Outside the Pure Land of Bliss, Lin Pengfei came with a group of masters.

Not long ago, he learned that the Nine Roses had come to the Pure Land of Bliss.

As soon as Wang Xuanqing's side took control of the military, he immediately brought people over.

Entering the lobby on the first floor, he called the front desk and asked coldly: "Say, where is the person from Night Rose?"

The front desk didn't dare to hide it at all, and stammered: "In... Fairy word private room.

Lin Pengfei immediately led people straight to the fairy character private room.

After a while, I arrived outside the private room.

Without saying a word, he kicked out.

The door of the private room was immediately kicked by him.


Coincidentally, the private room door smashed into Calvary Heavenly Master again.

The hard glass shattered, and the door frame covered with broken glass ballast was wrapped around his neck like that.

With a sudden scene, everyone in such a private room changed their faces.

The nine roses brushed and looked outside, and after seeing Lin Pengfei, their faces suddenly changed slightly.

The latter strode into the box, looked at the Nine Great Roses with an arrogant face, and said with a sinister smile: "Hehe, Night Rose, do you think you can sit back and relax by hiding here?" The

face of the nine roses was ugly, and he never expected that Lin Pengfei would dare to come directly to the land of bliss to make trouble.

After a brief shock, a hint of teasing flashed in the eyes of the Ninth Girl.

Although the people of the Qin family are not here, there is a big man here at the moment.

The other party is no better than the Qin family.

At first, they didn't agree to dance.

As a result, they didn't know what means the other party used, and their bodies moved involuntarily.

You know, the weakest among them are all Inscription Realm, and there is even Night Rose, a master of the Yuan Infant Realm.

As a result, in front of Calvary Heavenly Master, he was as immature as a baby.

Seeing the expressions of several women, Lin Pengfei was a little suspicious, but he didn't care, and sneered: "Night Rose, as long as you obediently follow me back, I promise to treat you well in the future." Night

Rose also sneered back: "Hehe, you get out of here alive first."

Just when Lin Pengfei was surprised, an angry voice suddenly sounded.

"Ant, you managed to anger Honza."

Twice smashed by the door in a row, who can not be angry?

A pitch-black flame suddenly rose above Calvary's head, and the flames were blazing, enveloping his entire head.

He also gave his essence for this.

White skeleton in black robes.

The door frame and glass ballast instantly turned into nothingness after touching the pitch-black flame.

Seeing this appearance of Calvary Heavenly Master, Black Widow was startled, and her eyes retreated in horror.

Wu Zhixing and Jin Wanjin also glared at Lin Pengfei angrily, and the former scolded: "Where is the garbage from, you dare to be presumptuous in front of your brother." Being

scolded by Fang as an ant and garbage, Lin Pengfei was also angry.

"What are you, you dare to be arrogant with Lao Tzu, do you know who Lao Tzu is?"

In his opinion, Kyoto at this moment has been completely controlled by the Dragon God Temple.

No matter who comes, he has no need to be afraid.

Therefore, it is particularly arrogant.

The eyes of the two demons widened, and Centipede Zhixing was surprised: "Hey, you are quite arrogant this garbage, it seems that you really don't know how to write dead characters."

Lin Pengfei's face was ugly, and he immediately ordered loudly: "Give it to me, kill these three guys who don't know if they are dead or alive." A

group of experts next door suddenly rushed towards the Calvary Heavenly Master.

"Ants who do not measure their strength also dare to be arrogant in front of this seat."

Calvary Heavenly Master's voice was indifferent, and he lightly snapped his fingers.

Except for Lin Pengfei, the others instantly turned into ashes.

Seeing this scene, whether it was Lin Pengfei, or the Nine Great Roses, or the Black Widow.

It's all like a wooden chicken.

A group of masters, many of whom were masters of the inscription realm, were gone.

Although they guessed that Calvary Heavenly Master's strength was very strong, the previous scene still exceeded their expectations.

Lin Pengfei's whole person was frightened and stupid, and he stammered: "You... Don't mess around, I... I'm a member of the Lin family, you dare to mess around, high... The lord will not let you go. Calvary

Heavenly Master said coldly: "Ant, now you know that you are afraid, but it's too late."

