Ye Xiaofan took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and did not intend to make a move on a few guys at this moment.


He suddenly stopped Phoenix Ji, who was about to leave, and praised: "You did a good job, if there is something similar in the future, you must tell me as soon as possible."

After that, he took out a magic weapon from the storage ring and threw it to the other party.

Huang Ji took it with a happy face: "Thank you master, I will definitely monitor them well."

After Phoenix Ji left, Ye Xiaofan began to count the opportunities he had obtained.

It wasn't until the second half of the night that he was basically counted.

In general, the treasures on the sacred mountain of Olympus cannot be compared with the Dragon Tiger Mountain.

But it's not bad.

He took out some of these good treasures separately and prepared to give them to Ye Xiaoman.

The opponent's strength is still too weak, and he, who is an older brother, should prepare a little more life-saving cards for the other party.

After counting, he was ready to squint a little.

The dragon pattern black gold ding flew out of his body.

"Ben Xian, there is one more thing here that I haven't given you."

It spit out the Poseidon Trident.

Ye Xiaofan took it and held it in his hand for a while, and with a gentle force, the Seagod Trident suddenly bent a little.

He looked disgusted: "What kind of broken thing, the quality is too poor."

He was ready to throw it away, but suddenly remembered that he could use it to loosen the ground.

The courtyard of the villa was very large, and Ye Xiaofan transformed a vegetable garden.

I always feel at ease growing my own.

Thinking of this, he threw the Seagod Trident out of the window casually.

With a bang, it was inserted impartially in the vegetable garden in the distance.

When the demon emperors in the courtyard saw it, they were all moved.

But Ye Xiaofan didn't speak, and they didn't dare to take it for themselves.

In the vegetable garden, the Seagod Trident trembled.

The spirit inside it, the blond man's expression was ugly and ugly.

Its grand Seagod Trident actually fell to the end of the pine land one day.

If others dare to humiliate it like this, it will definitely find the other party desperately.

But the other party was Ye Xiaofan, and he really didn't dare.

Just that moment, I almost broke it.

At this moment, the Seagod Trident was still trembling, and the fear in his heart could not be done.

Thought, what kind of monster is that?

It's so terrifying!!

One night without a word.

The next day, Ye Xiaofan got up early and made a hearty breakfast.

After eating, he gave the selected treasure to Ye Xiaoman.

"These things are specially selected by me, they are some good hole cards, you put them away, and the girls have to protect themselves outside."

Ye Xiaoman took a look, and his face was full of joy: "Thank you, brother." Qin

Feng and Xiong Xinzhu, who watched, as well as the demon pets, were envious.

If they can, they also want to have such a caring brother.

It's a pity that this is not possible.

After breakfast, Ye Xiaofan beckoned to the two demons of Calvary Heavenly Master and Jin Wanjin: "I'll go out to buy something, you guys come with me." Jin

Wanjin's heart was sudden, and he had a bad premonition, but he did not dare to refuse.

Centipede Zhixing also feels this way.

Calvary Heavenly Master was a little dissatisfied: "There are so many people here, why do you have to call this seat?"

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "I want to take you out for a spin, can't I?"

"You go, Honza doesn't want to go." Calvary waved his hand.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "I advise you to better not refuse." Sensing

that the former's tone was wrong, Calvary Heavenly Master immediately changed his words: "Go and go, can't the main seat go." From

the voice, you could tell that he was very reluctant.

Subsequently, Ye Xiaofan left the villa with the three.

The group first walked around the base city.

Then Ye Xiaofan went straight towards the outside of the base city.

Jin Wanjin asked with some weakness: "Master, what are you doing?"

Ye Xiaofan said expressionlessly, "You'll know when you get there." Soon

after, Ye Xiaofan came to a valley.

He pulled Jin Wanjin and Centipede Zhixing off their shoulders, and the two quickly grew larger, and they all looked at Ye Xiaofan in amazement, and the uneasiness in their hearts became stronger.

