Everyone looked for the sound, and saw a group of figures flying over quickly.

"It's Xiao Feng."

Qin Ruyu's face was delighted.

Qin Zhentian also showed an unconcealable smile on his face.

Qin Wanshan's eyes also showed expectation, Qin Feng and Ye Xiaofan had an irresistible relationship, maybe they would be given some powerful hole cards by the other party.

The people of several major families sneered, not putting Qin Feng and the others in their eyes at all.

In their opinion, a few people are just young people, and they can't be put on the table at all.

In the blink of an eye, a group of people approached.

Qin Feng glanced coldly at the people of several major families, and said coldly: "What are you guys, you dare to come to my Qin family to be presumptuous?" "

Although he said that he has nothing to do with the Qin family.

But this is, after all, his family, among which there are his relatives.

It is not yet the turn of outsiders to be presumptuous.

The old man at the head sneered: "Hehe, boy, with your little strength, you dare to be arrogant in front of me and the others?" Qin

Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly took out a golden talisman, flicked his fingers, and the golden talisman turned into a yellow turban warrior.

This is still the life-saving card given to him by the big black dog.

Although the former is often unreliable, it will still be given when it should be given.


He shouted, and the yellow turban Lux suddenly killed a group of people.

The power of terror swept through.

A group of people did not dare to be careless, and quickly used means to resist.

Everyone in the Qin family was full of excitement when they saw this.

At the same time, he was shocked that Qin Feng actually had such a powerful hole card.

Qin Feng also killed him, and 10 Qi and Blood Divine Dragons appeared above his head, like a peerless king, directly rushing towards a small soldier of the Purple Mansion Realm.

Seeing this scene, the face of the little soldier of the Purple Mansion Realm changed greatly.

This was the first time he had seen 10 Qi and Blood Divine Dragons.

Everyone else's faces changed slightly, shocked by this scene.

Subsequently, a major war broke out between the two sides.

The result was that Qin Feng pressed the other party to fight.

Even if he transcends a realm, the other party is not his opponent at all.

Seeing this scene, Qin Zhentian's eyes were full of pride, and he laughed loudly: "Hahaha, it is worthy of my son, this talent is unparalleled in ancient times, and it has the resources of a great emperor."

Qin Ruyu on the side secretly rolled her eyes.

She used to often hear Qin Zhentian say that she was famous in her life, how could there be such a son as Qin Feng.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, it changed.

It is said that women are fickle.

In her opinion, men are the same.

Seeing that the battle in the field was becoming more and more intense, Qin Wanshan shouted: "The sons and daughters of the Qin family, follow the old man." Under

his leadership, the masters of the Qin family also joined the battlefield.

The Jiang family also followed closely.

Subsequently, the battle in the field became more intense.

The means of both sides have been frequent, and various means of pressing the bottom of the box have been used.

Although the Qin family has the help of the Yellow Turban Lux on this side, there are many people on the other side after all.

In addition, there are also many powerful magic weapons on his body.

As time passed, the Qin family's side began to fall into the downside.

Seeing this, the old man at the head of several major families shouted: "Everyone, add more strength, the Qin family won't last long."

As soon as his words fell, Ye Xiaoman took out a large stack of golden talismans.

A burst of golden light appeared, and ten Yellow Turban Lux appeared in the field.

The people of several major families were dumbfounded on the spot, and the old man was dumbfounded: "How... How can it be??

Everyone in the Qin family also looked confused, they never expected that Ye Xiaoman still had so many hole cards hidden.

Qin Zhentian was not surprised at all, the other party was Ye Xiaofan's sister, and it was not normal to have more hole cards on his body.

Several major families did not dare to have the slightest resistance, and they turned around and fled for their lives.

A yellow turban is so powerful.

This time come directly to the ten statues, and also hit a hammer.

But unfortunately, the two families of horses did not let them go, and they began to pursue.

In the end, with the help of Yellow Turban Lux, people from several major families were either killed or captured.

