As time went on, the battle between the two sides became more and more intense.

The thunder of terror pervaded, and the air crackled.

The earth below was chopped and scorched everywhere.

After hundreds of rounds of fighting, the Five Thunder Talismans finally won and severely injured the golden-armored man.

Seeing this scene, the people in the base city applauded.

The soldiers on the city wall also looked excited.

Ye Xiaoman shouted loudly: "Old man, chop him to death for me." The

five thunder talismans were covered in thunder and swept towards the golden-armored man furiously.

The latter's face changed and he quickly retreated.

But because he was seriously injured, his speed was a beat slower than Thunder.

Seeing that it was about to be struck, but at this moment, a thunder giant palm slapped from a distance.

Blasted the thunder on the spot.

Everyone's faces changed and they fixed their eyes.

I saw in the distance, a large force flew over with great momentum.

At the head is a tall, heroic blond man.

Behind him, followed by a group of gold-armored soldiers.

Each of them exuded a strong aura, no weaker than the previous golden-armored man.

Everyone's faces changed drastically.

There were actually so many Yang God powerhouses at once.

And what was even more terrifying was that the aura exuding from the tall man at the head was even stronger.

Qin Zhentian's face was shocked: "How is it possible, when did so many strong people appear in the West??" He

couldn't figure it out.

Suddenly, he thought of some possibility.

"Could it be that those strong people from the ancient West returned ahead of schedule??"

When he thought of this, Qin Zhentian had a hunch that something was wrong.

My heart suddenly became bottomless.

Because he wasn't sure if Ye Xiaofan was the opponent of those ancient powerhouses.

Seeing his nervousness, Ye Xiaoman comforted: "Uncle Qin, don't worry, with my brother here, these guys can't turn over the wind and waves." The

girl had inexplicable confidence in Ye Xiaofan.

I feel that no matter who comes, it can't be his brother's opponent.

Qin Zhentian nodded, but his eyes were still full of worry.

Johansson looked at the Five Thunder Talismans and said lightly: "Old man, you are a good magic weapon, I don't want to destroy you, follow me after surrendering obediently." The

five thunder talismans showed disdain: "A foreign race, you also want the old man to recognize the Lord, you are also worthy?"

Johansson's eyes narrowed slightly: "I don't know what is dead or alive."

He waved behind him.

Three golden-armored men immediately flew out.

Then he took a spear and killed towards the five thunder talismans.

Facing the siege of the three Yang Gods, the Five Thunder Talismans soon fell into the downwind.

"This group of bastards deceived people too much, I really thought that there was no one on our side."

Jin Wanjin cursed, turned around and quickly flew towards the barracks.

"Brother, there is a group of bastards outside, they deceive the toad too much, you must be the master for my younger brother and me."

As soon as he entered the barracks, he immediately cried, a handful of snot and a handful of tears, and the crying was called a sadness.

When Calvary Heavenly Master heard this, he immediately became angry: "What kind of madman, dare to bully the younger brother of this seat, lead the way, this seat to see."

Jin Wanjin was overjoyed in his heart and immediately got up: "Brother, you come with me." Calvary

Heavenly Master followed Jin Wanjin to the tall city wall, accusing Johansen and the others not far away: "Brother, it's this group of bastards."

Centipede Zhixing also came over and complained: "Brother, you are finally here, this group of bastards deceive centipedes too much, you must be the master for your younger brother."

"Don't worry, this seat will definitely seek justice for you."

Calvary Heavenly Master looked proud, and then looked at Johansen and the others.

"I don't care who Er is waiting for, immediately kneel down and apologize to my little brother, otherwise don't blame Honza for being unkind."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately caused an uproar.

The soldiers on the city wall, the people in the base city, and Johansen and the others all looked at the Calvary Heavenly Master.

Seeing that the other party was just a skeleton, everyone was shocked and curious.

They all want to know who Calvary Heavenly Master is, and why dare they boast about such a Haikou? And why does it still look so peculiar.

Although the aura has been revived for so long, all strange things have happened.

But this is the first time everyone has seen a creature like a skeleton.

The tension on Qin Zhentian's face relaxed slightly.

Although the other party is strong, with Calvary Heavenly Master present, it will basically not be a big problem.

The reason why he was nervous was mainly because he was afraid that there were other strong people behind these people.

After Johansson reacted, he sneered with a face on his face: "Hehe, what are you, dare to say such a big thing?"

Calvary Heavenly Master's voice was indifferent: "Originally, Honza didn't want to make a move, but since you are looking for death, then Honza will fulfill you."

He poked out his giant white claws and headed straight for Johansen.

The latter did not take it seriously at first, but after a moment, his face changed greatly.

Because he found that he was locked by a powerful aura.

Don't say resist, you can't even move.


The invincible Johansen was shot on the spot.

Blood spilled into the air.

At this moment, the scene fell into absolute silence.

Everyone was stunned.

Although they do not know the strength of Johansen.

But judging from the aura emanating from its surroundings, the former was even more powerful than those golden-armored men.

At least in the Yang God Realm.

But such a strong person is not the enemy of Calvary Heavenly Master.

What kind of strength does the other party have?

Above the Yang God?

That kind of realm, they dare not think about it.

In addition to shock, Blanche and the others also had endless fear in their hearts.

In the face of such a strong person, they can't even raise the mind to resist.

Too strong.

Not at all on a level.

Calvary Heavenly Master withdrew his hands and returned his hands behind him, with a superior posture.

"Even the strength of one hundred-hundredth of this seat can't withstand it, and you dare to be arrogant, I really don't know who gave you the courage?"

Jin Wanjin and Centipede Zhixing hurriedly cheered.

"Brother is mighty, and the younger brother's admiration for you is like a flood of rivers and seas, out of control."

Everyone woke up like a dream, and their gazes towards Calvary Heavenly Master suddenly became different.

There is curiosity, there is awe, there is longing.

But more of it is curiosity.

I want to know, who is Calvary Heavenly Master?

When was such a strong person hidden in Base City?

But this answer is destined for no one to tell them.

Qin Zhentian put away the shock on his face, and his eyes became more and more awe-inspiring.

Although he knew that Calvary Heavenly Master was very strong, the strength of the other party exceeded his expectations again and again.

He stepped forward respectfully: "Senior, what do you think these remaining guys should do?" Calvary

Heavenly Master waved his hand: "You look at it yourself, if anyone dares to resist, this seat doesn't mind obliterating it."

Qin Zhentian nodded, and immediately looked at Blanche and the others: "Surrender and don't kill."

As soon as these words came out, the group of people on the opposite side quickly surrendered without the slightest resistance.

This is also normal, after all, no one wants to die.

The appearance of this scene made all the people in the base city boil.

Thinking of the arrogant faces of those guys on the other side before, and then looking at their appearance at this moment, everyone couldn't suppress the excitement in their hearts.

It's so relieving.

Calvary Heavenly Master pointed out with a finger, abolished the cultivation of a group of golden-armored men on the opposite side, and then patted Qin Zhentian's shoulder: "The cultivation of those powerful guys has been abolished by me, it can be regarded as a reward for your previous work, take it down for a good interrogation."

Qin Zhentian hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you senior." "


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