With that, he continued to snap his fingers.

Then, Lin Pengfei was horrified to find that his body was slowly disappearing.

First the feet, then the calves, then the thighs....

What could be more terrifying than that.

I watched my body slowly disappear, but I couldn't stop it.

"Senior, I was wrong

, spare your life, spare your life..." He kept begging for mercy, but unfortunately Calvary Heavenly Master was unmoved.

In the end, Lin Pengfei's whole person disappeared without a trace.

This time, not to mention the Nine Great Roses and Black Widow, even Centipede Zhixing and Jin Wanjin were terrified.

This method is both terrifying and terrifying.

It's chilling.

Calvary Heavenly Master looked at the Nine Great Roses and waved his hand: "Then play music and then dance." The

nine roses dared to hesitate and dance again.

This time, there was no reluctance on their faces.

For fear of accidentally angering the person in front of them, and then the other party gave them a snap of their fingers, and finally the confusion was gone.

Among them, the purple rose and white rose were extremely shocked in their hearts, because they had already guessed the identity of Calvary Heavenly Master, and a sudden flash flashed in the depths of their eyes.

Black Widow also hurriedly stepped forward to squeeze the shoulders of Calvary Heavenly Master, and she also worked harder than before.

Don't dare to have any more perfunctory.

Suddenly, Calvary Heavenly Master raised his hand and waved, and then cursed and scolded: "Damn, which Wang Ba Lamb actually dares to intercept the luck of this seat."

The others present looked dazed and did not know the meaning of these words.


There are two sides to the story.

Qin Family Manor.

Several other families joined forces to surround it.

In the manor, the old ancestor of the Qin family, Qin Wanshan, and the old ancestor of the Jiang family, Jiang Yang, gathered together, and their faces were extremely serious.

Jiang Yang said: "Old Qin, you guessed right, something big has really happened in Kyoto.

Qin Wanshan nodded and said solemnly: "I just didn't expect that such a big thing would happen." "

The ordinary people may not know about the change of senior military personnel, but how can they hide it."

At this time, a voice came from outside: "Qin Wanshan, as long as you surrender, you can still enjoy the same treatment as before, and you are still the top family in Kyoto."

Qin Wanshan sneered and responded loudly: "Don't talk nonsense anymore, my old Qin family is iron-clad and strong, how can I be with Er and other chaotic thieves."

Jiang Yang also followed: "My Jiang family is the same, the old man advises you to confess your sins and preach the law as soon as possible, otherwise when Lord Long Zhan returns, it will be the end of Er and others." There

was a moment of silence outside, followed by mocking laughter.

"Hehe, Long Zhan is afraid that he has already died, and you still want to wait for him to come back, I'm afraid it's not a daydream."

"Give you another chance to surrender quickly, otherwise today will be the death of the two of you."

The two looked a little ugly, and Jiang Yang was worried: "Lord Long Zhan won't really have an accident, right?"

Qin Wanshan shook his head: "Don't worry, the senior also went to the Olympus Divine Mountain, and with him, there will definitely be no accident."

Jiang Yang continued: "But what to do next, just the two of us, we are definitely not the opponents of those guys."

Qin Wanshan also looked embarrassed, and the masters of the other major families all came.

With the strength of the two of them, they cannot be opponents.

Ye Xiaofan's side didn't know when he would come back, and if he pinned his hopes on the former, it was estimated that the yellow cauliflower would be cold.

He couldn't help but look at Phoenix Ji and Bai Susu.

Thinking that the two were following Ye Xiaofan, maybe there was some way.

As a result, the two women decisively shook their heads, indicating that there was no way.

He was disappointed in his heart, and at this moment, the people outside saw that the inside was slow to respond, so they began to attack.

It didn't take long for the defensive formation outside the manor to be breached.

Then a group of powerful figures rushed in.

"Hahaha, Qin Wanshan, the opportunity has already been given to you, but you don't cherish it yourself."

The old man at the head laughed wildly, and the others also looked arrogant.

Just as they were about to open the killing ring, a loud drink suddenly came from afar.

"Who is the thief who dares to be arrogant in my Qin family?"


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