Kong Xuan said coldly: "Even if that evil monk comes out, with this senior here, it will be fine."

After all the previous events, Kong Xuan felt in his heart that even if that evil monk came out, it was not necessarily Ye Xiaofan's opponent.

Then, he ordered the two disciples to look at the two again, and he took Ye Xiaofan and the others to find Empty Cloud.

Not long after they left, the Buddha statue above the main hall suddenly emitted a strange black light.

The faces of the two guarding disciples changed.

But before they could react, the Buddha's eyes suddenly shot out two rays of dark light, piercing the two disciples and losing their vitality on the spot.

Subsequently, with the help of the Buddha statue, Empty Zen and Empty Dust were successfully freed.

The two immediately saluted the Buddha statue: "Thank you for your help."

A deep voice came from the Buddha statue: "That Taoist priest is not simple just now, you quit here, and the main seat must be broken in advance." The

two people nodded, immediately exited the hall, and then flew away from the Little Lei Yin Temple.

On the other side, Kong Xuan and the others quickly found the location of the blood pool.

Seeing Kong Xuan, Kong Ming, who was guarding the blood pool, changed his face, and just about to make a move, he was stunned by Ye Xiaofan with a dragon pattern black gold ding.

Kong Yun's face was excited: "Junior Brother Kong Xuan, hurry, quickly rescue us."

Long Zhan and the others also looked excited, staring at Ye Xiaofan closely.

With this senior, they know that they are stable.

"Senior brother, don't worry, I'll save you."

Just as he was about to act, the black lotus in the blood pool suddenly emitted a blazing black light, and the calm blood pool also boiled.

Everyone in the pool suddenly let out a scream, and their pale faces quickly dried up.

It was as if the blood had been drained at once.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaofan quickly stepped forward, ready to pull out the black lotus.

But with a roar, he broke through the void and disappeared in place.

The churning blood also quickly disappeared.

After the two disappeared, everyone suddenly felt that the restraints on their bodies had disappeared.

But before they could rejoice, the entire Little Lei Yin Temple suddenly trembled.

Kong Xuan's face changed: "Yes, that evil monk is about to break the seal, hurry up and leave here." When

everyone heard this, their faces changed, and they all raised their spirits and quickly flew towards the outside of the temple.

Ye Xiaofan also rode the bear boldly and flew outside.

After arriving outside, Long Zhan quickly came to Ye Xiaofan and said respectfully: "I have seen the senior, the incident last time, the junior thanks you on behalf of the entire people of Kyoto."

He bowed deeply to Ye Xiaofan.

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand: "Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, a little thing, not enough to hang your teeth." Seeing

that Ye Xiaofan didn't have any shelves, let alone the meaning of pride, Long Zhan looked slightly sideways, and said in his heart that the other party's temperament was somewhat different from the legend.

He had probably heard about what Ye Xiaofan had done in Dragon Tiger Mountain.

I thought that Ye Xiaofan was very difficult to speak, but now it seems that he misunderstood.

Kong Xuan quickly informed Kong Yun of the recent incident.

When the latter learned what had happened, he was shocked and curious.

Then he stepped forward and saluted Ye Xiaofan slightly: "Amitabha Buddha, senior, that evil monk is about to break the seal, and I will ask the senior to make a move later, otherwise it will be ruined."

Ye Xiaofan flicked the dust in his hand, and said with great righteousness: "Daoist friends rest assured, there is a poor road, and the evil monks in the district can't turn over any storms."

As soon as these words came out, everyone around them and all the demons looked sideways, and the impression of Ye Xiaofan in their hearts all changed.

This is the true righteous person.

Even Xiong Bold was surprised, and said in his heart that his master had really changed his sex.


There was a loud noise throughout the Little Lei Yin Temple, and the next moment, the magnificent temple in front collapsed.

The black and gold two-color Buddha light soared into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black and gold Buddha statue appeared.

Two colors of light illuminated Tianyu.

In the distance, Empty Zen and Empty Dust saw this scene and their faces were delighted.

Having done so much, this senior is finally coming out.

But they didn't step forward.

The means displayed by Ye Xiaofan made the two feel shocked.

They were also not sure, the evil monk must be Ye Xiaofan's opponent.

After all, the other party has been sealed for so long, and I don't know how much strength there is?

Along with the Buddha's light, there was also a terrifying aura.

After feeling this breath, except for Ye Xiaofan, the faces of the others and demons changed one after another.

This breath is very powerful, with a terrifying sense of oppression.

Even a Yang God powerhouse such as Long Zhan felt small in front of this magnificent aura.

After about half a quarter of an hour, the Buddha light in front of him slowly dissipated.

Then, a middle-aged monk dressed in a black and white robe came out of the ruins.

The monk's one pupil was golden and bright, but the other pupil was pitch black, which looked extremely strange.

He looked into the void and whispered, "Amitabha, how many years have passed, the poor monk has finally come out.

Then, he looked at the forces in front of him, and finally stopped his gaze on Ye Xiaofan, licked the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "Such a rich blood qi, it must be delicious to eat."

He felt an extremely powerful and rich power of qi and blood in Ye Xiaofan, which made a strong desire surge in his heart.

The corners of Ye Xiaofan's mouth curled slightly.

Someone actually remembered him.

This is really the first time.

Kong Yun reminded: "Senior, be careful, this evil monk is extremely powerful, and it is said that he has cultivated the legendary Zhangliu Golden Body.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes lit up slightly: "Yes, it sounds quite powerful, I hope you don't let me down."

He rode the bear boldly forward, looked down at the middle-aged monk condescendingly, and shouted: "Bald donkey, I heard that you have cultivated some kind of golden body, quickly show it, let me see what it looks like?" The

middle-aged monk smiled coldly: "Just by you, you are not qualified to see the golden body of the poor monk."

As soon as the words fell, a blazing golden Buddha light rose on his body, and the Buddha light turned into a towering giant hand behind him.

The next moment, the giant hand broke through the air and shot straight towards Ye Xiaofan.

Xiong's bold body trembled, and he felt the urge to turn around and escape.

Feeling the stiffness of its body, Ye Xiaofan said angrily: "You are afraid of a hammer, there is a Dao master, who can hurt you a bear feather."

The bear boldly raised his head slightly, and said with a sneer: "Don't be angry with the owner, this is just a subconscious overreaction, how can the old bear be afraid." Although

he said this, his body kept shaking.

So angry that Ye Xiaofan couldn't help but want to slap it, but he was afraid that he would accidentally kill it.

He jumped down from the bear boldly, and said angrily: "You are a bitch, hurry up and get out."

"Master, be careful."

After the bear boldly finished speaking, a puff of smoke flew away, for fear of being affected.

Ye Xiaofan grinded his teeth and thought to himself how he had found such a deflated thing as a mount.

It was simply insulting to his name.

Seeing the Optimus giant hand clapping over, he quickly summoned the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding.

The mouth flipped, bursting out with a blazing light, swallowing the giant hand that was shot.

Ye Xiaofan stood on top of the big ding, and said in a tone that pointed to the world: "Bald donkey, what moves can be used, let Dao Ye see, how much skill do you have?" "


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