Kuzen led a group of people into the Little Leiyin Temple.

Along the way, Kong Xuan looked around, and suspicion flashed in his eyes.

He always felt that there was some difference between the Little Lei Yin Temple and the appearance in his memory, but he couldn't say what was wrong.

Ye Xiaofan also looked around, and at the same time asked in his heart whether Long Aotian was an illusion?

The result learned was not.

He was a little determined in his heart, as long as it was not an illusion, it would be easy to solve.

The main thing is that he doesn't know all the mess.

Soon after, they came to the central hall.

There I saw another old monk, Empty Dust.

Kong Xuan immediately stepped forward and asked, "Senior Brother Kong Chen, what about Senior Brother Kong Yun?"

Kong Chen said lightly: "Senior Brother Kong Yun is in retreat, just tell me something."

Kong Xuan hurriedly said, "Senior brother, something bad happened, and that evil monk broke the seal again. Kong

Chen nodded, secretly winked at Kong Chan, and then looked at Ye Xiaofan and Xiong and asked boldly, "These two are?"

Kong Xuan hurriedly introduced: "Senior brother, these two benefactors are from the outside world, and it was they who helped extinguish the wisp of that evil monk's thoughts and rescued us.

"Senior brother, let's not talk about this, you should quickly send someone to other places to take a look."

As soon as he finished saying this, he suddenly heard the door behind him close.

Subconsciously turned his head and found that Empty Zen had closed all the temple doors, and was staring at himself and the others with unkind eyes at the moment.

Kong Xuan frowned, "Senior Brother Kong Chan, what do you mean by this?"

Kong Zen sneered: "Junior brother, you will know right away." With

that, he struck at Kong Xuan and the others with a blow of the Buddha Handprint.

The monks looked dazed, not understanding why the former would attack themselves and others.

Kong Xuan reacted the fastest and quickly resisted.

But alas, he is no match for Sora Zen.

After less than ten rounds, they were defeated.

He covered his chest with a look of anger on his face.

At this time, the sound of empty dust came from the rear.

"Junior Brother, it's not a secret, we helped that senior break the seal, if you know each other, we can spare your life."

Kong Xuan suddenly turned around and said angrily, "You actually did such a thing, what about Senior Brother Kong Yun?" Kong

Chen said lightly: "Don't be so surprised, the outside world aura has been revived, the world of great controversy is coming, if I can't wait to make plans, I can't survive in the next world, releasing that senior is the best choice, Senior Brother Kong Yun is obsessed, and he is not qualified to be in charge of Mount Wutai."

Ye Xiaofan watched all this with interest, and he didn't expect this scene in front of him.

Kong Xuan said angrily, "You don't have to say such nonsense, have you forgotten Master's instructions before he died?" Do not release the evil monk, or you will destroy the living.

Kong Chen said lightly: "Junior brother, we have already communicated with that senior, you can rest assured that that senior is not so terrible." Kong

Xuan knew that it was useless to talk more, so he simply stopped talking nonsense, and instead arched his hand at Ye Xiaofan, and pleaded: "Senior, these two senior brothers are enchanted, please make a move to sober them up."

Ye Xiaofan bowed his head slightly: "For your sake, Poor Dao doesn't mind helping you."

After he said that, he looked at the empty dust and said lightly: "Old monk, you must not be obsessed with it anymore, otherwise you are not to blame the poor road for being unkind."

Empty dust snorted coldly: "Where is the smelly Taoist priest, dare to take care of my Buddhist affairs."

He stood up abruptly, and his body exuded a powerful aura.

"It just so happens that there are not enough people over there in the blood pool, so let's arrest you guys."

His voice was cold, and the Buddha light bloomed in his hand, and he shot towards Ye Xiaofan.

"Old bald donkey who doesn't measure himself."

Ye Xiaofan pouted, puffing up his body with qi and blood, and the next moment a red gold dragon head appeared above his head.

The terrifying coercion pervaded, and the big hand that was shot collapsed instantly.

The empty dust pupils shrank, only to feel a mountain of pressure falling.

He plopped down on his knees, and then rolled his eyes and fainted.

The same goes for the empty zen in the rear.

After solving the two, Ye Xiaofan calmed the qi and blood in his body, and the red gold dragon head quickly disappeared.

Kong Xuan and the others' legs stopped trembling, and they all looked at Ye Xiaofan with horror in their eyes.

They did not expect that the other party would use such terrorist methods.

Ye Xiaofan also ignored the shock of everyone, took out two binding demon ropes, and tied up the two who were unconscious.

Then he looked at Kong Xuan and said, "Old monk, leave it to you to deal with."

Kong Xuan woke up like a dream, and quickly saluted Ye Xiaofan: "Thank you senior."

Then he asked, "Senior, what are they?"

Ye Xiaofan said casually, "It's just that I'm in a coma."

Kong Xuan nodded, stepped forward and spoke to the two for a while, and after a while, the two woke up leisurely.

They subconsciously wanted to struggle, but the binding rope on their bodies became tighter and tighter.

Thinking of what had just happened, the two of them showed horror in their eyes.

In just a moment, they were stunned by that coercion.

You can imagine how terrifying Ye Xiaofan's strength is.

Kong Xuan said coldly: "Say, where is Senior Brother Kong Yun?" Kong

Chen said coldly: "Kong Xuan, don't be arrogant, it's best for those who know each other to let us go quickly, otherwise when that senior breaks the seal, it will be the death period you are waiting for." "

My brain is muddy, I don't want to write, I always feel that I have no idea, I don't know how to do ꈨຶꎁꈨຶ


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