"It's just a wisp of a remnant soul."

The monk explained casually and did not say much.

Qin Feng nodded secretly, and did not ask too much.


On the other side, after leaving the Little Leiyin Temple, Empty Zen and Empty Dust galloped all the way, ready to leave the Void World.

"Senior Brother, what should we do next?"

Kuzen looked behind him, with a look of unwillingness.

They had been planning for so long, but in the end it was empty.

Empty Dust's voice was low: "Leave here first, now that the outside aura has been revived, and other forces will be born one after another, we can turn to other Buddhist forces."

Kuzen nodded, and now that's all there is to it.

But at this moment, three figures appeared at the end of the line of sight.

At the head is a black-robed skeleton man.

In the distance, a voice came from: "Two bald donkeys over there, wait a minute, let's ask for directions." When

the two heard this, their faces suddenly turned gloomy, and their eyes scanned the past coldly.

The two were already in a bad mood, and now they were scolded by people for being bald donkeys, and their mood suddenly became even worse.

In a few blinks of an eye, three figures flew over in the distance.

The one who spoke earlier was a human-tall golden toad.

"Old monk, judging by your dress, aren't you from these Wutai Mountains?"

Jin Wanjin grinned and asked, "Tell me quickly, what's going on here, why is it all desert?" "

Not long ago, Jin Wanjin met Calvary Heavenly Master and Centipede Zhixing one after another.

They explored the Void World for a while, only to find that there was nothing but the desert.

At this moment, when I met the two of Kongzen, I thought of coming up and asking about the situation.

Kong Zen clasped his hands together, and his voice was cold: "Amitabha Buddha, all the demons dare to be presumptuous, and the poor monk will accept you for the Tianxing Dao today." Saying

that, he brazenly shot out, casually punched out a string of Buddha beads, and wrapped it towards Jin Wanjin.

The brilliant Buddha light was dazzling, and the golden gold could not open his eyes.

It only felt a fatal crisis, and without saying a word, it immediately hid behind Calvary Heavenly Master and loudly complained: "Brother, these two thieves and bald asses dare to bully me in front of you, this is completely ignoring you." Calvary

Heavenly Master's finger bones lifted slightly, and the flying Buddha beads suddenly stopped, and the Buddha light on them disappeared without a trace.

He grabbed the Buddha beads and threw them to Jin Wanjin.

The latter immediately took it with a chrysanthemum-like smile on his face.

The faces of the two of Kong Zen changed, and they immediately looked at a few Calvary Heavenly Masters with a vigilant expression.

At first, they did not detect the aura of Calvary's strength.

But looking at Jin Wanjin and Centipede Zhixing in the Yuan Infant Realm, I guess that the strength of Calvary Heavenly Master should not be too strong.

But now it seems otherwise.

Empty dust clasped his hands together and said politely: "Amitabha Buddha, this benefactor, he was originally impulsive by his junior disciples, and I hope that the donor is not to blame." "

After what happened before, he was a little scared.

If a monster like Ye Xiaofan appeared again, then the matter would be a big deal.

"Don't blame? You're talking lightly. Jin Wanjin sneered: "Your actions just now have already lost the face of my eldest brother, so I want to apologize?" It's beautiful to think about.

Kong Chen's brows furrowed: "Then I wonder what this benefactor wants?"

Jin Wanjin rolled his eyes, stepped forward, and said with a big grin: "Thinking that you are a first-time offender, I will not embarrass you too much, as long as you hand over the storage ring and apologize again." When

the two heard this, their faces turned gloomy.

Such an excessive request is actually not embarrassing.

It makes perfect sense.

"It seems that this benefactor does not want to be good." Empty Dust's voice was cold: "In that case, let the poor monks come and learn a few masterstrokes." Although

he was a little afraid of meeting a freak like Ye Xiaofan again.

But in fact, he also knew in his heart that there was almost no pity for existence like the former.

If the other party's request is not excessive, forget it.

But the other party has bullied to the head, if he still does not resist, it will be too dense.

