This sudden scene shocked everyone in Kyoto Base City.

Whether it is the masters of the major families and the military, or some ordinary people.

They were all stunned.

Especially a master like Qin Wanshan.

They deeply realized how powerful the aura that Wang Xuanqing exuded before was.

As a result, such a powerful existence was exploded by the white bone giant claw that suddenly appeared.

How powerful this striker must be.

At the moment of seeing the white bone giant hand, Ye Xiaoman and the others looked strange, and subconsciously thought of Calvary Heavenly Master in their hearts.

Several people looked at each other, and suspicion flashed in their eyes, and they said in their hearts, could it be that the other party also came to Kyoto?

Those who defected to Wang Xuanqing were all dumbfounded at the moment, and their faces were confused and dazed with capital letters.

I thought it would be another village.

The result was this anomaly.

Now that Wang Xuanqing is dead, what can they do?

Blissful earth, fairy character box.

Calvary Heavenly Master lowered his palm and said disdainfully: "A single ant dares to shout there and disturb the listening of this seat."

Suddenly, I felt the disappearance of that breath, and I heard the words of Calvary Heavenly Master.

Everyone in the box looked sideways, and their eyes showed shock.

Jin Wanjin tentatively asked, "Brother, are you going to give that person??"

Calvary Heavenly Master's voice was indifferent: "That ant is too noisy, and I pinched it to death."

Although there was a guess in his heart, when he was confirmed, everyone in the box was still shocked.

That is beyond the existence of the Yuan Baby.

He was actually pinched to death by the person in front of him like this?

They didn't even see each other make a move.

I saw him raise his hand slightly.

This method is simply terrifying.

Jin Wanjin and Centipede Zhixing's eyes lit up, feeling that if they mixed with each other, the future was bright.

Of course, following Ye Xiaofan is the same.

But the other party has a strange personality, and basically will not do anything else except take them to rob.

According to Jin Wanjin, life is to enjoy to the fullest.

Although the future is bright behind the other party, you can't enjoy it so much.


Qin Family Manor, after a brief shock from everyone, Qin Wanshan and Jiang Yang immediately went to the military, preparing to preside over the overall situation before Long Zhan returned.

Others also traveled throughout Kyoto to appease the mood of the population and to extinguish rebellion.

With the help of Ye Xiaoman and others, it was almost a horizontal push all the way.

Those who dare to resist are basically killed by the Yellow Turban Lux.

Under the leadership of Qin Ruyu, Ye Xiaoman, Qin Feng and others came to the Wang Family Manor.

The group was also not polite, and came directly to raid the house.

During this time, Qin Feng came to the courtyard where Wang Xuanqing stayed on weekdays.

He searched inside and was caught by a broken chessboard on the ground.

He had a feeling that the broken chessboard in front of him should be a magic weapon.

He stepped forward to pick up the chessboard and took it in his hand to examine it carefully.

At this moment, the chessboard erupted with divine light.

A black and white mist rose out of it, turning into an old man dressed in black and white robes.

This is exactly Wang Xuanqing's master.

Previously, Wang Xuanqing did not bring the chessboard with him, which allowed the old man to avoid a disaster.

If you look closely, you can see that in the depths of the old man's eyes, there is a touch of palpitations.

At the same time, he was shocked and did not understand where such a strong existence came from on the blue star today?

As soon as he sensed Qin Feng's arrival, he immediately appeared out.

Because he had already seen that the kid in front of him was very unusual, and the luck on his body was more terrifying than that of King Xuanqing.

If you plan on the other party, you are likely to be successfully resurrected.

In fact, he helped Wang Xuanqing so much, not out of deep master-apprentice affection, but because he wanted to resurrect himself.

As long as he refines a few more base cities, he can be resurrected and get rid of this damn chessboard.

It's a pity that it failed.

The old man looked at Qin Feng and said seductively: "Little friend, the old man thinks that you have good qualifications, but I hope to worship the old man as a teacher, and with the help of the old man, you will definitely break through to the Yuan Infant within three years." "


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