
The tray in the old monk's hand fell to the ground, attracting the attention of Qin Feng and the two.

Seeing that the old monk's face was not right, Qin Feng deliberately asked, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

The old monk gritted his teeth: "What's wrong?" You still dare to ask me what's wrong?

"You actually dare to destroy the blood pool and the demon lotus and give me death."

The old monk turned into a black mist and disappeared, and the scene in front of him shattered like glass, and a ruined ancient temple appeared.

In front of the two, stands a Buddha statue with dense cobwebs.

Suddenly, the Buddha statue was revived.

A terrifying ferocity emanated from it.

Qin Feng had a bad premonition, and quickly said to Xiong Xinzhu: "Xinzhu, go quickly." The

two immediately rushed towards the outside of the broken temple.

The Buddha statue behind him moved suddenly, and he stretched out his big hand and shot straight towards the two, like a mountain pressing down, and the power was extremely terrifying.

Seeing that it was not good, Qin Feng quickly took out the Yellow Turban Lux.

But to the horror of the two, the Buddha statue slapped down and smashed the yellow turban Lux.

"Yes, what is this? How is it so strong?

Qin Feng was taken aback, and seeing the Buddha statue continue to chase, he was a little panicked in his heart.

Because he had no other means of saving his life except the Yellow Turban Lux.

Fortunately, Xiong Xinzhu had, and I saw that he took out a blue talisman and activated it with spiritual power, and the talisman turned into a cloud of blue light, wrapped the two of them, and then disappeared into the void with a bang.

The target disappeared, and the Buddha statue roared angrily in place.


Thousands of miles away, the figures of Qin Feng and Xiong Xinzhu appeared out of thin air.

Qin Feng looked behind him and saw that the Buddha statue was not chasing, and he was relieved in his heart.

Immediately a little curious: "Xinzhu, what kind of talisman did you just use?"

Xiong Xinzhu explained: "That's a thousand miles teleportation talisman, a life-saving hole card that Master gave me.

Qin Feng couldn't help sighing when he heard this, sure enough, the good masters were all from other people's families.

The two then continued to explore in the Void World.


In the middle of the void world, there is a towering majestic mountain, and on the top of the mountain, stands a very splendid ancient temple.

At the entrance stands a tall stone tablet with four big characters written on it - Little Leiyin Temple.

In the central hall of Xiaoleiyin Temple, three monks are meditating and chanting.

Above them, stands a tall Buddha statue.

The Buddha statue is covered in golden light, but a pair of pupils are pitch black.

It looks extremely incongruous.

Suddenly, the eyes of the Buddha statue burst into divine light, intertwining a picture with the void.

In the picture, it is Qin Feng and Xiong Xinzhu.

"Find these two quickly and bring them here."

The majestic voice resounded.

The three monks suddenly opened their eyes and then saluted respectfully.


"This time it seems that some powerful guys have come, two blood pools have been destroyed, you pay attention to prevention, the blood pools here must not be destroyed."

After the Buddha statue finished speaking, it returned to calm again.

The three looked at each other, and the old monk in the middle said: "Kong Chan, you go to find those two, Kong Ming, you go to the blood pool to guard, I will personally sit here."

The other two nodded and left separately.

In the depths of the temple, there is also a pool of blood.

It's just that the blood pool here is countless times larger than the blood pool in other places.

At this moment, a group of creatures are bathed in a pool of blood.

Among them are humans, there are monsters, and there are monks.

Long Zhan and the others were among them.

Among them, those monks were dressed the same as the previous three monks.

It turned out to be a monk from Xiaoleiyin Temple.

At the center of their eyebrows, there was a strange blood-colored rune.

At this moment, the rune was emitting a strange light, and strands of blood-colored brilliance floated towards the black lotus in the center through the rune.

On their faces, they all showed pain.

In addition to pain, there is fear.

At this moment, the monk named Kong Ming walked in.

The monks in the pool of blood suddenly looked angry, and one of the old monks said angrily: "Kong Ming, you traitors, actually help that evil monk break the seal, are you not afraid of going to hell?"

Kong Ming sneered: "Hehe, Senior Brother Kong Yun, don't talk so much nonsense." "

The aura of the outside world has been revived, the world of great controversy is coming, and only if that senior breaks the seal, can I Wutaishan have a place in the future world."

The old monk Kong Yun said coldly: "You guys are plotting with the tiger, and one day you will eat your own fruits."

Kong Ming said lightly: "This doesn't need to worry about you, senior brother." "


On the other side, after Kong Chan left the Little Leiyin Temple, he used various means to search for Qin Feng's figures.

After a long time, he managed to find the two.

It's just that beside the two, there is an additional figure.

It was Ye Xiaoman.

"Amitabha, three benefactors, I see that you are related to my Buddha, and I wish you to enter the empty gate."

Sora Zen clasped his hands together and spoke with sincerity.

Ye Xiaoman said dissatisfied: "Old monk, what nonsense are you talking about, who has a relationship with your Buddhist sect." Kong

Zen said lightly: "Benefactor, poor monks will not be mistaken."

Ye Xiaoman shouted: "I won't be mistaken, I see that you are blind, actually said that we have a relationship with the Buddha Sect, what kind of joke, if I say that my brother has a relationship with your Buddha Sect, it is almost the same." "


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