Jin Wanjin asked, "What you said is true?"

Kong Chen quickly nodded: "My lord, it is true, that fat Taoist priest has robbed me of countless treasures of the Buddha Sect, if several adults want to get the opportunity, they can go to the fat Taoist."

He sneered in his heart, as long as these guys believed, they would definitely have a conflict with Ye Xiaofan at that time.

That's when there was a good show.

Jin Wanjin's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he slapped on the empty brain, scolding and cursing: "You are a thief and a bald donkey, you actually want to calculate us, this emperor beat you to death." "

Just kidding, let them go and grab things with Ye Xiaofan, isn't it pure to find death?

As he spoke, his toad palm kept greeting the empty dust until the other party's head appeared Venus.

Sora Zen watched anxiously, but did not dare to make any sound, for fear that he would also be affected.

At this time, Calvary Heavenly Master opened his mouth and asked, "Why are you here?"

Empty Zen did not dare to hide it, and quickly explained: "Lord, according to the information handed down by the ancestors, the spiritual energy in the outside world was completely exhausted back then, and it was no longer suitable for cultivation, and the major forces could only seal themselves in the void world in order to inherit continuously.

Calvary Heavenly Master nodded and asked again, "Then do you know why the outside spiritual energy is exhausted?"

Kong Zen shook his head slightly, and then hesitated and said: "We don't know what the specific situation is, but according to some words in the ancient books, in ancient times, it seems that there was a tragic war, which injured the origin of this world, and since then, the aura has gradually dried up.

Calvary Heavenly Master bowed his head slightly, did not ask more, and waved his hand: "For the sake of an old friend of this seat, spare your life, hurry up." The

two were amnestied and quickly left the place.

Calvary Heavenly Master took the two demons to the Little Thunder Temple in the center.

On this side, Empty Dust and Empty Zen quickly left the Void World, and no longer dared to wander around in it.

I'm afraid of encountering another existence that can't be beaten.

Feeling the rich aura of heaven and earth in the outside world, the two couldn't be happy.

Kong Chan's face was bitter, "Senior brother, where are we going next?"

Kong Chen sighed and muttered slightly: "For the sake of safety, let's leave the east and go to other places to see, if you accidentally meet that senior again, it will be miserable."

Kuzen nodded, feeling that this made sense, and asked, "But where are we going?" Empty

dust looked at the west: "I heard that the ancient Tianzhu Dharma in the West is flourishing, let's go over and take a look."

Sora Chan's eyes lit up when he heard this.

At that moment, the two left the east and headed towards Gu Tianzhu, which is now the Peacock Empire.

In the Void World, Ye Xiaofan had had enough of the autumn breeze here in the Void Cloud, and then began to wait for the arrival of others.

Soon after, Ye Xiaoman, Calvary Heavenly Master and others arrived one after another.

When he saw Qin Feng, Kong Yun's eyes lit up, telling Ye Xiaofan that Qin Feng had a strong Buddha nature and was suitable for becoming a monk, and threw an olive branch to him.

In this regard, Qin Feng naturally refused.

What kind of joke, it is impossible for him to be a monk.

Later, while waiting, Ye Xiaofan asked some doubts in his heart.

For example, why the people of Wutai Mountain self-proclaimed themselves in the void world, such as why the aura was exhausted back then, and so on.

As a result, the answer was very different from what the two of them said.

In the ancient times, the planet seems to have had a shocking war.

The origin of this world is destroyed, so it will lead to the gradual exhaustion of the aura.

As for why it is recovering now?

According to the ancient records in Xiaoleiyin Temple, it seems that there are sages who have laid down a super array.

Secretly restore the origin of this world little by little.

But whether it is true or not, it is unknown?

After everyone gathered, Ye Xiaofan took the people to bid farewell to the group of monks and left this void world.

As for the other forces, they left long before that.

Because it has been isolated from the outside world, this void world is already very barren.

Coupled with the evil monk's deeds this time, Wutaishan suffered heavy losses.

Many of the treasures in the Little Lei Yin Temple were all given away by Ye Xiaofan.

The other forces could only leave sadly.

