In the center of the dragon's nest, a huge dragon skeleton is entrenched.

The snow-white keel emitted a hazy shimmer, and a terrifying coercion permeated from above.

It lies there like a majestic mountain.

Surrounded by thin clouds, it looks mysterious.

Standing in front of the huge dragon skeleton in front of him, the ichthyosaurus deeply felt its own insignificance.

It's like the difference between gravel and stars.

Then, its eyes carefully scanned the dragon skeleton in front of it.

After a moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he lost his voice: "Five... Five claws!?" The

dragon claws on the dragon skeleton in front of him suddenly had some five claws.

According to the coercion that permeated the dragon skeleton in front of him, it was likely to be a pure-blood dragon clan.

Only the pure-blood dragon family is worthy of being called a real dragon family, also called a true dragon.

Legend has it that the five-clawed true dragon is comparable to the immortals in the sky.

In other words, when the dragon skeleton in front of him was alive, its combat power was comparable to that of an immortal.

As soon as he thought of this, the fish dragon was excited, and quickly flew towards the dragon skeleton in front.

Only before and after it was near that it could clearly see that in the depths of the dragon skeleton, there was a faint golden light.

It gazed carefully and found that in the center of the dragon skeleton, there was a golden pond with a diameter of more than ten meters.

The golden pool water ripples, and a faint fragrance is permeated.

The ichthyosaurus only felt that the blood veins in its body were violently agitated, and the golden pond in front of it gave it a fatal attraction.

Its eyes were blood-red, and it rushed over desperately.

But as soon as he got close to the dragon skeleton, he was ejected by a terrifying coercion.

It slammed into the dragon's head, and it took a long time to get up.

The dragon skeleton suddenly shook, and then it emitted a dazzling golden light.

The golden light squirmed and condensed into a golden dragon.

The dragon phantom was hundreds of feet long, and there was an even more terrifying coercion on its body.

The ichthyosaurus stared blankly at the dragon phantom that suddenly appeared.

Because it was so shocking, I forgot to be afraid.

It wasn't until a majestic voice sounded that it came back from its shock.

"In the Yuan Infant Realm, you also dare to break into the Dragon Pool back and forth, you are not small. Hearing

the three words of Hualong Pond, Yuhualong was full of blood for a while, and his eyes showed a hot color.

Its greatest wish in this life is to evolve into a true dragon race.

It had also heard rumors about the Dragon Pool.

It is said that the Dragon Pond was refined by the blood of the ancestors of the dragon clan.

As long as you enter it, you can transform your bloodline and turn into a real dragon clan.

It forcibly suppressed the excitement in its heart, displayed the necessary skills of the bear's boldness, and bowed to the dragon phantom in front of it.

"Xiaolong has seen the senior, and he hopes that the senior will tell Xiaolong how to enter the dragon pool in front. The

dragon phantom said lightly: "It's very simple, challenge the honza and defeat the honza." Hearing

this, Yuhualong's face immediately became bitter.

With this bit of deeds, He De can defeat the master in front of him.

The other party is a five-clawed true dragon, even if it has been dead for an unknown number of years, it is by no means comparable to it.

As if seeing what it was thinking, the dragon phantom spoke again: "Don't worry, this seat will suppress its strength to the same realm as you."

Yuhualong's eyes lit up after hearing this, if so, there might be a slight chance.

But before it could get excited, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

"Remember, challenge failure, die. The

expression on the face of the fish dragon suddenly froze, and his face became gloomy.

The dragon phantom said lightly: "You can also choose to leave now, once the challenge starts, you can't stop." "

Yuhualong was a little hesitant in his heart, after all, there is no one who is not afraid of death.

Seeing its hesitation, the dragon phantom said lightly: "Give up, you can't win with your strength." The

fish dragon's face was slightly stiff, and there was a struggle in its eyes, but when it thought of its dream, and the Haikou that he had boasted about in front of Bai Susu, the struggle in its eyes disappeared, and then it rekindled its heat.

The dragon head was high, his eyes looked calmly at the dragon phantom, and his voice was firm: "Senior, I am willing to challenge." "


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