The seven Yellow Turbans are like mountain warriors, and just standing there gives people a strong sense of oppression.

Not to mention fighting.

The several masters who were originally about to move suddenly became muted.

The Mighty Bull Demon King was unwilling: "You... Don't go too far, my boss is Kunlun Baize, if you dare to move me, my boss will not let you go.

Ye Xiaofan's face was surprised, and he carefully looked at the Mighty Bull Demon King, and said suspiciously: "Really?" Why didn't I see you the first two times I went to Xiao Bai Ze? "

The Mighty Bull Demon King has a stirring spirit in his heart, he just pulls the tiger skin to make a big banner, but he didn't expect that the big guy in front of him actually knew Bai Ze.

Now it's a fart.

"That... That's because I went out on a mission. "It can only find a random reason to prevaricate.

Ye Xiaofan nodded: "Then for Xiao Bai Ze's sake, as long as the poor road has the opportunity you get here, the rest is not wanted." The

Mighty Bull Demon King was overjoyed, although he was still robbed, but this result was already much better.

The other major forces were not so lucky, and they were robbed by Ye Xiaofan.

During this period, the old monk of the Peacock Empire couldn't help but say: "Benefactor, doesn't your Dragon Kingdom claim to be a country of etiquette, how can you do such a forcible and plunderous thing?"

Ye Xiaofan didn't care, and said with a smile: "This Daoist, the poor Dao only robs wealth and does not die, isn't this polite enough?"

The old monk opened his mouth, but for a moment he was speechless.

Seeing this scene, the Siberian tiger, who was originally heartbroken, finally felt a little better in his heart.

It's not always robbed.

Not far away, Wentong watched this scene, and for some reason, he always felt that the fat Taoist priest in front of him was very similar to the bandit in the Shu Mountains not long ago.

"Shouldn't they be the same person?"

When the thought came to his mind, he himself was taken aback.

Hurriedly shook his head, thinking that this was impossible.

Ye Xiaofan looked at the palace in front of him and said curiously, "Can't you all go up together?"

Long Zhan quickly explained: "Yes, senior, the barrier outside the palace is very strong, and we can't break it.

"Sturdy, how sturdy?"

Ye Xiaofan was a little curious, came to the barrier, and subconsciously poked his finger twice.


Like the sound of glass shattering, the barrier that all the forces could not break together shattered abruptly.

"Damn, the power has become more powerful again."

Ye Xiaofan silently complained in his heart, and he obviously didn't use much force just now.

The forces behind him were all stunned.

Everything in front of them made them feel unbelievable.

The barrier that they could not break with all means was pierced by the former's finger.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it.

The big black dog three demons had long been accustomed to it and quickly followed.

Seeing this, all the forces hurried to follow.

Although Ye Xiaofan was there, the chance inside had nothing to do with them.

But I can't hold back the curiosity in my heart.

Under the leadership of Ye Xiaofan, the major forces entered the palace.

Behind the gate is a hall full of ancient atmosphere, and at the top, a throne is placed.

Above the throne, a black hexagonal box lies quietly.

On the surface of the box, there are many patterns and characters engraved, making the black box full of mysterious atmosphere.

Other than that, there is nothing.

The forces were a little confused.

In the palace of Zeus, the lord of the gods, there is only such a box.

Jack looked at the box carefully, and after a long time, exclaimed: "Is this the legendary Pandora's box??

Ye Xiaofan looked surprised: "What is Pandora's box?"

Jack said truthfully: "It is rumored that the most evil thing in the sealed world in Pandora's box.

Ye Xiaofan suddenly became interested when he heard this: "The most evil thing, how evil is it?"

He hurried towards the throne in front of him, ready to see if there was really something evil in the box.

"Senior, no."

Jack's face changed drastically, and he tried to stop it, but it was too late.

Because Ye Xiaofan had already held the box in his hand and forcefully broke it in half.

As Pandora's box shattered, a pitch-black mass rolled out.

Ye Xiaofan hurriedly caught it, took it in his hand and looked at it, and found that it was like a ball of jelly.

Soft and stretchy.

He looked suspicious: "What kind of thing does this thing look like some evil thing?" The

forces below were also confused.

Jack Fox wondered: "Did I guess wrong, it's not some Pandora's box??"

Just as he was thinking this, the black mass suddenly moved.

Suddenly broke free from Ye Xiaofan's hand, rolled after landing, bounced off the ground, and levitated in the air.

The black surface reveals a pair of big eyes and a large mouth.

Big eyes looked around, and then let out a loud laugh of excitement.

"Hahaha, this god has finally come out."

As the laughter fell, a terrifying aura also permeated.

The forces were horrified in their hearts, and they felt an extreme evil from this breath.

In just a moment, they felt that their minds were polluted.

Hurriedly gathered the central god, for fear of being swallowed by this evil aura.

The only person present who was not affected was Ye Xiaofan.

He crouched down and wondered, "Hey, Slime, what the hell are you?" Why was it sealed? The

big eyes on the black object suddenly looked at Ye Xiaofan, and the fox said suspiciously: "Hey, you are an ant, you can actually not be affected by this god!?"

Ye Xiaofan was curious: "What is the influence?" The

mysterious creature did not answer, and asked, "What is slime and why do you call this god that?"

"Because you look like a slime." Ye Xiaofan said of course, and then roughly explained what slime meant.

Seeing that the other party didn't understand much, he simply said: "You can understand the meaning of poop, anyway, the two are similar." When

the mysterious creature heard this, he immediately became angry and cursed: "You are slime, and your whole family is slime." Then

its body began to squirm.

In a moment, he turned into a demon with a hideous face.

"Go and die, ant."

It cursed angrily and smashed its fist towards Ye Xiaofan.

The wind howled, and the air suddenly exploded.

A terrifying sonic boom exploded in the empty hall.

"Hey, it's quite arrogant."

Ye Xiaofan slapped out and shattered the demon fan on the spot.

The terrifying wind tore the space apart, and the crack was pitch black, like the giant mouth of a demon.

The palace collapsed in an instant.

The forces could not be shocked and fled towards the palace.

Ye Xiaofan rushed out from the ruins, his eyes scanning around, searching for the figure of the mysterious creature.

But nothing was found.

He wondered in his heart: "Was it slapped to death by me??? "


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