When Ye Xiaoman and the others rushed back to the Western Base City, Ye Xiaofan had already returned to the Base City with the three demons in advance.

Back home, he was still in the same familiar outfit.

Flip-flops with big pants, and two big words printed on the back of the T-shirt - justice.

A bald head shiny.

Seeing Ye Xiaoman and the others returning, Ye Xiaofan suddenly said curiously: "Girl, how is Kyoto, is it fun?"

"It's okay, it's much more prosperous than ours."

Ye Xiaoman did not hide it, and told everything he saw and heard in Kyoto and a series of things that happened.

Regarding this piece of Calvary, she lied.

said that the other party was bored at home and went to JD.com to play.

It happened that there was a rebellion in Kyoto, and I solved it by the way.

Ye Xiaofan was also a little surprised after hearing this, he didn't expect such a big event to happen in Kyoto.

Then he looked at Calvary and praised, "You have done a good job protecting hundreds of millions of people in Kyoto, which is exactly what righteous people like me should do." When

these words came out of Ye Xiaofan's mouth, Calvary Heavenly Master always felt a little awkward.

Looking at the word justice behind Ye Xiaofan again, he felt even more awkward.

Although his heart was full of slander, he had to nod his head on the surface.

"Today is a good day, let's make a barbecue."

Ye Xiaofan felt in a good mood and prepared to barbecue.

Ye Xiaoman nodded repeatedly: "Okay, wow, I like barbecue the most." She

took out the corpses of sea beasts collected in the war not long ago.

"I'm going to eat grilled fish."

Then, under the leadership of Ye Xiaofan, everyone began to get busy.


In the Emei Secret Realm, the Demon Zhen Pagoda, which had been calm for a long time, suddenly trembled.

Then there was a clicking sound.

With the naked eye, you can see cracks appearing on the surface of the Demon Town Tower.

A majestic demon qi surged out from inside.

As time passed, the cracks in the Demon Suppression Tower became denser.

Finally, the tower doors on the upper floors were opened.

A cloud of demon qi flew out from the inside, turning into a powerful figure.

Look closely, there are four figures in total.

A purple-clothed little loli with a delicate face, a beautiful woman in red with a plump figure, a middle-aged man with a burly figure, and an old man with a childlike appearance.

The four people in front of him were all ancient demons who were sealed in the Demon Township Tower, and their strength was only stronger than that dead black moth.

The purple-clothed little loli smiled happily: "Hee-hee, it's finally out." The

other three were also excited.

The white-haired old man advised: "Now that the situation outside is not yet understood, it is better to form a team temporarily first, and if you encounter any danger, you can also take care of each other."

The other three nodded one after another, no opinion on this.

Subsequently, the four turned into demon winds and left here.


Ice Empire.

When the top officials of the empire learned what happened on the sacred mountain of Olympus, they were furious, and immediately gathered their troops and prepared to kill the Siluo Federation and ask the other party for an explanation.

As for the Siberian tiger, which is hidden in the vast Siberia, they can only temporarily give up dealing with each other and first target the Silo Federation.

After all, the other party can't hide.

Just when the people of the Ice and Snow Empire gathered their armies and prepared to set off.

The people of the Silo Federation took the initiative to find the door.

There were three people in total.

Two of them are the two commanders of Blanche and Wren.

The remaining one was a blonde man with a handsome face.

What shocked the high-level of the Ice and Snow Empire was that among the three, it was actually the young blond man who was the leader.

This has to make them curious about each other's identity.

Logically speaking, in the Silo Federation, the five chiefs are the most powerful people.

There is simply no one above them.

"Blanche, Wren, you actually dare to take the initiative to come to the door, and you will stop thinking about going back today."

On the side of the Ice and Snow Empire, a burly middle-aged man drank angrily, staring at the three with extremely unkind eyes.

His name was Prus, and he was the first general of the Ice and Snow Empire.

Blanche smiled and said, "Prus, don't be so angry, what happened not long ago was indeed something we did wrong, and I apologize to you here."

Prus sneered: "My Ice and Snow Empire has died so many people, you think about it with an apology?"

Blanche didn't care, and said with a smile: "Prus, wait for the rest, I'll introduce it to you."

"This Lord Johansen is from Mount Olympus, and he wants to unify the West, let me ask your opinion."

Prus's face sank, and he just wanted to say that I care where he came from.

But then he reacted, looking at the blond man with amazement in his eyes.

From the sacred mountain of Olympus, doesn't that mean that it is the existence of monks who survived from antiquity?

At this time, the man named Johansson spoke: "Give you two choices, one, obedience, and two, death."

As the words fell, a powerful and matchless aura permeated.

Prus's face changed, because this aura surpassed the Yuan baby.

There is no doubt that the strength of the blond man in front of him is above the Yuan baby.

At the moment, he had to believe that what Blanche said was true.

In the face of such a strong man, Prus had no other choice at all but to return with the Ice and Snow Empire.

Johansson bowed his head in satisfaction: "This is a wise choice, you will select all the elites in the empire and follow me to attack the east in a few days." "

That's what he's for.

She is from the sacred mountain of Olympus and knows some things very well about ancient times.

I know that there are many opportunities in the vast eastern land.

And at present, the monks there have not yet been born, so it is a good time to go and search for opportunities.

Prus did not dare to hesitate and quickly nodded in agreement.


For this impending crisis, the people of the Dragon Kingdom did not know anything about it.

Of course, even if you know, you may not care too much.

Because now many people know that there is a peerless powerhouse hidden in the Dragon Kingdom.

In villa 1.

The aroma of grilled meat fills the air.

Everyone was full of oil, and what they ate was called a fragrant.

During this period, the old king head next door came over to rub the rice again.

Ye Xiaofan didn't care about this.

His impression of the old king is quite good, and there is no shortage of food at home, so there is no need to be too small.

In the evening, after everyone and the demon had eaten and drunk, they all returned to their rooms to rest.

Ye Xiaofan was also ready to go back to the room to count the opportunities he had obtained.

As soon as he entered the room, Phoenix Ji also secretly followed in.

Ye Xiaofan was curious, "Something?"

Phoenix Ji hurriedly said, "Master, I have something to report to you.

Ye Xiaofan blinked and said curiously, "What happened?"

Phoenix Ji did not hide it, and told all the things that the two demons of Calvary Heavenly Master and Jin Wanjin did in Kyoto.

After that, he added: "Master, you must take good care of it, they are ruining your reputation master."

Ye Xiaofan was indeed a little angry after hearing this.

How many guys actually dare to sneak out while he is not there?

The most hateful thing is that he also did those things that lacked virtue.

actually forced other girls to dance.

This is simply rogue robbery behavior.

If you let others know this, you must not scold him?

You know, he Ye Xiaofan values reputation the most.

The reason why he changes his appearance every time he goes out.

One is not to be too eye-catching.

The second is that they do not want to tarnish their reputation.

As a result, those three dog things actually dared to take advantage of his absence to do things.

Can this be tolerated?

"I know, you go down first, I'll handle this matter."

He spoke in a deep voice, with a hint of irrepressible anger in his voice.


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