"What's the situation, isn't that the demon king who once crisscrossed the Shu Mountains? How can it help us humans? Countless

people showed curiosity and a deep puzzlement in their eyes.

Some of them recognized Jin Wanjin and remembered the incident five years ago.

At that time, the other party had attacked the Western Base City with countless demon beasts.

In the end, under the desperate protection of Qin Zhentian, the base city was saved.

Blind to what the situation, the other party actually helped them in turn.

Can anyone say what the situation is now?

Why did the once notorious Golden Toad Demon King change his ways?

What happened in the past 5 years since the other party disappeared?

But no one is destined to tell them this answer.

Seeing his own heavy losses, Prus became furious, and with a spear, he killed the two demons.

Facing a strong man in the late stage of the reason, the two demons did not dare to be careless and united against the enemy.

The Great War broke out immediately.

A terrifying spiritual storm swept through, blowing the soldiers fighting next to him to the ground.

They all stayed away from the battlefield where the three were, afraid of being caught in.

Although the two demons have broken through the Yuan Baby, the realm gap between them and Prus is still a little big, and they are not opponents after all.

Seeing that he was invincible, Jin Wanjin immediately became a puppet talisman.

The black light flickered, and the puppet talisman immediately turned into a tall puppet puppet.

Not to be left behind, Centipede Zhixing followed and took out a yellow turban talisman.

Two behemoths appeared on the scene and immediately killed Prus.

The latter suddenly felt a sudden increase in pressure, no longer dared to have reservations, and all means were proposed.

But unfortunately, it is still not an opponent.

The Yellow Turban Lux and the Puppet are both the strength of the peak of the Yuan Baby, and the defense power is amazing.

Prus is only in the late Yuan Infant period, how can it be an opponent?

Seeing that he was invincible, he did not dare to fight again, and quickly retreated.

The two demons did not chase, but controlled the puppet puppet and the yellow turban warrior to kill the army of the Ice and Snow Empire.

After a while, the army of the Ice and Snow Empire was completely defeated.

Most of them were hanged, and a few fled with Prus.

When the soldiers on the city wall saw this scene, they all showed excitement.

The people in the base city also learned about the situation outside through the camera on the city wall, and they all danced excitedly.

In villa 1.

Ye Xiaofan and several people and a group of demon pets were grilling.

It's also clear what is happening outside.

Originally, he was ready to make a move, but seeing that the two demons had solved it, he didn't make a move.

Looking at the majestic two demons on the screen, Ye Xiaofan nodded with satisfaction.

It was not disgraced to him.

Qin Feng was a little puzzled: "What is going on with this group of guys from the Ice and Snow Empire?" Actually ran to attack us inexplicably?

Xiong Xinzhu speculated: "It is estimated that there should be some purpose, otherwise it is impossible to come over." The

bear boldly waved the thick bear paw: "What is he doing so much, hurry up and wear meat skewers, the master is still waiting to grill." The

two quickly stopped discussing and stepped forward to help.

On the other side, Prus managed to escape back.

"Sir, those guys have powerful magic weapons, and their subordinates are not opponents."

He lowered his head and did not dare to look at Johansen.

"A bunch of trash."

Johansson scolded coldly, and then looked at the thunder squad behind him: "Which of you went to destroy those two puppets." "

I'll go."

A golden-armored warrior flew out, his figure was like a bolt of lightning, and quickly killed forward.

Thunder flashed, and a spear pierced through the air, and a roar ran through the heads of the Yellow Turban Lux and the puppet.

The sound of electricity is sizzling.

The bodies of the two behemoths trembled, and then exploded with two bangs.

The sudden change made everyone unexpected.

Centipede Zhixing and Jin Wanjin's pupils shrank and suddenly looked.

I saw a flash of thunder in the field, and a golden-armored man appeared out of thin air, his body exuding a strong aura.

"Yang God!?"

The two demons were shocked and sensed the strength of the golden-armored man.

It was actually a strong person in the Yang God Realm.

On the city wall, all the soldiers were also shocked.

Especially Qin Zhentian, he never expected that a Yang God powerhouse would actually come this time?

No wonder the other party dares to attack the western base city, and also dares to boast about Haikou.

The two demons saw that it was not good and were ready to slip away.

But the golden-armored man didn't give them a chance.

With a wave of the spear in his hand, two rays of thunder shot out.

Straight and straight on the two demons.

The bodies of the two demons twitched, and although they were smoked to the point of blue smoke, they did not cause fatal damage to them.

Because the two demons have already experienced the baptism of Lei Hai in the dragon pattern black gold ding.

The body already has a certain immunity to thunder.

When the body stopped twitching, the two demons quickly shrunk in size, and then turned into two streamers and flew towards the base city.

In the blink of an eye, he reached the city wall.

Then turned his head and looked at the golden-armored man viciously, Jin Wanjin gritted his teeth: "Wang Baegg, actually dare to use thunder to split Uncle Ben, I tell you, you kid is finished."

Centipede Zhixing also spoke: "Stuff, I want to tell my brother, you just wait to go to hell." The

golden-armored man didn't care at all, and his voice was indifferent: "Give you a choice, immediately go out of the city and surrender, or die." Such

an arrogant attitude of the other party immediately angered a group of soldiers and countless people.

"Turtle son, what kind of thing are you, even if my Bashu boy dies, he will never surrender."

For a time, people were excited, expressing their dissatisfaction with the golden-armored man.

The golden-armored man's expression was even more indifferent: "I don't know if I'm dead or alive."

He coldly spit out four words, the spear in his hand swallowed thunder, ready to kill.

At this moment, a coquettish voice suddenly sounded: "Bold maniac, Hugh wants to be arrogant, five thunder talismans, hammer him for me." "

As soon as the thunder appeared, a blond old man descended from the sky and immediately killed the golden-armored man.

Countless thunderbolts burst out from all around it, crackling the air.

The golden-armored man's eyes froze, he felt the power of the five thunder talismans, did not dare to be careless, the spear in his hand was clenched, and the terrifying thunder was pervasive.

The next moment, the two fought together.

Qin Zhentian turned his head and saw three streamers flying over.

The leader is Ye Xiaoman, and the other two are Su Qingxue and Xiao Luoli.

After the third daughter learned about the incident, she came over to see the excitement as soon as possible.

As a result, he just ran into Yimu before, and Ye Xiaoman directly dispatched the Five Thunder Talismans without saying a word.

Seeing Ye Xiaoman's arrival, Qin Zhentian was even more at ease.

With this person here, even if the Heavenly King Laozi comes, he will not be able to break through the base city.

In the field, the battle between the two sides became more and more intense.

See the back and forth of the battle between the five thunder talismans and the golden-armored man.

Both the soldiers and the people in the city were all excited.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect that there are such masters hidden in my western base city."

Because the Five Thunder Talisman appeared too quickly, everyone did not know that it was just a talisman.

I also thought that the former was a hidden master in the base city.

In the distance, Johansen's eyes narrowed slightly.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see the identity of the Five Thunder Runes.

But instead of being angry, he smiled and whispered: "It is worthy of the mysterious East, sure enough, there are many magic weapons, wait, you will all belong to me." "


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