Qin Wanshan personally interrogated the old man: "Wang Yunlei, say, where is Wang Xuanqing's dog thing now?"

Wang Yunlei sneered: "Qin Wanshan, you have to be arrogant, and after Xuanqing breaks through, it will be your period of death."

Qin Wanshan did not panic at all, and joked: "Hehe, Wang Yunlei, don't dream, with my family Xiaofeng and a few little friends, just with Wang Xuanqing's guy, he can't turn over any storms." At

this moment, a pillar of light suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance, and majestic spiritual power surged towards the pillar of light from all directions.

Then a majestic aura spread out, and the entire people of Kyoto felt it.

Wang Yunlei was stunned for a moment, and then laughed wildly: "Hahaha, Xuanqing has broken through, Qin Wanshan, let go of the old man immediately, otherwise your Qin family will be removed from Kyoto."

Qin Wanshan's face was solemn, and this breath made him tremble.

He had a feeling that this aura was even more powerful than the Yellow Turban Lux.

At the same time, the major masters in Kyoto also felt this terrifying aura.

Some uninformed people looked puzzled.

Those who knew the inside story were ecstatic.

They rebelled with Wang Xuanqing, and to be honest, they took a risk.

But at this moment, with Wang Xuanqing's breakthrough, this trace of risk will disappear.

In the Pure Land of Bliss, the nine roses who were singing and dancing stopped one after another, and their eyes subconsciously looked out the window.

Night Rose exclaimed, "This breath, could it be that someone has broken through the Yuan Baby??" The

other eight roses looked shocked when they heard this.

Since the revival of Reiki, whether it is humans or demon beasts, there has never been an existence above the Yuan Baby.

Now it's actually appearing.

They dare not imagine, how powerful is this existence?

Black Widow was also shocked, and the movements in her hands subconsciously stopped.

Calvary Heavenly Master's voice was displeased: "What is there to be surprised, it's just a small trash breakthrough, don't stop, continue to continue." When

the women heard this, their faces froze.

The existence above the Yuan Baby is actually just garbage in the eyes of this person.

This...... Isn't it a little too arrogant?

While shocked, the women were a little suspicious.

Although they felt that Calvary Heavenly Master was very powerful, they still felt that the other party's words were somewhat exaggerated.

Of course, this does not include purple roses and white roses, the two women have been to Dragon Tiger Mountain, have seen the strength of a Calvary Heavenly Master, and know that the other party is not lying.

Blood Rose couldn't help but muttered in a low voice: "Hmph, you know bragging." Without

waiting for Calvary Heavenly Master to speak, Centipede Zhixing on the side took the lead and said, "Woman, you actually dare to question your brother's strength?

Jin Wanjin also followed: "Woman, pay attention to your words, how can you guess about your brother's strength?" Blood

Rose pouted secretly, but didn't dare to say anything more.

Calvary Heavenly Master couldn't see what expression it was, just quietly leaned on the sofa.

In the manor of the ancient township, Wang Xuanqing opened his eyes impressively, and the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

He soared into the sky, his gaze overlooking the whole of Kyoto, and his palm shook against the void.

"Hahaha, I finally broke through, from now on, I will be the heaven of this dragon country."

The arrogant voice spread throughout Kyoto.

Everyone in Kyoto changed their faces, and this aura was too strong.

The people who defected to Wang Xuanqing in advance all showed excitement.

And those who are still resisting have ugly faces.

In the Qin family manor, Qin Wanshan and the others also looked bad.

Qin Feng looked at Ye Xiaoman: "Sister Xiaoman, it is estimated that you have to ask the senior of the Five Thunder Fu to make a move."

Ye Xiaoman nodded, just about to take out the Five Thunder Talismans.

But at this time, the aberration abruptly appeared.

A white bone giant claw descended from the sky, and with a slap, Wang Xuanqing, who was laughing loudly, crushed and shattered, turning it into a blood mist in the sky.

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