Looking at the old man in front of him, Qin Feng blinked and asked with some curiosity: "Are you... The spirit of this broken chessboard?? The

old man was stunned for a moment, and then nodded proudly: "That's right, the old man is the instrument spirit of this yin and yang chessboard, knowing astronomy and geography, as long as you worship under the old man, the old man will ensure that you have a great future in the future." Thinking

of what the old man said earlier, Qin Feng frowned and said, "Old man, didn't I say that it was too slow to break through to the Yuan Infant in three years?" The

old man's expression froze, and his eyes looked at the young man in front of him with a stunned look.

If he was not mistaken, the other party was still in the Qi and Blood Realm.

There are still several realms away from the Yuan Baby.

In three years, from qi and blood breakthrough to yuan baby, even in his time, it was very fast.

The young man in front of him actually disliked the slowness.

He frowned slightly, and said displeased: "Young man, it's not the old man who said that you, you can't be proud and complacent, do you know how far away your current realm is from the Yuan baby?"

Qin Feng nodded: "You know, there are still two great realms in between, Zifu and Vientiane, but three years is still too slow, I feel that it won't take so long." "

If it was in the past, he would never dare to say this, but now with Ye Xiaofan, he has this confidence.

Not long after following the other party, he reached the legendary Qi and Blood Realm Grand Consummation.

You know, almost no one has reached this step since the revival of Reiki.

Why say almost, because he didn't know if Ye Xiaofan had reached this step?

But according to Qin Feng's guess, Ye Xiaofan Bacheng also reached this step.

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the old man blew his beard angrily and glared.

He had lived for so long, and it was the first time he had seen such an arrogant young man as Qin Feng.

"You are blindly arrogant, and you don't know the difficulties in this."

He said in a lecturing tone.

Qin Feng waved his hand: "Old man, don't say it, you'll know later, and I won't worship you as a teacher, because I already have a master." The

old man was extremely angry and wanted to say a few words, but Qin Feng didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and directly loaded the chessboard into the storage ring.

He then went elsewhere to loot.

In the end, the resources of the entire Wang Family Manor were all looted by them.

The same is true for several other major families.

Under the appearance of Qin Wanshan and Jiang Yang, the situation in Kyoto was quickly brought under control.

The rebels were either destroyed or captured.

It only took a day for everything to settle.

This time, the rebellion led by Wang Xuanqing was suppressed in this way.

In the middle of the night, Long Zhan and the others rushed back to Kyoto.

Seeing that Kyoto is still a bright and green place, there is no sign of a big war.

This can't help but make everyone wonder.

The group landed at the gate of Kyoto, ready to ask about the situation from the defenders.

The defenders did not hide it, and roughly explained what happened not long ago.

When he heard that Wang Xuanqing had broken through to the Yang God, Long Zhan was shocked.

But when he heard that a big white bone hand easily pinched Wang Xuanqing, he was even more shocked.

While shocked, Long Zhan felt very puzzled.

When did such a strong man appear in Kyoto?

Why before this, he didn't know at all.

Thinking of the mysterious fat Taoist, Long Zhan only felt.

Today's Dragon Kingdom has become extremely strange to him.

Obviously, in previous years, human beings resisted demon beasts so hard, and there were very few masters.

As a result, only a few years later, powerful and terrifying existences appeared one after another.

Subsequently, Long Zhan led everyone into Kyoto and returned to the military.

There I met Qin Wanshan and Jiang Yang, who presided over the overall situation.

The two were both surprised and surprised to see Long Zhan's return.

At the same time, the two were also a little curious.

According to those traitors, Wang Xuanqing carried out a beheading operation against Long Zhan.

The other party should not come back.

But what is going on now?

Seeing the doubts in the eyes of the two, Long Zhan did not hide it, and explained what happened on the sacred mountain of Olympus.

After speaking, he also sighed with emotion: "I don't know when such a master appeared in my Dragon Kingdom!?" The

two looked at each other, and both thought of Ye Xiaofan for the first time.

That fat Taoist priest must have been pretended by the other party.

Qin Wanshan smiled and said, "Don't worry about Brother Long, that senior didn't make a move against you, which means that he is not a big adulterer."

"No matter who he is, my Dragon Kingdom has such a strong person sitting in the town, and in the next great changes in heaven and earth, it can also have the power of self-preservation, which is not a good thing."

When Long Zhan heard this, he couldn't help but nod and stopped thinking about Ye Xiaofan.

Afterwards, the two sides chatted for a while, and then the two said goodbye to Long Zhan and returned to their respective families.


Deep in the ocean, in the underwater world.

Killer whales return and meet the whale emperor for the first time.

But I found the former in retreat.

There is no way, it can only wait.

That's three days.

On the 4th day, a terrifying aura appeared in the magnificent palace.

Feeling this breath, the killer whale's face changed in shock.

"This breath, could it be that His Majesty has broken through the shackles of the Yuan Infant?"

The creatures of the entire underwater world also shook, and they all looked up at the palace in the center of the city, with excitement and curiosity in their eyes.

This terrifying aura lasted for more than a quarter of an hour before it slowly dissipated.

The void dangled, and a whale with a large palm appeared out of thin air in front of the killer whale.

It can be seen that its figure is somewhat faint.

Apparently he did not come in person.

The killer whale hurriedly saluted: "I have seen Your Majesty."

He only felt a sense of panic pressing on his body, and he was sure in his heart that the other party had definitely broken through the shackles of Yuan Ying.

Seeing that only killer whales returned, the whale emperor asked indifferently: "Why are you the only one coming back?" What about the other four warriors? The

killer whale did not dare to hide it and quickly explained the matter.

When the whale emperor heard this, he was furious: "Abominable stinky Taoist, no matter who you are, this emperor will personally kill you." The

killer whale reminded in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the origin of that fat Taoist priest is mysterious, and his strength is very strong, let's plan for the long term." The

whale emperor's voice was indifferent: "Joke, my dignified ocean overlord, how can I be afraid of a human being."

"Order, let the major generals prepare, and set out to attack the land in three days."

Saying that, it disappeared out of thin air.

The whale emperor originally wanted to invade the land, but was stopped by the dragon war that year.

Now that the strength has broken through, and there is also a reason to send troops, how can it miss such a good time.

The killer whale opened its mouth, and finally could only sigh softly.

It has an intuition in its heart, and the whale emperor will probably plant it this time.

"No, I must not rush to the front at that time, my life matters."

It made a decision in its heart, hid behind when the time came, and fled as soon as something went wrong.

When the news spread, the entire underwater world boiled.

Like the whale emperor, many sea demons have long wanted to go to land to take a look.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

On the 4th, led by the Whale Emperor, the mighty army of sea beasts left the underwater world and set off for land.

After reaching the near sea, the army divided the way.

Among them, the Whale Emperor went straight to Kyoto in the Dragon Kingdom with a group of experts.

The Whale Emperor knew very well that as long as the Dragon Battle, the number one master of the Dragon Country, was solved, the morale of the Dragon Country would definitely be greatly weakened, and there would be a lot of casualties at that time.


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