After waiting for Calvary Heavenly Master to leave, Qin Zhentian immediately took a group of people down for interrogation.

Soon, he learned about the situation.

As he guessed, the West did have ancient powerhouses born.

Subsequently, he immediately found Ye Xiaofan and informed the other party of the situation.

Ye Xiaofan was a little surprised, thought for a while and said: "In this way, you let the person in charge of those guys come over, and I will say a few words to them." Long

Zhan quickly left, and soon after, he came to the villa with Blanche and several people.

As soon as several people entered the villa, they immediately saw several familiar figures.

Round giant panda, black like a big black dog like coal.

There are also small golden dragons coiled above the pool.

This familiar sense of immediacy instantly reminded them of the scene not long ago.

Looking at the bald young man in front of them, several people were shocked in their hearts, guessing what the relationship between the other party and the fat Taoist priest was?

Suddenly, several people saw an incredible scene.

In the vegetable field next to it, a golden trident is inserted.

Although they were separated by a distance, they still felt a wistful coercion from the trident.

A few people are sure that it is the Seagod Trident.

Using the Seagod Trident to loosen the ground, if this kind of thing is not seen with their own eyes, several people can't believe it.

Shocked in his heart, he became more and more curious about who the bald young man in front of him was?

It actually has such a big hand.

Ye Xiaofan looked at a few people and shouted in a deep voice: "Er and others actually dare to attack my Dragon Kingdom, what should I do?" Several

people were so frightened that they knelt down directly.

"Adults spare their lives, we are all persecuted, if it is not for the persecution of those people in the sacred mountain of Olympus, it is to give us 10,000 guts, and we dare not come to the Dragon Country to spread wilderness."

Ye Xiaofan put his hands behind his back and said indifferently: "It's not impossible to spare you, but you have to go back and pass a word to me." Several

people looked pleased, nodded hurriedly, and did not dare to have the slightest hesitation.

"You go back and tell those guys, let them come here and plead guilty, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

Ye Xiaofan carried his hands on his back, his chin slightly raised, and he looked like a noble person.

It's a pity that his clothes are too stretched.

It deeply affects the image of the moment.

Several people were stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then quickly nodded.

"Don't worry, my lord, we will definitely bring the word to you."

(As for the fact that the Eastern and Western languages are not comprehensible, I am too lazy to write, trouble, anyway, it's just a novel, don't mind.)

Ye Xiaofan bowed his head slightly: "Take your remnants of the defeated army." "

Thank you, my lord."

Several people quickly got up and, under Qin Zhentian's surveillance, left the Western Base City with the remaining troops.

In villa No. 1, Ye Xiaoman was curious: "Brother, those guys are obviously not good, why should we let them go?"

Qin Feng was also puzzled: "Yes, senior, and most of those guys can't talk about credit."

The corners of Ye Xiaofan's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile: "It's best not to talk about credit, and only then will there be a reason to clean them up."

Xiong Xinzhu wondered, "Senior, with your strength, do you still need a reason to clean them up?"

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said: "You don't understand this, you have to be famous in everything, our dragon country, as a country of etiquette and the inheritor of ancient civilizations, how can we be the same as these barbarians." Hearing

this, several people and all the demons complained in their hearts.

Also the State of Etiquette, what did you do earlier? Related to these words?

But thinking that Ye Xiaofan hid his identity every time he went out, they all seemed to understand again.

To sum up, Ye Xiaofan just wants to be and stand.

Although they thought so in their hearts, they did not dare to say it.


On the sacred mountain of Olympus, on the main peak in the center, a burly blond old man was talking to several people.

One of the red-haired women said, "Sir, we searched the surrounding places and couldn't find clues about that monster.

Next to her, a middle-aged man with mixed hair had a solemn voice: "After being sealed for so many years, I don't know how much strength that monster still has?" The

old man waved his hand: "Since you can't find it, don't care too much, I have waited for so long to appear, since the monster has not come to seek revenge, it means that it has not much strength left, and in the near future, there will be a golden age, my Olympus sacred mountain is likely to restore its ancient glory, there is no need to be afraid of a monster."

At this moment, a group of people flew over in the distance, it was Blanche and the others who rushed back from the Dragon Country.

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of a group of people, the faces of the three changed slightly.

When a group of people arrived, the middle-aged man asked in a deep voice, "What are you guys doing?" Why is it so embarrassing? What about Master Johansen?

A few people did not dare to hide it, and Blanche lowered his head and said, "About... Lord Johansson, he... He's dead.

"What do you say, Johansson is dead??"

The faces of the three old men changed at the same time.

Blanche stiffened, "Yes... Yes. In

an instant, the spiritual power on the old man's body surged, and invisible waves of qi swept through.

Shocked Blanche and the others upside down on the spot.

After a while, the old man calmed down the anger in his heart.

He raised his hand and grabbed it, and Blanche and the others quickly flew over.

"Say, what the hell happened?"

The Blanche people did not dare to hide the slightest, and told what happened in detail.

Whether it was the strength of Calvary Heavenly Master or Ye Xiaofan's words, they all said it one by one.

The old man's eyes widened when he heard this: "How is it possible, Johansson is actually not an enemy of one move, could it be that that person surpassed the Yang God?"

His eyes became solemn, and his face was extremely gloomy.

Not only did he kill his grandson, but he also let them go to bear the guilt of Jing.

It makes perfect sense.

The red-haired woman said: "Lord Faxi, that person is likely to be an ancient cultivator in the East, I am afraid that his strength has surpassed the Yang God, should we awaken the sleeping Lord Gods?"

Faxi shook his head: "There is no hurry for the time being, the Lord Gods' life yuan is not much, the current aura has just been revived, some powerful heavenly materials and earth treasures have not been born, it is not appropriate to awaken them." The

red-haired woman hesitated: "Then what to do, can we just forget it?"

Faxi shook his head and said in an icy voice: "Dare to kill my grandson, no matter who the other party is, the old man will make him pay." The

red-haired woman was a little worried: "But I don't know how many strong people the other party has, if we kill it rashly again, it is very likely to encounter danger again."

Faxi sneered: "We alone are definitely not enough, but we can find someone to help." The

red-haired woman's expression moved: "What do you mean?"

Faxi smiled and said, "It's time to meet those old friends." "


The next few days were calmer.

Ye Xiaofan didn't have anything to do, except for the essential exercise every day, he went out to walk the dog.

Occasionally I see which supermarket is doing activities and go to buy a lot of things from him.

Enjoy that superficial feeling of taking advantage.


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