Ye Xiaofan put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "Is Kyoto fun?" I heard that the girl there is very watery? Song and dance are a must? The

faces of the two demons changed, and they secretly shouted in their hearts that it was not good, and at the same time they wondered how this matter was known by Ye Xiaofan?

They have obviously said hello, and everyone has promised not to say anything.

Which turtle son betrayed them behind his back?

The two demons did not dare to have any quibbles, and directly kowtowed to admit their mistake: "Master, we are wrong, and please be gracious."

"I drove your sister, two dog things, and actually dared to ruin my reputation."

He took out the dragon pattern black gold ding, directly took the two demons in, and ordered Long Aotian to greet them well.

Then his eyes looked at Calvary Heavenly Master unkindly.

The latter did not have much fear, and his words were sonorous: "Don't look at this look, this seat fought in all directions and worked hard all his life, can't you enjoy it?"

Ye Xiaofan slapped out.

"I enjoy your sister."

For Calvary Heavenly Master, he didn't need to worry about it, and he could strike directly.

"If you enjoy it, you have to force other girls, don't you know that forcing women is a crime?"


"Now that you are following me, you must change your evil and return to the right, don't take out your previous set again."

"I'm going to teach you a lesson today about what you can and can't do."

As he spoke, he slapped out again.

During this period, Calvary Heavenly Master also wanted to resist, but he was not an opponent at all.

In the end, the entire body was demolished by Ye Xiaofan.

"Bastard, this seat does not share the sky with you."

Calvary Heavenly Master was so angry that he turned into a cloud of black qi and prepared to escape.

Two red gold divine dragons appeared above Ye Xiaofan's head, and the terrifying aura pervaded, and the Calvary Heavenly Master was fixed on the spot.

The black qi surged for a while, and a shocked voice came from within: "Three-clawed Heavenly Dragon, how is this possible!?" There

was a thick disbelief in his voice, as if he had seen something extremely incredible.

Ye Xiaofan was a little suspicious, three-clawed Heavenly Dragon, what kind of thing?

But he knew that Calvary Heavenly Master was talking about the red gold divine dragon above his head.

Because it only has three claws.

He stepped forward and asked, "What three-clawed Heavenly Dragon?"

Calvary Heavenly Master did not say immediately, but instead talked about the conditions.

"It's okay to tell you, but you're not allowed to do anything to Honza again."

"Don't say pull down."

Ye Xiaofan directly refused, and then there was another output, beating Calvary Heavenly Master crying and calling his mother.

Seeing that the other party couldn't stand it, Ye Xiaofan stopped.

"Remember, if you dare to ruin my reputation next time, this is the lesson."

Ye Xiaofan admonished, allowing the dragon pattern black gold ding to release two demons.

The smell of burnt is pervasive.

Looking at it, the two demons were covered in scorched black, and there was still a burst of blue smoke on their bodies.

The look is extremely miserable.

In short, the end is no better than Calvary.

Subsequently, Ye Xiaofan returned to Base City with the three.

Along the way, Calvary Heavenly Master kept shouting and disobeying.

He also threatened that when his strength was restored in the future, he would definitely avenge today.

Ye Xiaofan listened to the fire, and when he passed by the gate of Base City, he simply said: "You guys show me the gate here for a few days, and then reflect on it." "

Because of Ye Xiaofan's existence, the city gate of the Western Base City is now wide open, and warriors can enter and exit at will, and even the people can go to some nearby places.

The surrounding demon beasts did not dare to attack at all.

Because there were no powerful demon kings nearby, the demon beasts simply did not dare to be as arrogant as before.

Centipede Zhixing and Jin Wanjin looked resentful, although they had some complaints in their hearts about Calvary Heavenly Master, they did not dare to complain.

Ye Xiaofan they can't afford to offend, and the former they can't afford to offend either.

Ye Xiaofan immediately took out his mobile phone and called Qin Zhentian.

