His gaze swept around again, but he still did not find the figure of the mysterious creature.

Ye Xiaofan guessed that he might have really been slapped to death by himself.

"Oh, it's too unbeatable, I didn't use any force."

He muttered softly.

Hearing this, all the forces that had retreated into the distance were dumbfounded.

A slap split the space.

That's it, it's still called no force?

That's hard, and what it looks like.

The forces no longer dare to imagine.

Ye Xiaofan rode onto Xiong's bold back with a jump, and waved his hand to all the forces: "Dear Daoists, see you soon." The

corners of the mouths of the forces twitched, and there was still a chance to say goodbye, and they couldn't wait to see each other again in this life.

Long Zhan, who had recovered from his injuries slightly, did not care about anything else, and immediately rushed back to the Dragon Kingdom with his men and horses.

He hadn't forgotten what Zhou Yuanshan said earlier.

I don't know if I can catch up when I go back now.

Although he also thought about asking Ye Xiaofan for help, he was a little unsure of the other party's temperament, so he didn't speak.

Seeing this, the people of the World Society immediately followed.

After the two parties left, several major forces immediately gathered together.

"You say, who is that fat Taoist priest? How could it be so powerful? The

Siberian tiger was the first to speak, and as he spoke, his eyes looked at the spatial crack that had not yet healed.

Several other forces shook their heads one after another, how did they know?

The old monk of the Peacock Empire speculated, "You say, could it be an ancient cultivator who survived from ancient times?" The

faces of the leaders were stunned.

Not to mention, it's really possible.

After all, Ye Xiaofan's strength was completely beyond their understanding.

Only this explanation makes sense.

"Alas, I don't know when our Western ancient monks will appear?"

Blanche sighed, a hint of concern in his eyes.

In their speculation, sooner or later the ancient monks would appear.

But they are not sure whether the appearance of the former is good or bad.

If they are all the same as Ye Xiaofan, they are not bad.

I'm afraid of the kind of brutal personality.

Afterwards, the forces left separately.

He left with a worried look on his face.

After they left for a long time, a dark object emerged from the void crack that was about to heal.

It was the mysterious creature from before.

It glanced at the direction where Ye Xiaofan left, and a trace of jealousy flashed in its big eyes.

"Where the hell did that stinky Taoist priest come from? How could the strength be so strong??? "

The previous moment, I almost killed him.

"Bastard, when the strength of this god is restored, he will definitely avenge today."

Its words were cold, and then its body melted into the void and disappeared.

On the other side, Ye Xiaofan took the three demons and patronized the palaces at the top of several other main peaks, took the treasures inside, and then left the Olympus Divine Mountain.

The killer whale, who has been hiding in the periphery, can only leave unwillingly when he sees this scene.

Wait until all the forces have left, above the collapsed palace.

The healing void crack was suddenly torn open again.

Through a blond man in armor, he came out of the crack.

He sucked in the air fiercely, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes: "Hahaha, the aura has finally been revived." "


Dragon Country.

At this time, there was a rebellion.

Wang Xuanqing, who had been planning for a long time, united several major families, and quickly controlled the military and most of the army in Kyoto under the cooperation of a number of internal and external forces.

In the antique manor, Wang Xuanqing showed excitement and grabbed the void hard.

"It's finally time to start."

At this moment, a man dressed in a uniform ran over and reported, "Hall Master, something has gone wrong over there in the Tianjiao Assembly.

Wang Xuanqing frowned: "What's going on?" The

man reported: "Just now, General Chen went to contact him, and his subordinates have already sent people to investigate first.

Wang Xuanqing's eyes condensed slightly, and he was suspicious in his heart: "Could it be that that guy from Long Zhan left something behind for Yunfei??"

"Got it, report it as soon as there is a situation over there." There are also orders to go down, dare to resist, and kill all of them.

He waved his hand, and after the other party left, the black-robed old man floated out of the chessboard again.

Wang Xuanqing frowned and said, "Master, do you say that Long Zhan left something behind?" "

Don't panic, Dragon Zhan Nasi should be dead by now, what is there to be afraid of a dead person." The old man said lightly: "You will refine the luck of Kyoto Base City now, and after breaking through to the Yang God, even if something really changes, you can be fearless."

Wang Xuanqing nodded, and then activated the formation that had already been secretly arranged.

No one saw that a huge formation appeared under the base city of Kyoto.

In the center of the formation is the manor right now.

Under Wang Xuanqing's control, the formation began to operate.

Countless points of light that were difficult to see with the naked eye poured from all sides of the base city, all entered the manor, and finally all disappeared into Wang Xuanqing's body.

This is the luck of thousands of people in Base City.

As long as these qi lucks are refined, he can break through to the Yang God Realm.

Moreover, since then, he has been invincible in the same realm in the Kyoto base city.


The words are divided into two ends, the place where the Tianjiao Conference is held.

The middle-aged man in a uniform turned pale and stared at the blond old man in front of him: "You... Who are you? "

He was the one sent by Wang Xuanqing, who had sneaked up on Yunfei not long ago, beheaded him, and also killed other disobedient people and threatened and intimidated others present.

As expected, he managed to control the situation.

Just when he thought it was done, the unexpected happened.

In the mirror world, the guild they arranged was killed by someone.

It was a few little girls who shot.

It's not that they are strong, but one of the little girls has a powerful bodyguard.

It was the blonde old man in front of him.

Wu Lei Fu's face showed disdain: "What kind of thing are you, and you are also qualified to ask the name of this seat?" With

a snap of its fingers, a brilliant thunder light fell.

The middle-aged man's life ended on the spot.

Everyone else was silent when they saw this.

Qin Feng asked coldly to everyone: "Say, what is going on?" Someone

whispered, "Y... Someone should have rebelled? Although

so far, they have not specifically understood what is going on, but based on the previous things, they can also guess.

Xiao Luoli said, "Cousin, hurry back to the family side to take a look."

Qin Feng also realized the seriousness of the matter and nodded immediately.

Then, the group headed in the direction of the Qin Family Manor.


At the same time, the land of bliss is exhausted, in the fairy box.

The nine roses are performing a dance hard.

The nine people are all first-class beauties, and their bodies are surprisingly good.

Dancing together at the moment has a different kind of beauty.

The only fly in the ointment is that they all have a look of humiliation on their faces.

It turned out that not long ago, the nine great roses were ready to take refuge in the land of bliss.

As soon as the result came, he ran into the three Calvary Heavenly Masters.

Seeing that the beauty and figure of the nine girls were good, they were directly caught by Calvary Heavenly Master and danced.

On the soft sofa, Calvary sat leisurely, while Black Widow squeezed his shoulders in the back.

His face was also reluctant, but he did not dare to resist.

No way, this Lord in front of her really can't afford to provoke.


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