In the dark clouds of black pressure, there was a screaming sound, like a ghost crying wolf howling.

Just listening to the sound makes people feel scared.

When the woman in red was curious, a dark wind suddenly rose out of thin air in the hall, and then a black-robed figure appeared.

His body was shrouded in black robes, and he wore a wide hood on top of his head, surrounded by a terrifying mist.

Under the hood, it turned out to be a skull.

The woman in red exclaimed in her heart, and instantly thought of the identity of the person who came.

The undead race from the underworld, also known as the Grim Reaper, is an extremely terrifying race.

Faxi smiled and said, "Taros, long time no see." The

black-robed man Talos nodded slightly, and then sat down opposite Wilson.

Wilson smiled and said, "Taros, I didn't expect that you old guy was still alive."

Talos said in a cold voice, "My undead clan has a much longer lifespan than your blood clan.

Wilson smiled and was noncommittal.

While the two were talking, there was a sudden howl of wolves outside the hall.

Several people's eyes looked outside, and they saw that at the end of the sky, a gray mist appeared, and in the haze were a pair of blood-red eyes.

The gray mist was fast, and it reached the top of the hall in a few blinks.

A terrifying wolf howl followed.

Then the gray mist squirmed and contracted, turning into a tall werewolf.

It flickered in the void and instantly reached the main hall.

"A few old guys, long time no see."

A rough voice resounded in the hall.

Jacksey said with a smile: "Axon, it's worthy of you, you are more than 1,000 years old, and your blood is still so vigorous."

Axon laughed loudly: "Of course, who called Lao Tzu is a great werewolf race." "

Beast, what's so proud."

Suddenly, a disdainful voice came from the sky.

Several people followed the sound and saw a white light suddenly appear.

One moment it was far away, and the next moment it was outside the temple.

The visitor was a beautiful blonde woman with a pair of white angel wings behind her.

Axon's eyes were not good: "Alice, there is a kind of again, see that Laozi tears you alive."

Alice's tone was cold: "Your werewolf clan is originally a beast with unretreated fur, can't you let people say." "

Stinky brat, you're looking for death."

Axon roared, and the figure suddenly disappeared from the place, and instantly arrived in front of Alice, and a large hand with sharp nails shot out.

Alice was still not afraid, her wings fluttered behind her back, and her figure instantly disappeared from the place.

When he reappeared, he was already behind Axen, and a snow-white long sword appeared in his hand.

The sword broke through the air and went straight to Axon's back.

Only listening to the sound, the long sword only left a shallow white mark on Axen's back, and even the skin could not be broken.

This shows how amazing its defense is.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Jacksey hurriedly persuaded: "Two, I didn't call you here to fight."

As the words fell, a powerful aura burst out.

The two of them stopped, and then they looked at each other unkindly, and then flew into the hall.

After the two sides sat down, Jacksey said in a deep voice: "Several, you must already know the matter, while those ancient monks in the east have not yet been born, let's join hands to go to the east to search for it first, what do you think?"

Wilson's first statement: "I agree, there must be many treasures from the ancient people of the East, especially the East Sea Dragon Clan, if we can find the legendary Dragon Palace, we will definitely harvest a lot."

Talos said lightly: "I have no opinion.

Axon also nodded: "This is a good idea, Lao Tzu has long wanted to go to the East to see."

Only Alice frowned slightly: "How can you be sure that there are no ancient monks in the East who were born in advance, if we collide in the past, I am afraid that the result will not be too good."

Axon sneered: "Hehe, are you afraid?

Alice said coldly: "This is not fear, but you need to anticipate various uncertainties in advance."

"You all know that that place is the true ancestral land of the Terran race, and there are countless powerful inheritances, so if we rush over, we may not necessarily get good."

When several people heard this, their eyes were thoughtful, and after Xu Yu, Jacksey asked: "What about your opinion?"

Alice mused, "We can find some more allies." Jacksey

shook his head slightly: "No, I have already tried, the seals set by other forces are very strong, and with the strength of me and others, I can't break the seal and notify them."

Axon said lightly: "What are you afraid of, just rely on us to join forces, even if there is an ancient cultivator over there who is born early, we can retreat with our whole body."

Talos also followed: "I think what Axon said is reasonable, with our four parties joining forces, as long as we don't encounter those top Daoists, we can retreat with our whole body."

Wilson also nodded in agreement: "That's right, if you don't seize this opportunity, wait for a while, you won't have a chance." Seeing

that several people said so, Alice thought about it and nodded slightly.

"Since you think there is no problem, you can also go over and take a look."

Jacksey nodded: "Okay, let's discuss it specifically, and then find a time to go." The

four nodded, and then began to draw up a detailed battle plan.

It took more than half an hour to deliberate, and several people discussed it.

Jacksey said, "Well, you guys will go back first, and in two days you will take people to meet at the sacred mountain of Olympus, and then set off for the east together."

Several people all nodded, Wilson's eyes showed longing, and he whispered: "I haven't tasted the blood of purebred races for a long time, and I must taste it this time."

Just as his words fell, a coquettish laughter suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Hehe, yes, I heard that vampire spirits are delicious, I don't know if it's true?"

The faces of several people changed, and Axon roared angrily: "Who? The

space ahead suddenly distorted, and then a woman in red appeared out of thin air.

Its body is graceful, its temperament is enchanting, and its body is full of mature and seductive atmosphere, like a ripe peach.

It was the woman in red who escaped from Ye Xiaofan's hands.

She came all the way to the west, and saw that the sacred mountain of Olympus was good, so she came here.

As soon as the results arrived, I heard the conversation of several people.

Several people in the store were like enemies, and Jackwest said in a deep voice: "Who is Your Excellency?"

There was a hint of jealousy in his voice, because the woman in front of him gave him a faint sense of oppression.

And he can't see the strength of the former.

There is only one possibility, the other party's strength far exceeds him.

The woman in red did not answer the rhetorical question: "I just listened to you outside, and I want to join forces to go to the east to search for treasures?"

Without waiting for Jacksey to answer, Axon took the lead and said, "So what? Why, do you want to stop us? "


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