At this moment, the people of the entire Kyoto, as well as the countless sea beasts outside Kyoto.

All dumbfounded.

The extremely powerful whale emperor is gone???

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have been hard to believe.


Long Zhan secretly swallowed his saliva, although everyone had long said that the white bone giant hand was powerful.

But when I saw it with my own eyes, I was still shocked.

Qin Feng and the others glanced at each other, and immediately thought of Calvary Heavenly Master.

Ye Xiaoman pouted: "This little skeleton is true, it didn't come out just now, and it caused so many people to be sacrificed in vain." There

was a thick dissatisfaction in her voice.

Qin Feng and the others looked embarrassed.

Here, only Ye Xiaoman dared to say this about Calvary Heavenly Master.

After being shocked, Long Zhan quickly led the human army to hunt down and kill the sea beasts.

Now that the whale emperor died, the originally fierce sea beast suddenly became chaotic.

In the end, he was killed by the human side and abandoned his armor, and fled back to the sea in embarrassment.

After learning the news, those sea beasts that attacked the East China Sea Base City also retreated one after another.

A shocking crisis ended so unexpectedly.


Somewhere on the surface of the sea, the killer whale has a palpitation.

"Damn, it's good that I ran fast, otherwise I would have hung up."

It showed happiness in its eyes, if it hadn't seen Qin Feng and the others present at the beginning, it felt that things were not good, and hid in the rear in advance.

Otherwise, it would be dangerous.

Then, it looked excited.

Now that the whale emperor has fallen, no one in the ocean can press on its head anymore.

It can be said that the sky is high and the birds fly, and the sea is wide by the leap of fish.

"From then on, it will be the era of this emperor."

The killer whale laughed loudly, then plunged into the water and disappeared.


In the Pure Land of Bliss, Ye Xiaoman and several people entered the immortal box and finally met Calvary Heavenly Master.

It took them a lot of effort to find the former.

Seeing a few people coming, Calvary Heavenly Master was a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

Ye Xiaoman glanced at the box and frowned, "Well, you little skeleton, since you dare to take advantage of my brother's absence and spend time drinking outside."

After seeing the scene in the box, Qin Feng and the others were also shocked.

Especially the few people from Qin Wanshan who came over.

They recognized the identity of the Nine Roses at a glance.

He actually let the nine leaders of the Night Rose perform songs and dances.

This operation is really a bit awesome.

Thinking of the powerful strength of Calvary Heavenly Master, they were relieved again.

In the eyes of outsiders, the nine roses may be an incredible existence.

But in the eyes of the person in front of him, it may not be anything at all.

Calvary Heavenly Master smiled and said, "It turns out that it's you, girl, come and sit, want to hear something, I'll let them perform for you."

Ye Xiaoman pouted: "Come less, I'm not interested in these, hurry up and follow me back, otherwise I'll tell my brother about your spending time outside." Calvary

Heavenly Master was not afraid at all: "Hmph, although this seat follows that kid, it does not mean that you have to tell him about everything."

Jin Wanjun whispered next to him: "Brother, let's not let the master know about this matter, the master prides himself on being a righteous man, and he cares most about reputation, I am afraid that these things we do will make him unhappy."

Calvary looked surprised: "Are you sure he is a righteous man?" "

When he was in Dragon Tiger Mountain, he saw Ye Xiaofan robbing everyone with his own eyes.

It's almost the same that such a person is called a bandit.

What does it have to do with the righteous?

Jin Wanjin coughed and whispered: "Master, he has always thought so, and he also flaunted himself like this."

As if knowing that this statement was far-fetched, he added: "At least on the surface." "

If Calvary Heavenly Master has flesh and blood, the corners of his mouth at this moment will definitely be pulled twice.

He immediately looked at Ye Xiaoman: "It just so happens that this seat is almost playing here, so let's go back with you."

He didn't dare to provoke Ye Xiaofan, he knew how terrifying the other party's strength was.

Not to mention now, even in his heyday, he is not necessarily the opponent of the other party.

Ye Xiaoman rolled his eyes, and suddenly said: "It's not impossible to keep me secret, but there have to be conditions." "

The ghost fire above Calvary Heavenly Master's head, if these words are said by others, he will teach the other party to be a human in minutes.

But what Ye Xiaoman said, he could only endure.

"You say."

Ye Xiaoman tilted his head and thought for a long time, and said: "I want to raise zombies, do you have any way to get a few zombies?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned and looked at Ye Xiaoman in surprise.

The latter was a little embarrassed to see it, and explained with a red face: "A little hobby, don't make a fuss." "

Girls have been interested in weird stories since they were young.

Especially the zombie movies in a certain place, she liked to watch them the most.

And not only are I not afraid of those zombies inside, but I like them very much.

Thinking that there is a chance, be sure to raise a few to see.

I heard earlier what hell the Calvary Heavenly Master came from.

The girl felt that the other party would definitely be able to find a way to get it.

No, as soon as she seized the opportunity, the girl made her own request.

Calvary Heavenly Master was also a little surprised, thought about it and said: "This is simple, when I have time, I will go and grab a few for you and come back."

Ye Xiaoman's face was delighted, and said, "Okay, then it's such an agreement, you are not allowed to lie to me, otherwise I will tell my brother." Calvary

Heavenly Master nodded: "Don't worry, this seat has a word."

Then, he looked at Qin Feng and the others: "You guys also keep your mouth shut for this seat, otherwise... Hmph..." Everyone

trembled and nodded hurriedly.

They are not Ye Xiaoman, and they dare not offend this fierce god.

Only Phoenix Ji rolled her eyes inadvertently when she lowered her head.

Calvary Heavenly Master waved his hand at the Nine Great Roses again: "A few of you are very good, you are very talented in singing and dancing, go back and exercise well, and I will find you next time I come to Kyoto." The

silver teeth of the nine rose qi clenched, but they didn't dare to say anything more.

Calvary Heavenly Master turned his head and touched Black Widow's head again, and praised: "You are also very good, but the skill can be deepened, study hard, and this seat will come to you next time."

Black Widow could only smile and nod, and cursed in her heart that Calvary Heavenly Master would never come in this life.

In the past few days, she has been beating her shoulders and pinching her legs, and her hands have hammered her sore.

Because unlike normal people, Calvary Heavenly Master doesn't even have flesh and blood, so it's really tiring to pound it.

She wondered that the other party only had bones, and even sensory nerves could enjoy it???

Afterwards, the group left the place.

First he had a meal at the Qin family, and then returned to the Western Base City.

Before leaving, Qin Wanshan repeatedly told Qin Zhentian that he must befriend Ye Xiaofan, not offend the other party, and cultivate Qin Feng as an heir.

If it weren't for the fact that there were still many things to be busy on the Kyoto side, he would like to go over in person and admire the peerless demeanor of Ye Xiaofan, a senior master.


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