Kong Zen clasped his hands together and said, "Donor, please go with the poor monk."

Ye Xiaoman pouted: "Don't dream, hurry up and get out, be careful that I beat you." The

girl waved her small fist.

Qin Feng and Xiong Xinzhu's eyes were also very bad.

Because of the previous incident, they did not have the slightest affection for the monk.

"Amitabha, since several benefactors are obsessed, don't blame the poor monks for being unkind."

The empty Zen mouth sent the Buddha trumpet, and the body emitted a hazy Buddha light.

The big hand reached out and went straight to the three.

"Old monk, I see you are looking for a fight."

Ye Xiaomanjiao snorted and directly summoned the five thunder talismans.

"Old man, beat this bald ass for me."

Without saying a word, the Five Thunder Talismans rushed directly towards Void Chan.

The terrifying thunder surged and swept towards the big hand that slapped it.

The two collided and burst into a brilliant divine light.

After a stalemate, the big hand broke through the thunder and continued to grab towards Ye Xiaoman and the three.

The five thunder talismans' faces changed, and they continued to release even more terrifying thunder.

But unfortunately, it is not the opponent of Empty Zen, and it cannot help the other party at all.

Seeing this, he quickly said loudly: "Master, I am not the opponent of this bald donkey, you hurry up and escape." "

It's really useless."

Ye Xiaoman pouted slightly, and took out a black ancient book.

With the infusion of spiritual power, the ancient book suddenly became larger, and then opened it, and several hideous-looking demons flew out from it.

Each demon exuded a powerful aura, although it was a little worse than the 5 thunder talismans, but it also reached the realm of the Yang God.

The demons fearlessly slaughtered towards Sora Zen.

The latter remained unhurried, chanting Buddhist mantras and raising his hand to type out several golden swastikas.

The swastika carries a rich Buddha light and easily beats the demon to collapse.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaoman's face was a little ugly, and then he continued to take out the treasure.

This time, she took out a sword formation.

As the sword array was activated, countless flying swords roared towards the empty chan.

Although he was still broken by the latter, Ye Xiaoman did not panic at all and continued to take the hole card outside.

There are countless life-saving cards on her body, all of which are given by Ye Xiaofan.

The more Kong Zen fought, the more frightened he became, and the hole cards on Ye Xiaoman's body exceeded his understanding.

It's as if you never see the bottom.

Not to mention him, even Qin Feng and Xiong Xinzhu were shocked.

Thinking how many hole cards did Ye Xiaofan give the girl?

At the same time, the two were very envious in their hearts.

If they also have such a good brother as Ye Xiaofan, it would be good.

As time went on, Sora Zen was a little overwhelmed.

The constant fighting has consumed him greatly.

If he fights again, he will lose sooner or later.

In the end, he could only temporarily retreat and prepare to return to the monastery to call in some more men.

Seeing the disappearing back of Kong Chan, Ye Xiaoman snorted: "Old monk, dare to fight with me, I can't kill you."

Then, she put away all kinds of magic weapons and left here with the two of them.


On the other side, Ye Xiaofan had eaten and drunk enough.

Under the bitter pleading of the old monk Kong Xuan, he finally agreed to the former's request.

Under the leadership of Kong Xuan, the group went straight to the small Lei Yin Temple in the center.

He was ready to inform the people in the Little Lei Yin Temple about this place.

Let them send people to check it out everywhere.

Otherwise, just a few of them would not be able to run away.

Soon after, he finally arrived at Xiaoleiyin Temple, and just happened to encounter the empty zen who returned to the temple to move the rescuers.

Kong Xuan hurriedly shouted, "Senior Brother Kong Chan, something is wrong. Kong

Chan's eyes condensed slightly, and he was surprised: "What's the panic?"

Kong Xuan quickly explained: "That evil monk has broken the seal, let's quickly go and tell Senior Brother Kong Yun and let him send someone to check it out everywhere."

Kuzen's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said, "You guys come with me."

The moment he turned around, a gloomy coldness flashed in his eyes.


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