No matter how anxious the old monk Kong Xuan was, Ye Xiaofan was not moved in the slightest.

Grilled meat there on his own.

After a short while, a burst of aroma came out of the field.

The bear looked boldly, and his mouth kept dripping.

Ye Xiaofan glanced at it and said angrily, "Look at your little appearance."

The bear smiled boldly and wiped the hara from the corner of his mouth.

Ye Xiaofan tore off a large piece and handed it to it, and then raised the rest to Kong Xuan and the others.

"Master, do you want to get a piece, this is a high-grade big demon meat, it tastes very good."

Kong Xuan clasped his hands together: "Amitabha Buddha, poor monks are monks, thank you for your kindness."

Ye Xiaofan continued to seduce: "This tastes really good, are you sure you don't want to taste it?" After this village, there is no such shop. Speaking

of this, he also took a bite fiercely, and his mouth was full of oil, which was called a fragrant.

Several younger monks behind Kong Xuan secretly swallowed their saliva.

Ye Xiaofan continued: "Master, don't be so rigid, as the saying goes, wine and meat pass through the intestines, Buddha keeps in his heart, eating meat in large pieces and drinking wine in large bowls is the coolest thing in life.

Kong Xuan stopped speaking, and silently turned away.

The other monks also turned around, as if they were afraid that they would not be able to stand it if they looked any longer.


There are two sides to the story.

After Qin Feng entered the Void World, after some exploration, he met Xiong Xinzhu.

The two then explored in the void world and soon entered an ancient temple.

The ancient temple is magnificent and majestic, and its inner Zen fragrance is full of grand Dharma.

Like Ye Xiaofan at that time, soon after the two entered the ancient temple, they were taken by the monks among them to meet the host of the ancient temple.

The appearance of the host was the same as the old monk Ye Xiaofan met at that time.

It is also the evil monk who has been suppressed.

After seeing Qin Feng and the two, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his gaze focused on Qin Feng a few more times.

"Two benefactors, the poor monks see that you are related to my Buddha, and I don't know if you are willing to enter my empty door?"

In this regard, the two naturally did not believe it, and directly shook their heads and refused.

The old monk did not panic at all, and began to talk about it.

I don't know what means were used, but after some flickering, I successfully brainwashed the two.

Then take the two to bathe in the depths of the temple.

The same pool water, the same lotus.

The two did not shy away from entering inside.

The old monk's eyes showed joy, and he turned to leave, indicating that he was going to get the tool for shaving.

As soon as he left, two shouts exploded in their minds almost at the same time.

"Wake up."

The Blood Bamboo King and the monk made a move.

The two quickly recovered their clarity, thinking of what happened just now, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

The monk in Qin Feng's body immediately gave instructions: "What was just now is an illusion, the flower in front is the Nine Ghost Demon Lotus, it is of great use to me, you get closer."

Qin Feng did not hesitate and immediately approached the golden lotus in front of him.

When he got closer, the monks in his body quickly struck.

I saw a golden vortex appear in Qin Feng's eyebrows.

The next moment, a terrifying suction force appeared in the whirlpool.

Wisps of golden brilliance gushed out, wrapped the Nine Ghost Demon Lotus, and then uprooted them, and finally swallowed into the vortex with a roar.

"If the poor monk wants to refine this Nine Ghost Demon Lotus, it is estimated that he will sleep for a while, you should be careful."

After this sentence was spoken, there was no sound.

Almost at the same time, the Blood Bamboo King in Xiong Xinbamboo's body also moved.

The girl's eyebrows lit up red, and the next moment a blood-colored vortex appeared, and she began to swallow the pool water under her, and after a while, the pool water was swallowed up.

When the two saw each other's operations, a flash of surprise flashed in their eyes.

I also had a similar emotion in my heart, thinking that it was definitely not an ordinary person who could follow the seniors.

At this moment, the old monk walked in with something shaved.

When he saw the empty pool water and the disappearing lotus flower, his whole person was dumbfounded.

It's really yang, I didn't want to move the first two days, the state is still very poor, and I caught up with a chapter intermittently.


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