Ye Xiaofan stared at the woman in red with fire-breathing eyes.

Frightened, the bear's limbs trembled, and this was the first time it had seen its owner make such a big fire.

"Hmph, dead bald head, less bravado, look at the whip."

The woman in red snorted coldly, and the long whip in her hand was drawn out, heading straight for Ye Xiaofan.

"The carving insect trick also dares to get an axe."

Ye Xiaofan disdained to speak, raised his hand to grab the long whip, pulled it hard, snatched the long whip from the woman's hand on the spot, and then pulled the long whip into several sections with both hands.

Seeing this scene, the woman's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and then anger appeared on her face.

"Die bald, dare to destroy the weapon of this king, take your life."

The woman roared, and her slender palm slapped out.

In an instant, the wind and clouds surged, and a giant palm condensed by spiritual power appeared, heading straight for Ye Xiaofan.

The latter was not afraid at all, and slapped out, smashing the giant palm of Optimus on the spot.

Then he stepped towards the woman.

"Stinky woman, give me death."

He threw a punch, and in an instant, the fist exploded, drowning everything in front of him, and the space shattered like glass.

The woman's soul appeared, and at the moment of life and death, her body appeared, and it was a huge multicolored python.

At the moment before the arrival of the fist, its body emitted multicolored light.

With a squirming of his body, he opened his mouth and spit out a small multicolored snake, which quickly disappeared into the ground after landing.

At the moment when the little snake disappeared, the huge body of the colorful giant snake suddenly exploded, and it was bombarded into the cracked void crack by the terrifying fist, and finally disappeared without a trace.

When everything calmed down, a huge ravine appeared ahead, and nothing else remained.

The demon emperors next to them were dumbfounded.

This was the first time they had seen Ye Xiaofan's real shot.

I never expected that its strength was so terrifying.

The woman in red, who was unfathomable in their eyes, didn't even hold up a punch from the other party.

Because the previous fist overwhelmed everything, they did not know that the woman in red molted and fled at the last moment.

Ye Xiaofan withdrew his fist and snorted coldly: "Hmph, this is the end of provoking me."

Then, he looked at Bai Ze, and a smile appeared on his face again: "Little Bai Ze, that woman has been solved by me, how about it, should you thank me well."

Bai Ze stumbled to get up, and a magnetic male voice came out of his mouth: "Everything else is fine, but don't think about the mount."

Ye Xiaofan pouted, saying in his heart that this little guy was really stubborn.

"Hmph, one day I will accept you."

He snorted in his heart, then looked at the Red Snake Demon Emperor not far away and beckoned: "Come here." The

Red Snake Demon Emperor almost collapsed on the ground in fear, but for the sake of his life, he still forcibly endured his fear and stepped forward, stammering: "Former... Senior, there is... What are the commands?

Ye Xiaofan looked at it carefully, the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became, and frowned: "Where have I seen you?"

The Red Snake Demon Emperor quickly nodded: "Senior, small... The little demon is the little red snake in the Shu Mountains, and once burned a fire for your predecessors.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed abruptness, and he suddenly remembered the tool snake he used to have.

"It turned out to be you, I said it looked a little familiar."

When he thought of the tool snake, he felt a little hungry.

Immediately took out some ingredients from the storage ring, and then said to the Red Snake Demon Emperor: "It just so happens that you are here, come, borrow your fire and use it." Where

did the Red Snake Demon Emperor dare to hesitate, he immediately opened his mouth and spit out flames, once again acting as a tool snake.

Seeing this, the other demon emperors were speechless for a while.

The great demon of the Yuan Infant realm actually burns people here and roasts roasted meat.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have been hard to believe.


In a valley hundreds of kilometers away from the Kunlun Mountains, a small colorful snake emerged from the ground.

After a burst of colorful light, it turned into a woman in red again.

It's just that her face is pale at this time, and her breath is unstable.

Apparently not lightly injured.

She glanced in the direction of Kunlun Mountain, and there was deep jealousy in her eyes.

"Damn, how can that dead bald head be so strong!?"

The woman in front of her knew Ye Xiaofan.

That's right, it was one of the four ancient demons who escaped from the Demon Town Tower.

After leaving Shushan, the four teamed up to inquire about the outside world.

After sensing that there was no danger, they parted ways.

The woman in red came to Kunlun several times, and accidentally found the ancient divine beast Bai Ze, so she wanted to subdue the other party.

As a result, the other party refused to obey, so there was a series of things behind.

After seeing Ye Xiaofan earlier, although she was a little surprised, she didn't take it too seriously.

Although Ye Xiaofan had killed Hei Jiao at the beginning, Hei Jiao was only locked up at the bottom of the Demon Town Tower, and she didn't put it in her eyes at all.

It is guessed that Ye Xiaofan may have some strength, but it should not be too strong.

That's why I thought about tempting it.

Unexpectedly, he almost lost his life in Kunlun.

Finally, she took a deep look at Kunlun Mountain and muttered in a low voice, "It seems that this east can't stay any longer."

She set her sights to the west, ready to go there.


West, Mount Olympus.

At the call of Faxi, many Western ancient forces were born early.

At the moment in the main hall of the central main peak of Mount Olympus.

Faxi is waiting.

Next to him, a red-haired woman stood who asked, "Lord Jacksonie, are those guys really coming?"

Jackwest nodded: "Don't worry, they will come, because there are countless opportunities and treasures in the East, and now this kind of good opportunity, those greedy guys will not let go." Just

as his words fell.

The sky outside the palace suddenly darkened, and a large dark cloud rushed over the sky.

Countless bats flew out of it, and a dark and terrifying message swept in.

Jaxie looked perked up and whispered, "It's the old guy Wilson who is here."

Just as his words fell, the light in the palace suddenly dimmed, and then a pale-faced middle-aged man appeared out of thin air.

The middle-aged man looked at Faxi in his hand and smiled faintly: "Hehe, Jacksey, long time no see."

Jacksey nodded slightly, pointed to the chair next to him, and said with a smile: "The others haven't arrived yet, let's do it first."

Wilson's figure flashed, and he instantly arrived at the seat, then looked at the red-haired woman, stretched out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "The girl's blood is the most delicious, I want to taste it." The

red-haired woman trembled, only feeling as if she was being stared at by a demon, her face was a little pale, and her heart couldn't help but panic.

Jacksey said lightly: "Wilson, you old thing is a lot of age, don't scare the juniors as soon as you come up."

Wilson smiled, then withdrew his gaze.

The red-haired woman then felt that the sense of oppression on her body disappeared, but before she could breathe a sigh of relief, the wind suddenly roared outside, a large area of dark clouds appeared, and a cold and terrifying aura descended.

She looked out of the hall and wondered in her heart, who was coming this time?


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