The evil monk's face gradually became gloomy, and darkness appeared in one of his eyes, and even half of his cheek showed a crazy expression.

"Since you want to die, the poor monk will fulfill you."

The icy voice resounded, and the evil monk's hands quickly squeezed the seal.

The next moment, a dazzling Buddha light appeared behind him.

The Buddha light creeps and turns into a tall Buddha statue.

The Buddha statue is shining golden on one side and dark as ink.

It looks extremely weird.

"Dawei Tianlong, Boruo Buddhas, World Venerable Jizo..." The

evil monk roared, and the huge Buddha statue behind him suddenly moved.

The golden Buddha palm shot out, and a golden dragon roared out and went straight to Ye Xiaofan.

"Aotian, can you deal with it?" Ye Xiaofan asked in his heart.

"Little meaning."

The dragon pattern black gold ding proudly spoke, and the ding mouth spewed light again, and then a black dragon flew out from it.

The next moment, the two dragons tore together.

The dragon's groan shook the sky.

The white clouds in the sky were all shattered.

When everyone not far away saw this scene, they were shocked.

The power displayed by the two dragons is terrifying.

A casual grab can kill them.

In the distance, the two of them were equally shocked when they saw this scene.

The two were glad that the decision in their hearts was right, and they would go out again after the victory and defeat were divided.

Seeing that the two dragons could not hold on, the Buddha statue behind the evil monk moved again.

Another pitch-black giant hand shot out, and another black dragon roared out.

The dragon pattern black gold ding did not show weakness, the black light at the mouth of the ding soared, and the second black dragon roared out.

Four dragons bite and kill in the void.

The scene was extremely terrifying.

In the end, it is the dragon pattern black gold ding that is better.

The two black dragons tore the other two black and white dragons to pieces, and then continued to rush towards the tall Buddha statue.

The evil monk's eyes froze, and he quickly manipulated the Buddha statue to resist.

Two mountain-sized slaps slapped out, smashing the dragon to pieces.

"Bald donkey, Hugh is going to be arrogant."

The dragon pattern black gold ding shocked, and the next moment directly spewed out nine black dragons, rushing towards the Buddha statue.

Then the war broke out again.

The huge Buddha statue and nine black dragons fought together, and the terrifying aura spread out in waves, like a hurricane passing through.

After a period of fighting, both sides were defeated.

The Buddha statue and the nine dragons collapsed.

The evil monk said coldly: "Very good, you have completely angered the poor monk." The

next moment, he clasped his hands together, his body emitted a dazzling Buddha light, and his body slowly rose into the air.


Suddenly, a roar resounded throughout the audience.

Everyone fixed their eyes on it, and saw that behind the evil monk, a huge golden lion appeared.

"Buddha Gate Lion Seal."

A small sound sounded in everyone's ears, and the golden lion roared and rushed out, wrapped in unparalleled terrifying power.

The void was distorted.

"Yo, it's good, it's actually a lion seal of the Buddha Gate."

The dragon pattern black gold ding commented, and then suddenly turned, and the mouth spewed out a blazing black light.

Then a fist wrapped around the dragon blasted out.

"Look at Benxian's Dragon Fist."

The two attacks collided, erupting into terrifying qi waves.

The surrounding clouds were all blown away, and even the forces watching from afar were blown back by this terrifying wave.

When everything subsided, the two giant fists had long disappeared, and they were actually tied.

Subsequently, the two sides again used their means.

All kinds of horrific attacks are constantly being fired.

The scene was terrifying.

Seeing that it could not be attacked for a long time, the evil side of the evil monk fell into madness.

"Damn, damn it, you all deserve to die."

The roar sounded, and the evil monk burst out with terrifying Buddha light, and then his body quickly elevated.

The kung fu of turning around turned into a hundred zhang giants.

Half of the body is golden, and half of the body is dark.

On its naked upper body, there are countless mysterious runes.

A terrifying sense of oppression pervaded.

Kong Yun's face changed: "This... Could this be the legendary Zhangliu Golden Body!?

The others looked over one after another, and some people were curious: "What is the Zhangliu Golden Body?"

Kong Yun explained: "The Zhangliu Golden Body is a supreme divine power of the Buddha Sect, and it is said that when cultivated to Dacheng, it can fight with the true dragon, which is very powerful.

Everyone gasped when they heard this.

Although they had never seen a real dragon, they could imagine its power.

Because not to mention real dragons, even those dragons that have recently evolved are extremely powerful.

Everyone's faces were solemn, and some people prayed in their hearts, hoping that Ye Xiaofan would not lose, otherwise they would be in danger.

The dragon pattern black gold ding quickly shrank and flew into Ye Xiaofan's body.

"This turtle shell is the most difficult to fight, I won't make a move, so as not to waste the power of the origin, you can solve it yourself."

Ye Xiaofan pouted, then looked at the hundred zhang golden body in front of him, and whispered: "Zhangliu golden body, it seems to be very strong, I hope you can take my punch." "


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