A small sound resounded throughout the audience.

Everyone's eyes widened, and some couldn't believe their ears.

Listening to Ye Xiaofan's tone, this so-called Zhangliu Golden Body may not even be able to take a punch from him.

Is it overdoing it?

This is the voice of everyone at this moment.

Ye Xiaofan didn't care what everyone thought, he put on a posture, his body was slightly bent, like a big bow, his right hand was slightly fisted, and then pulled behind him, ready to attack.

Just at this moment, the hundred zhang golden body also rushed towards him.

The terrifying power pervaded, and the void continued to ripple.

"Ants, die."

The evil monk roared angrily and smashed a punch towards Ye Xiaofan.

The void roared, constantly twisting, and it seemed that it would shatter in the next moment.

At this moment, Ye Xiaofan moved.

The fist that was ready to strike burst out.

In an instant, the fist exploded.

The huge golden body trembled suddenly, and then exploded, even the void shattered, a huge black hole appeared, and the terrifying space wind blew out, and the scene became extremely terrifying.

In the distance, everyone was dumbfounded, their eyes wide.

It seemed impossible to believe that what was happening in front of me was real.

The fierce evil monk was actually gone.

Even Ye Xiaofan didn't give a punch.

And they could see that Ye Xiaofan did not give his all.

The previous posture should only be a slight shot.

It was already so terrifying!!

Everyone no longer dared to imagine how strong Ye Xiaofan's strength was?

Among them, the most shocked were Kong Yun and others.

Only they knew how terrifying the golden body was.

As a result, it was so vulnerable in front of Ye Xiaofan.

Xiong blinked boldly, although he always knew that Ye Xiaofan was very strong.

But what just happened exceeded its expectations.

"I'll take a look, what is the strength of the master!?"

It whispered silently in its heart, and a pair of panda eyes were filled with curiosity.

In the distance, after Sora Zen and Sora Dust came back to their senses, they looked at each other and saw a thick horror in their eyes.

Then, without saying a word, the two quickly fled here.

Ye Xiaofan closed his fist and stood up, his gaze looked at the slowly healing void crack in front of him, his face showed a hint of disappointment, shook his head and sighed: "Poor Dao is only slightly shot, I didn't expect you to be so weak, hey!" Everyone

only felt a pang of shame.

Killing people is also a murderous heart.

Thanks to the evil monk, he was already dead, otherwise he would have been so angry that he vomited blood.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, rest in peace."

Ye Xiaofan recited a word of the Dao, then looked at Kong Yun and the others, and said with a smile: "Several masters, the poor way has lowered demons and expelled demons for you, should you give some reward or something?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone only felt that the painting style had changed.

Originally, in the hearts of everyone, they always felt that Ye Xiaofan was a peerless master.

As a result, the other party came like this.

Instantly destroy the noble demeanor.

"Amitabha, I wonder what reward the senior wants?"

Kong Yun clasped his hands together and asked in a gentle voice.

Ye Xiaofan frowned and thought for a while, and then said: "I heard that your Buddhist monks will leave relics after they pass away, or give me dozens of that thing, and I will take it back and wear it on a hand string." Hearing

this, even with the heart of Empty Cloud, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch a few times.

There are dozens more, you dare to say.

This kind of thing will only be left after the true monks pass away.

Throughout the history of Mount Wutai, no more than two hands have left relics.

Although he complained in his heart, he did not dare to say anything, and invited Ye Xiaofan into the temple to discuss in detail.


In a place more than a hundred miles away from the Little Leiyin Temple, the void suddenly distorted.

Then a transparent figure came out.

Looking at his face, it was the evil monk before.

He looked into the distance, his face gloomy and whispered: "Damn, where did that stinky Taoist priest come from, how could his strength be so strong?" "

If he hadn't given up his body at a critical moment, he would have been destroyed at this moment.

Then, he prepared to leave here.

But at this moment, three figures flew over in the distance.

Looking at it, it was Ye Xiaoman and Qin Feng.

When he saw Qin Feng, the evil monk was delighted, and subconsciously stretched out his tongue and licked his lips: "Hahaha, it's really heaven that doesn't kill me." He

had long seen that Qin Feng had Buddha nature in his body and was a very suitable person for cultivating Buddha.

That's why Sora Zen was asked to look for each other before.

He is now weak only with his soul, just enough to take away the other party.

Thinking of this, without saying a word, he quickly flew towards Qin Feng and several people.

Because it was a soul state, several people did not notice him.

With a bang, the evil monk's soul disappeared into Qin Feng's body.

"Hahaha, this body is a poor monk's."

Just as the evil monk was about to take the sacrifice, his face suddenly changed, and he said in a panic: "You... Who are you? How could it be in this kid's body? Wait, what do you want to do... Ah..."

Then, a miserable scream resounded in Qin Feng's body.

After a few seconds, the screams disappeared as if nothing had happened.

Qin Feng was a little curious, and secretly asked in his heart: "Senior, what happened just now, who is calling?" "

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