When the latter learned the news, he immediately rushed to the city gate.

In order not to be noticeable, he traveled plainclothes.

Wearing a hat, sunglasses, and an overcoat, it is difficult to recognize if you don't look closely.

After learning that Calvary Heavenly Master and the two demons were going to be here to see the gate for a few days, Qin Zhentian's jaw almost dropped in shock.

Let the two demon emperors watch the door, and actually let the Calvary Heavenly Master watch the door.

What is the existence of the former?

That was a terrifying existence that could easily pinch the Exploding Sun God Realm.

Isn't that too condescending?

But Ye Xiaofan said this, and he didn't dare to refute it, so he could only smile bitterly and nod.

"Don't be afraid, drive it casually, if they dare to say a word, you will tell me."

Ye Xiaofan dropped a sentence and left.

Qin Zhentian quickly hugged the two palm-sized demon emperors and a pile of scattered bones, and walked towards the barracks on the side.

As soon as the guards outside wanted to reprimand, they saw Qin Zhentian take off his sunglasses.

He hurriedly saluted: "I have seen the chief." Qin

Zhentian bowed his head slightly, entered the barracks, and saw the small commander of the town guarding the gate here.

He immediately stood up and gave Qin Zhentian a standard military salute.

Qin Zhentian nodded and said lightly: "I will be stationed here for a few days next, and you will arrange four good rooms." The

little commander's eyes widened after hearing this, and his face was incredulous.

I just doubt I heard it wrong.

The head of the western base city actually wanted to come to see the city gate.

Are you sure you're not here to be funny?

"What are you doing stunned, don't go soon."

Qin Zhentian scolded.

The little commander did not dare to hesitate and immediately turned and left.

After everyone left, Qin Zhentian said to Calvary Heavenly Master: "Senior, I will be here in the next few days, if you have any orders, please don't hesitate to speak." Although

Ye Xiaofan told him to call casually.

But even if you give him 10,000 guts, he doesn't dare.

In case the big guy in front of him is angry, he can poke him to death with one finger.

"Boy, you're very good."

An indifferent voice sounded, and then the pile of dismantled bones began to combine.

After a while, it turned into a skeleton man, and a wide black robe appeared out of thin air.

Qin Zhentian hurriedly saluted: "I have seen the senior."

Calvary Heavenly Master bowed his head slightly, sat down on the sofa next to him, and said lightly: "You don't have to guard here, just go and find a few beautiful girls to come and serve this seat."

Qin Zhentian did not dare to hesitate and immediately turned around and left.

The corners of Centipede Zhixing and Jin Wanjin's mouths twitched secretly.

People are good, scars forget to hurt.

You are fine, the injuries on your body are not healed, you have forgotten the pain.


There are two sides to the story.

Olympus Sacred Mountain, two major forces gathered an elite force and prepared to attack the east.

On the most central main peak. A burly white-haired old man told Johansson: "Don't be careless here, the eastern land is full of mystery, be careful to cause some unnecessary trouble." "

Grandfather rest assured, the ancient cultivators over there have not yet been born, they are all ants who have just cultivated, and the thunder team is enough to deal with them."

Johansen looked confident.

Behind him, stood a team in gold armor.

About ten or so people looked, all of them had a strong breath, and all of them had reached the Yang God Realm.

The white-haired old man bowed his head gently: "Go, find out those guys who destroyed the sacred mountain."

When he said this, there was a hint of anger in his voice.

Not long ago, they returned from the Void World and saw the destroyed Mount Olympus, and they were furious.

If it weren't for the need to rebuild the sacred mountain, he was afraid that he would lead the team to go there in person.

Johansson nodded, then left with the group.

On the way, he asked Jack and the others about the situation in the East today.

Several people did not hide it and told them in detail what they knew.

Johansson nodded, looked to the east, and said lightly: "In that case, let's start with the westernmost Western Base City." "


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