Seeing that the empty dust was about to make a move, Jin Wanjin hurriedly retreated behind Calvary Heavenly Master and pouted: "Brother, look at this bald donkey, he actually dares to make a move, this is completely not putting brother you in his eyes, you must teach him a little lesson."

Centipede Zhixing also followed: "Second brother is right, for the sake of brother's face, I must also teach this bald donkey a good lesson today." Listening

to the two demons one by one, the empty forehead was bruised, obviously angry to the extreme.

"Wicked beast, the poor monk will take your life today and wait for the dog."

His body emitted a dazzling Buddha light, and his eyes stared murderously at the two demons.

Sora Zen has a similar expression.

But before they could make a move, a great coercion suddenly came.

The two people only felt their bodies tremble, and then they couldn't move.

Calvary Heavenly Master's gaze looked at him and said lightly: "The two little Shami of the Convergence Realm also dare to commit murder in front of this seat?" The

two looked terrified, and a stunned look flashed in their eyes.

They never expected that the strength of this casual person would really surpass them.

And it's more than a little bit beyond.

At this moment, the two of them were both frightened and curious in their hearts.

They want to know, what's going on in the outside world?

When did so many masters emerge?

Could it be that Reiki has already been revived?

Or is it that other ancient forces have been born in advance.

But even so, what was in front of them still made them feel deeply puzzled.

In ancient times, there were indeed some forces that were stronger than their Wutai Mountain.

But that's not going to be much stronger.

Over the years, they have been self-styled in the void world, and other forces should be the same as their Wutai Mountain, many masters have sat in the river of years, leaving only some juniors.

But the Calvary Heavenly Master in front of them gave them an unfathomable feeling.

Even those ancestors who had already sat down did not give them such a terrifying feeling.

They really can't believe that there is such a existence in the outside world today.

And there is also a freak like Ye Xiaofan.

If the outside world is such a master, then what are they born for?

Looking for abuse?

Just when the thoughts in the hearts of the two were turning, Jin Wanjin flew over, slapped two slaps on the bald heads of the two, and said with a full face:

"Let you be arrogant, now you know how powerful."

Being slapped on the brain by a little demon in the Yuan Infant Realm, the two only felt that they had been humiliated.

Although they were angry, they were helpless, they couldn't even move, let alone others.

"Yo he, you still dare to stare at the emperor, believe it or not, I gouged your eyes."

Seeing the two staring at themselves, Jin Wanjin suddenly cursed and cursed, with a fierce expression on his face.

Centipede Zhixing flew over and spoke, "Second brother, okay, these two old monks also seem to be high-ranking monks, let's respect them to some extent."

As he spoke, he pulled off the storage ring on Kuzen's hand.

"That's what you mean by respect?"

Jin Wanjin looked disdainful, and then also pulled off the storage ring on the empty dusty hand.

The two were extremely painful, but they were powerless to stop it.

Jin Wanjin struck the heads of the two a few more times, and then looked at Calvary Heavenly Master and asked, "Brother, how do you think these two guys are going to deal with it?"

Calvary Heavenly Master waved his hand: "It's just two ants, ask about the situation here, and then let it go."

Jin Wanjin immediately looked at the two and said, "I didn't hear my brother's words, so quickly and honestly explain." Where

did the two dare to hesitate, and when they were about to roughly say the situation in the Void World.

Of course, they did not say anything about the evil monks.

It is only said that this is the world opened up by the ancestors of Wutai Mountain, and since the spiritual energy of the outside world has dried up, the ancestors of Wutai Mountain have self-proclaimed here.

Recently, I sensed the revival of the aura outside world, which opened up the Void World.

Halfway through speaking, Kong Chen's heart moved slightly, and he suddenly said: "This lord, not long ago, a fat Taoist priest came from the Little Leiyin Temple, he was extremely powerful, not only occupied the temple, but also robbed a lot of treasures, we were afraid of being affected, so we escaped from the temple." Hearing

these words, Calvary Heavenly Master and the two demons moved their expressions, and they all looked at the empty dust.


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