he quickly transmitted a message to Blanche and Wren not to speak.

The two looked puzzled.

He transmitted the voice again: "Don't ask, we can't afford to mess with these big guys." The

two became more and more puzzled.

They also sensed the strength of one person and three demons.

Obviously they are not very strong, they will not afford to provoke?

But out of trust in Jack, the two did not speak.

To say why Ye Xiaofan and them suddenly came here, things have to start not long ago.

About ten minutes ago, the big black dog lost and didn't even have his pants left, because he owed a bunch of gambling funds, Ye Xiaofan and the other two demons resolutely didn't come.

This completely dashed the hopes of the big black dog to turn over.

In a fit of anger, it directly smashed the mahjong table, and swore to heaven that it would never gamble again in the future.

"This emperor swears today in front of the queen of heaven that he will never gamble again in the future, and gambling dogs will not die well."

It gritted its teeth and had determination in its eyes.

Like a genuinely repentant gambler.

The corners of Ye Xiaofan and Yuhualong's mouths twitched, and they wanted to open their mouths to complain, but in the end they held back.

Xiong Bold secretly sighed, he didn't expect that the big black dog would make such a big determination to quit gambling.

After finishing playing mahjong, one person and three demons left the main peak.

I was going to go to the main peak in the center and wait for the arrival of all the forces.

I didn't expect to see this scene just after I came.

Ye Xiaofan looked down at the Siberian tiger from the sky and said lightly: "You are very arrogant."

The Siberian tiger raised his head and said proudly: "Why, do you have an opinion?"

Ye Xiaofan took out a talisman, and in a flash of golden light, the talisman turned into a yellow turban figure.

"Ban him."

He spat out two words softly.

Yellow Turban Lux slapped it towards the Siberian tiger with a wave of his hand.

Feeling the oppression brought by the yellow turban Lux, the Siberian tiger's face suddenly changed.

Before it could react, it had already been hit by a big ear scraper.

Several teeth in the mouth were immediately knocked out, and the body flew out horizontally, slamming on the barrier outside the palace in the distance, and falling into pieces.

This scene stunned all the forces present.

The Siberian tiger is a strong man with great consummation, and he can't even take a move.

Seeing the yellow turban Lux coming towards him again, the Siberian tiger's face turned white.

It was just that moment it cost half its life.

If he had a few more slaps, he wouldn't have burped here.

Quickly got up and kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Seniors spare their lives, seniors spare their lives, the little demon knows that he is wrong."

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand, and the yellow turban Lux suddenly stopped, he rode the bear boldly to land on the square, looked at the Siberian tiger, and asked with interest: "Oh, where are you wrong?" The

Siberian tiger hurriedly admitted his mistake: "The little demon should not be presumptuous in front of the seniors, it is the little demon who does not recognize Tarzan and collides with you, senior."

Ye Xiaofan bowed his head slightly, and said lightly: "The ancients said that knowing mistakes can be corrected, and it is great to be good." The

Siberian tiger nodded repeatedly, but before it could be happy, Ye Xiaofan's next words made it almost vomit blood.

"But it's not enough to admit mistakes in your mouth, so give all the treasures in your body as a long lesson."


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