After all, they didn't have Ye Xiaofan's strength, and they didn't dare to make all kinds of excessive demands on Kong Yun.

On the day they left, Mount Wutai was fully born, and it was announced to the world that those who wanted to enter the Buddhist gate to practice could worship Mount Wutai.

And there is no racial restriction, whether it is humans or monsters, as long as they are devoted to the Buddha, they can worship Wutai Mountain.

But the premise is that after entering Mount Wutai, you must abide by the rules and precepts of Buddhism, and you must not kill at will, and you must not do whatever you want as before.

The advantage is that you can practice the Buddhist scriptures in Wutai Mountain.

In this regard, the official did not say anything, it seems to acquiesce to all this.

For a while, some people who had already believed in Buddhism tried to go to Mount Wutai and wanted to worship in it.

On the other side, Ye Xiaofan returned to Villa No. 1 with everyone and the demons.

As soon as I entered the villa, I smelled a faint smell of blood.

The big black dog fox said suspiciously: "Where did the bloody qi come from, could it be that someone came here when we weren't there?"

Its gaze swept around, and it suddenly froze in a vegetable field not far away.

There, a shiny furred lynx is gnawing on turnips.

This scene looks somewhat comical.

On its abdomen, the hair was dyed a large patch of red.

It seems to be injured.

It was from his body that the bloody gas emanated.

Other people and demons also saw this bobcat, and Ye Xiaoman was immediately furious: "Where is the wild cat, you actually dare to come to my house to steal turnips, see if I don't kill you today." The

girl rushed angrily towards the vegetable field.

These radishes are not ordinary radish, but a kind of excellent quality medicine.

The lynx was excited, immediately turned around, and when he saw Ye Xiaofan, a dodge bypassed Ye Xiaoman who rushed up, quickly came to Ye Xiaofan, crying and crying: "Adult, you have finally returned, I am looking for you so hard." Its

two front paws held Ye Xiaofan's calf, and it was crying.

When the people and demons next to them saw this scene, their expressions became strange.

Looking at this situation, it was as if Ye Xiaofan had done something indescribable to this cat demon.

There was no responsibility afterwards, and the other party came to the door.

Feeling the strange gazes around him, the corners of Ye Xiaofan's mouth twitched secretly, bent down to lift the lynx up, and said angrily: "I remember that you are the demon under Xiao Bai Ze, say, what is the matter with me?" The

lynx hurriedly said: "Sir, Lord Bai Ze is in trouble, you hurry over and save it."

Ye Xiaofan was a little surprised: "With Bai Ze's strength, who else can threaten it?"

Although he had not fought with Bai Ze, Ye Xiaofan could feel that the other party was the most powerful demon beast he had encountered so far.

Of course, the black moth that he ate does not count.

The lynx cried and chirped: "Sir, not long ago, a woman in red came from Kunlun Mountain, and her long name was beautiful. At

this point, his eyes lit up, and his mouth was about to drain.

Ye Xiaofan let go, and the lynx fell to the ground with a click.

"To the point."

The lynx wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and continued: "That woman is very powerful, she wanted to take Lord Bai Ze as a mount, but Lord Bai Ze refused, so she seriously injured Lord Bai Ze, and gave three days to consider, if she didn't agree, she would kill all the demon kings in Kunlun Mountain." When

the lynx said this, there was deep fear in his eyes.

"In order to save our lives, let's all ask Lord Bai Ze to ask you to make a move, but Lord Bai Ze just doesn't want to, so... So I sneaked over. The

lynx said here and secretly glanced at Ye Xiaofan.

It was also a little bottomless in its heart, after all, Bai Ze rejected Ye Xiaofan five times, and the other party might not necessarily make a move.

"Hehe, would you rather die unyielding, it's quite in line with Xiao Bai Ze's character."

The corners of Ye Xiaofan's mouth turned up slightly, he could probably understand why Bai Ze didn't come to beg him.

Because he also had the same idea as the woman in red, and wanted to take Bai Ze as a mount.

But with Bai Ze's arrogant nature, how could he be willing to be the mount of others.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiaofan smiled slightly and said, "In that case, then I will go with you to see which one does not open his eyes and dares to hit Xiao Bai Ze with his idea?" "


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